Well-Known Member
Ok, I get it, you want your world to be some sort of place where everybody does right by everybody else in a non-coercive way. Nice.Yes, it's sort of like giving slaves a shorter work day or a few less beatings. It does nothing to remove the fact they are STILL slaves though.
The right to grow, possess, trade in and consume ANYTHING, does not come from government. They are an intrusion and by "regulating" cannabis, they are simply looking to profit from something you already have the right to do without them.
Proposals that include prohibitions on amounts, trade etc. are just there to generate revenue for Massa and designed to create and continue more unneeded bureaucracy and give cops, jailers, prosecutors, judges, parole officers, "drug" counselors, etc. something to do. Yo get to pay for all of it too. They also serve as reinforcement to the erroneous idea that rights are revokable privileges from government.
By accepting some kind of hairbrained "compromise" we not only acquiesce to the idea that THEY set the rules over us, we help to forge our own chains in all future things, which aren't marijuana related where our peaceable behavior can be "regulated" for no other reason than "they" say so.
The default position should be freedom, not "permission" with a bunch of unnecessary limits, and penalties for disobeying.
Happy to know you, Rob. I'd be glad to stop by and have a beer or whatever with you.
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