Legal to grow and possess illegal to sell

You've been a good sport about my teasing you little fella.

I've had a few bikes over the years too. Survived a totaled bike hit by a truck 35 years ago. When the truck hit it launched me (luckily) before trashing the bike. I landed hard, but was walking again in about six weeks.
I lost the tops of three fingers and the tip of another on a V65 sabre in boston in 1984

BTW a sabre is not a small bike. It's rather tall at over 32 inches
I lost the tops of three fingers and the tip of another on a V65 sabre in boston in 1984

BTW a sabre is not a small bike. It's rather tall at over 32 inches

Yes, they are fast too, which you probably found out. Never had one though. Now you got me thinking about all the bikes I've had...

Waaay back, I had a Honda SL 350 for trail riding mostly.

Had a couple of old school 1970s Suzukis, a 750 and a 1000. Had a Yamaha 1100 for a short while too, but preferred the Suzuki handling. Had an early 70s 650 Yamaha twin in the 70s when they were considered "big bikes". Last few bikes were bigger V-twins, a K model BMW and a handful of on/off road type bikes for putting around on trails.

Can't ride now (or shouldn't)...bad hips. I hung it up when it became unsafe for me to ride. Self imposed prohibition, lol.
You've been a good sport about my teasing you little fella.

I've had a few bikes over the years too. Survived a totaled bike hit by a truck 35 years ago. When the truck hit it launched me (luckily) before trashing the bike. I landed hard, but was walking again in about six weeks.

LOL!!! Every biker has a story about being nearly killed... Well, except for all the dead ones.... :P
We should try your legal to grow illegal to sell idea with something else like Tobacco first. I am sure it would be a big hit!!!!

Keep those damn corporations out of your cigarettes!!