can people of color be racist?

didn't i ever tell you guys about one of my sociological experiments involving 2 black men at the gas station.

i surveyed them and asked 'how racist are you?'..remember?

Do you have video of your experiments with two black men? I think you could make a few bucks on the internet if you did.
I wonder how a nobody, assistant professor of black studies got this much attention? What would her "solution" be for the problem of white males?

I wonder what the repercussions would be if a white assistant professor had tweeted these things about black males, or females?

“White masculinity isn’t a problem for america’s colleges, white masculinity is THE problem for america’s colleges,”

“Why is white America so reluctant to identify white college males as a problem population?” she asked.

“Deal with your white sh*t, white people. slavery is a *YALL* thing,” she said.
Agreed, if a white professor said the same thing about the tiny population of black or latino students it would be ludicrous. Would this professor make national news? Not Fox, that's for sure.

I don't wonder how a nobody assistant professor got this much attention. I wonder how a white male junior undergrad that isn't even in her class got so much attention.

Within the huge population of white males there are a lot of issues to contend with. I don't know what issue she was talking about do you?
try reading my statement again. Never said you said racism started in America. The "only perfected in America" is the idiotic biased statement I was referring to. Once again, you argue with what I didn't say. But what else should we expect from a liar.?

Poor baby. Is your ass still burning from the last ass whipping you got? Can't even begin to compete in a debate, so reduced to shouting insults from the sidelines.
I wasn't talking to you. Also, debating is not in your skill set.
I wonder how a nobody, assistant professor of black studies got this much attention? What would her "solution" be for the problem of white males?

I wonder what the repercussions would be if a white assistant professor had tweeted these things about black males, or females?

“White masculinity isn’t a problem for america’s colleges, white masculinity is THE problem for america’s colleges,”

“Why is white America so reluctant to identify white college males as a problem population?” she asked.

“Deal with your white sh*t, white people. slavery is a *YALL* thing,” she said.

how is any of that racist and why d you invent delusions of persecution towards white males?
Agreed, if a white professor said the same thing about the tiny population of black or latino students it would be ludicrous. Would this professor make national news? Not Fox, that's for sure.

I don't wonder how a nobody assistant professor got this much attention. I wonder how a white male junior undergrad that isn't even in her class got so much attention.

Within the huge population of white males there are a lot of issues to contend with. I don't know what issue she was talking about do you?

Yes. White and male. You are the problem. She probably has a solution.

Oh well, I thought you were better this. Fail
Ok, @desert dude I didn't want to say more with the image of about the worst human being within living memory next to my avatar. Hitler was a member of a majority who devised a political strategy that exploited a vulnerable minority with terrible consequences. The issue with the black professor is that she said inflammatory things about a male majority power base. I don't know the context of her statement but I do know that the white male student population dwarfs any dark skinned population male or otherwise. This may have been wrong. If so, use facts to point it out to me and I'll back off. The truth is more important to me than any other argument. However, posting Hitler on this issue miscasts the discussion into one of black people committing genocide on the white majority. How on earth you got there is beyond me. I think you are an intelligent person. Maybe you are high or had a few? I've said or done dumb things when I've been in the same condition.
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School books ain't written in stone their is a lot of shit they left out or downright lied about, did they teach you that we would have never sailed to the Americas for many many years if their was no hemp? Hell no, it don't fit in their current agenda they don't burn books just replace them.

Now I'm not sure about slaves but their damn sure where Irish indentured servants which are pretty much slaves, sure some Irish where free men working the railroads and doing all kinds of shit work, Dead Rabbits in NYC etc.

Also they claim the Civil War was all about slavery but their was a bit more to the story sure slavery was a big reason but not the only. Look at us now you work at any minimum wage job your damn near a slave you can't raise a family you need foodstamps and all just to barely survive on minimum wage your not eating rib-eye steak or drinking good alcohol, not taking the family to Disney World (or Land for you west coasters) lol.

