Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

They will try to get to your roots in any way possible. Try putting your pots in larger containers and covering the holes with an inch of soil. Sticky traps work great at catching the adults.
Man just had some Thai haze landrace "supposedly" last night holy shit that is some good stuff I Really want to smoke some of that Beautiful landrace Sativa you've got! Soon... Soon...
Nice... Do you have a cure picture? How's the high? Breeder? Yeah man we need to hold on to the heirlooms landraces and Heritage breeds.!
I'll have to take one later when I'm at home. It's, interesting that's for sure. It's calming and centering, definitely an indica, sans the stone. Starts out like a pure sativa with nothing but mental effects and then the calmness creeps in. The taste has changed from sweet cream, to just sweet, to black pepper, and now back to sweet. My girl and I can't figure out why the taste has been changing so much, but we love it regardless. It's good midday smoke or night smoke if you're planning to stay up and be attentive to something. It isn't terribly potent but it seems to have a good ratio for medicinal benefits. I got the seeds from Ace
Ok this might come off as a stupid question but I'm just starting off to grow full organic recycled soil, but my question is that when you harvest a plant and you reuse that soil are you guys removing most of the roots in it as possible or are you just leaving the smaller ones in there that ripped off from the root ball? I've been trying to find a answer on google but no rea answers yet thought I'd post on here and see what you guys have to say. I love the idea of recycling soil and composing which I've already start to do to mix into my recycles soil too.
Ok this might come off as a stupid question but I'm just starting off to grow full organic recycled soil, but my question is that when you harvest a plant and you reuse that soil are you guys removing most of the roots in it as possible or are you just leaving the smaller ones in there that ripped off from the root ball? I've been trying to find a answer on google but no rea answers yet thought I'd post on here and see what you guys have to say. I love the idea of recycling soil and composing which I've already start to do to mix into my recycles soil too.

Cut ready to harvest plant off at the base (in line with the soil) and feed soil with a high enzyme substance to get the wheelz in motion and start the breaking down process . (seed sprout tea, coconut water, diastatic malt or any other organic enzyme) I like to rest my soil for a couple of weekz while i re amend by wayz of top dressing, and re-igniting my microbes with numerous teas to freshen the party...

I then plant my clone in the soil...and away we go... (i keep up my seed sprout teaz every week (combo of barley, mung and alfalfa seedz) and if im low on time....diastatic malt.

Still a lot of nutrientz stored in those breaking down rootz..

Hoped that helped.. :)
Ok cool thanks a lot guys seems simple enough I'll just no till and put what you said when I water. What do you mean by cover crop, like for top dressing when the plant needs it? One more question too, how are you guys keeping the fungus gnats away or at least controlled cuz right not my veg tent has a lot of them I've been trying a few diff things seems to be helping some but I didn't know if you guy had a good way to get rid of them. Sorry for all the stupid questions.
Mosquito dunks, and have crab meal, neem seed meal, and something else in your soil... forget.

But big shout to stow for telling me minimal problems since, and when I do, I dunk.
Do you just add the dunks to your water before watering your plants? I've never thought about doing that too and will if that's the case cuz I've used the crush up bits and they seemed to work good I just can't find those any where, where I live but I never thought about just buying the dunks and putting a piece of one in 2 gallons of water than water my girls.
I'm battling FG too. Yellow sticky cards and dunks. I crumbled one up in a 5 gallon bucket of water. Then add a solo cup of that to my 2 gallon water can. Hopefully it'll knock em out. It's always something.
When I had a fungas gnat problem I'd take two or three dunks, crumble into a five gallon bucket, bubble for 24 hours, then soaked my planters. I also topdressed with some of the dry crumbled dunks too. Now I just use neem/karanja meal from bas and some vermicompost as a top dress if I see any.
I'm battling FG too. Yellow sticky cards and dunks. I crumbled one up in a 5 gallon bucket of water. Then add a solo cup of that to my 2 gallon water can. Hopefully it'll knock em out. It's always something.

This might not seem like the best idea at first but try investing in carnivorous plants! The one for fungus gnats that is very effective is cape sundew. 2 stopped an infestation at my house. Your welcome :)
The gnats came with some compost I bought. My pile just won't take off. I'll definitely follow up with the top dressing advice though.
I'm having the same problem with my compost. I think i have too much "brown" material and not enough "green". I can tell its breaking down by the size of the pile but the heat isnt there like it should be. I'm gonna turn it, add some grass clippings and see what happens.