Baltimore Officers Charged

So racially and racist are the same thing?

I thought someone had to believe a race was superior/inferior to be called racist. You're saying the simple fact of prejudice unrelated to race qualifies as racism if different races are involved?

You're not bright enough to carry on a reasoned conversation.

If you're unfamiliar with the term, "racially motivated", I suggest you internet some more bro. You're going to need it.
It appears one officer charged with murder, Caesar Goodson, the driver of the van, who is black. Others charged with manslaughter and assault.

It was a political move to quell the unrest. There is still no evidence. The "investigation" came too quickly. It is suspicious but it will all come out in the wash.

People are quick to rush to judgment, witness the black thugs trashing/shitting in their mess cans, destroying their brothers' businesses.

Question remains, on the first night of rioting (they knew this was coming) why did the Mayor order the cops to stand down and to not wear proper protective gear which resulted in many cops being injured, looting and such? Like Mayor Guillani said, you arrest the first one who throws a rock or commits and unlawful act before it gets out of hand. There is no excuse for such lawlessness.

And as usual, Sharpton never misses a chance to race bait and incite.

Stupid is as stupid does.
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It was a political move to quell the unrest. There is still no evidence. The "investigation" came too quickly. It is suspicious but it will all come out in the wash.

People are quick to rush to judgment, witness the black thugs trashing/shitting in their mess cans, destroying their brothers' businesses.

Question remains, on the first night of rioting (they knew this was coming) why did the Mayor order the cops to stand down and to not wear proper protective gear which resulted in many cops being injured, looting and such? Like Mayor Guillani said, you arrest the first one who throws a rock or commits and unlawful act before it gets out of hand. There is no excuse for such lawlessness.

And as usual, Sharpton never misses a chance to race bait and incite.

Stupid is as stupid does.

I agree it was a political move, but that doesn't mean the man was or wasn't murdered.

Cops do fuck with black people. That is a given and hard to dismiss. They also fuck with poor whites and anybody else they deem as a threat to the system they protect. Cops are after all, mercenaries, bereft for the most part of any ability to act on their conscience. Like the gorillas in the Planet of the Apes.

I agree that rioting and destroying property of people that didn't have anything to do with the death doesn't make sense and will not solve the problem. Neither will curfews or an increased police response / crackdown. Those are symptoms of the problem.

Mayor Guiliani ? Now, that is funny. Sharpton is a caricature and a different brand of idiot from Guliani, but an idiot neverheless.
Mayor Guiliani ? Now, that is funny.

No, that's leadership. The crime rate dropped like a rock under Guillani. He led the people during the aftermath of 9/11. I have the utmost respect for his wisdom, judgement, and choices.

See my new thread about why Baltimore and the rest of the urban shitholes (Detroit, Philadelphia, St. Louis, Atlanta, Cleveland) are in the mess they're in. It's due mainly because of black progressive leadership that's corrupt and incompetent.
When it happens be sure and come here and tell us about it.
Nice to be lucky I guess.

Has nothing to do with "luck". If you behave yourself, cooperate, you won't get hurt. You guys that get roughed up by the police have it coming. Keep your smart ass mouth shut and do what the officer tells you to do.
No, that's leadership. The crime rate dropped like a rock under Guillani. He led the people during the aftermath of 9/11. I have the utmost respect for his wisdom, judgement, and choices.

See my new thread about why Baltimore and the rest of the urban shitholes (Detroit, Philadelphia, St. Louis, Atlanta, Cleveland) are in the mess they're in. It's due mainly because of black progressive leadership that's corrupt and incompetent.

I have the utmost respect for your ability to grow plants. I think we disagree some on Mayor Guliani, actually we disagree quite a bit on him.

I don't disagree that the root cause of many problems in cities is founded in government. The nature of government is incompetent and corrupt.
Has nothing to do with "luck". If you behave yourself, cooperate, you won't get hurt. You guys that get roughed up by the police have it coming. Keep your smart ass mouth shut and do what the officer tells you to do.
You mean LIKE THIS...

i will say once again, when it happens to you, be sure and come back here and tell us all about it.
Has nothing to do with "luck". If you behave yourself, cooperate, you won't get hurt. You guys that get roughed up by the police have it coming. Keep your smart ass mouth shut and do what the officer tells you to do.

I think when you say "cooperate", you really mean "comply in an obedient fashion".

Cooperation is usually mutual and free from threats, compliance usually isn't.
And as usual, Sharpton never misses a chance to race bait and incite.

Stupid is as stupid does.

i didn't know your name was sharpton, i thought it was uncle benis!





It's due mainly because of black progressive leadership that's corrupt and incompetent.

then what the fuck is up with republican utopias like kentucky ranking dead last in quality of life, while maryland ranks way up high in terms of quality of life?