But give it 20+ years we will all be fucked them fools already got AI some robots eventually they will take our jobs slowly makes you almost wish weeds never legal get a crew of robots to copy the best growers where fucked. lol Them things will work, work, and work more than any human 24/7 hopefully they can never build a real good robot but yeah, after seeing some military shit makes you wonder, the fuck they got in Area 51 and shit? All we can hope for is the fall of the empire but fuck it I'll probably be dead before it gets really bad. :bigjoint:
I know the Sr-71 was tested at area 51, but I've heard stories from guys who were posted there about some crazy shit, borderline society crumbling things. I also heard that there is a town in Arizona composed of people who have lost their minds while working there, but I am not sure if it's true, or just some stuff older guys were telling us just to mess around. To stay on thread topic, I was called a "timber nigger" several times in South Dakota.
didn't i ever tell you guys about one of my sociological experiments involving 2 black men at the gas station.

i surveyed them and asked 'how racist are you?'..remember?

If you had smoked some marijuana just minutes before, you would have wanted to dance with them.
maybe if white males would stop taking drugs and raping women in epidemic proportions, we wouldn't need to point out all the problems prevalent in white male culture.

More potty training is another key factor in the continued evolution of the grotesque white male
Ok, @desert dude I didn't want to say more with the image of about the worst human being within living memory next to my avatar. Hitler was a member of a majority who devised a political strategy that exploited a vulnerable minority with terrible consequences. The issue with the black professor is that she said inflammatory things about a male majority power base. I don't know the context of her statement but I do know that the white male student population dwarfs any dark skinned population male or otherwise. This may have been wrong. If so, use facts to point it out to me and I'll back off. The truth is more important to me than any other argument. However, posting Hitler on this issue miscasts the discussion into one of black people committing genocide on the white majority. How on earth you got there is beyond me. I think you are an intelligent person. Maybe you are high or had a few? I've said or done dumb things when I've been in the same condition.

1. I said "SHE has a solution", so I am not miscasting the discussion into one of black PEOPLE. I doubt most black people believe such tripe.

2. If it is wrong for a white person in power to be obviously and publicly racist, then it is wrong for a black person to be so. To have a double standard is to have no standard. The only conclusion to be drawn is that racism is embraced by Boston university, and by most American universities and is a plank in the progressive platform. Tribalism is no way to have a civil society.

3. You keep asking about the context of her statement. I can't think of a context that would make her public statements acceptable. Can you? If she has the balls to say such things in public, one can only imagine the conversations that go on in the Black Studies Department at BU.

4. What does it matter that the white male population dwarfs other populations? Just for the record, the claim is incorrect, women are the clear majority on college campuses, but again, that is irrelevant.

5. I doubt this racist black woman would actually take her hatred to the extreme that Hitler did, but such thinking underpins that sort of behavior, and the poster is funny.
Ok, @desert dude I didn't want to say more with the image of about the worst human being within living memory next to my avatar. Hitler was a member of a majority who devised a political strategy that exploited a vulnerable minority with terrible consequences. The issue with the black professor is that she said inflammatory things about a male majority power base. I don't know the context of her statement but I do know that the white male student population dwarfs any dark skinned population male or otherwise. This may have been wrong. If so, use facts to point it out to me and I'll back off. The truth is more important to me than any other argument. However, posting Hitler on this issue miscasts the discussion into one of black people committing genocide on the white majority. How on earth you got there is beyond me. I think you are an intelligent person. Maybe you are high or had a few? I've said or done dumb things when I've been in the same condition.

1. I said "SHE has a solution", ...and the poster is funny.
Edit: the text of your message is found below
Alright, now we are getting somewhere. The following is a list your points and my responses in blue text to each.

1. I said "SHE has a solution", so I am not miscasting the discussion into one of black PEOPLE. I doubt most black people believe such tripe. OK, if you say so, I'm willing to move on from this point if you are.

