can people of color be racist?

i've never seen racerboy ever express anything remotely hateful before. dot head is his shorthand for "brown skinned person of middle eastern descent, possibly indian or pakistani or even possibly middle eastern origin". nigger is more precise: black skinned.

dothead is a racial slur
buck was sucking up to racerboy (mod) covering up his racism because buck holds no genuine convictions
not a single shred of integrity

In no way did UB use the term, "dot head" as a racial slur as you allude to. So yes, you lied, or at the very least overly embellished.

@racerboy71 is about as racist as you are intelligent. you klansmen most likely took what racer said out of context.
In no way did UB use the term, "dot head" as a racial slur as you allude to. So yes, you lied, or at the very least overly embellished.

racerboy is about as racist as you are intelligent. you klansmen most likely took what racer said out of context.

UB was sucking up to mods covering up racist slurs , anyone can see that
In no way did UB use the term, "dot head" as a racial slur as you allude to. So yes, you lied, or at the very least overly embellished.

@racerboy71 is about as racist as you are intelligent. you klansmen most likely took what racer said out of context.

here is racerboy's full quote.

there was a time many moons ago carne where young teen aged kids would get a job pumping gas at the local gas stations.. a friend of mine from high school used to pump gas at the local gas station years ago, not to mention pretty much every older member of my family including my dad and uncles et al, but anymore, the only people who work at a gas station whether it be pumping gas or running it, are dot heads.. not sure on nationality, which is why i just lump them all into the dot head category..

that's the worst thing i've ever seen him say and there has never been any hint that he is racist besides this. so i conclude insensitivity.
no different than using the word "nigger" to describe a black person

nigger is the most offensive word in the english language.

now you're trying to compare indentured servants to american slaves again.

just give it up and try to spread your white supremacy rhetoric elsewhere.
here is racerboy's full quote.

that's the worst thing i've ever seen him say and there has never been any hint that he is racist besides this. so i conclude insensitivity.

hmm, yea, that was pretty insensitive. borderline racist. however, knowing @racerboy71, he spoke out of frustration not deep rooted sentiment.
So you are attempting to make the claim that if a black man is referred to as a nigger he suffers more
than an Indian man who is referred to as
dot head

sorry if facts upset you, liar boy.

but nigger is more offensive than dothead.
i'm just going by the people who write the dictionaries, dumbass.

how much credibility should i grant to a proven liar like you who just got caught lying?

You were caught denying your racism again
how many Indian gentlemen have you referred to as "dothead" recently ?

its a shame you do not take your definition of racism from the dictionary