What's dumb about his idea? Why would you oppose somebody freely growing their own?
Reasonable question. I don't oppose people growing their own. I oppose any entity thinking they have the authority to prevent it or "regulate" it. Also, you used the term "freely" incorrectly. It's not "freely" if it is regulated.
Chesus proposed law is a step sideways and does not address the root problem of prohibition. The root problem is Prohibition advances the wrongful idea that we, as individuals do not own ourselves. I DO own myself though, so do you.
There is NO higher authority over me, (or you) than us as respective individuals as long as we leave others alone. Prohibition steals self ownership, blatantly. You don't solve that problem and regain self ownership by being granted "permission" , that is absurd.
A default position that "permission" must be granted by government to people in order to use cannabis is a step down the slippery slope. It continues a precedent that "rights" can be changed to revokable privileges.
Cannabis should be decriminalized, period.
No limits, no strings, no taxes, no nannys...Government should stay the fuck out of peoples lives.