2. If it is wrong for a white person in power to be obviously and publicly racist, then it is wrong for a black person to be so. To have a double standard is to have no standard. The only conclusion to be drawn is that racism is embraced by Boston university, and by most American universities and is a plank in the progressive platform. Tribalism is no way to have a civil society. Your knickers are in a twist because a black woman called out the white establishment presumably regarding the behavior of young white men. If she was speaking truth then its not racist. Which brings us to the third point.

3. You keep asking about the context of her statement. I can't think of a context that would make her public statements acceptable. Can you? If she has the balls to say such things in public, one can only imagine the conversations that go on in the Black Studies Department at BU. This is more about you than her. You are in a tizzy about a quotation that got a third year undergrad white boy upset. This then got lots of press. Why? You don't ask. You don't know the context of what she said and your aren't going to look it up. I'm not going to because I'm not going to do your homework for you. If you want to get mad, OK then it 's your right do so but without knowing what was actually said, your anger is not justified.

I say that you are a coward for not looking it up and showing me that I'm wrong based upon the facts and context of her statement. Instead you blather on in ignorance. Your refusal to check facts is a pattern that I see in other people of your persuasion. None of them ask follow-up questions and test assumptions. Instead, they just launch off into what they think without corroborating their sources.

By the way, I checked into Thomas Sowell and read some of his essays. In the one essay that I checked his claims, I found him to be false. He is very simple to follow unfortunately, he misleading. The essay that I'm referring to is this one:

One of the reasons I think he oversimplifies can be found here:

4. What does it matter that the white male population dwarfs other populations? Just for the record, the claim is incorrect, women are the clear majority on college campuses, but again, that is irrelevant. First off, check the text in my posting. I said ".the white male student population dwarfs any dark skinned population male or otherwise". Now to the important point. The white male population is involved with many issues on campus, drunkenness, rape, racial incidents, plagiarism, cheating and so forth.. Not knowing what she was talking about, I don't know which one. What I do know is that there is strength in numbers and some really bad behavior can be reinforced within a large group. Its up to people within that group to call out and correct misbehavior. In reality, that is the only solution to some of these problems. Large population, some bad actors, its time for this group to step and become a part of the solution.

5. I doubt this racist black woman would actually take her hatred to the extreme that Hitler did, but such thinking underpins that sort of behavior, and the poster is funny. I don't know if she has hatred, all I know is what a third year undergrad white boy said. You assume she has hatred and you aren't checking your facts. Regarding your thoughts on the poster: That poster was a meme. I don't know what your meme for Hitler and gassing people is and how that is funny. I saw holocaust and nothing funny. .

In any case, thanks for the reply and giving your thoughts on this. I am overstating some things to make a point but I also think that you are one of the few people of your persuasion that actually takes the time to say what they mean. I do appreciate that.
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What I said to another person is true. If I hurt your feelings, I apologize.
Insisting an insult is true belies your apology. Pretending you have achieved your goal of hurting my feelings while apologizing for it is delusional and passive-agressive. I guess you've given up the debate entirerly.
Insisting an insult is true belies your apology. Pretending you have achieved your goal of hurting my feelings while apologizing for it is delusional and passive-agressive. I guess you've given up the debate entirerly.
Give it up Red, I'm not interested in talking to you. I find you occasionally funny and don't want to put you on ignore but you and I have nothing to say to each other.

And by the way you are the only true and to the bone racist that I've met on RIU thus far. If you want to debate that, well, pound sand.
Give it up Red, I'm not interested in talking to you. I find you occasionally funny and don't want to put you on ignore but you and I have nothing to say to each other.

And by the way you are the only true and to the bone racist that I've met on RIU thus far. If you want to debate that, well, pound sand.
Yet you reply to every single post I make. You will reply to this one, also. The tactic of accusing anyone pointing out the idiocy of your statements a "racist" is viewed as childish by anyone other than those poor fools who can achieve no more.