Jesus Christ, is everyone a victim to you? "get a woman addicted to drugs"? You mean supply her with the drugs SHE WANTS? She could say NO to the drugs. She could say NO to the beating. She could say NO to the sex. Also seems you think only women can be exploited. Do you think men cannot be exploited? Again, everyone has a choice. Pretty sure THEY went to the industry asking to be famous. I knew a girl that did torture porn. She had a master's degree from a large university. She loved it!! And she got paid.
You ever been to a strip club? You think someone in their church parking lot asked those girls to help them get a chair into their van, and BOOM they wake up on stage, in a hot little plaid panty/bra, in 6 inch heels, with cute braids on either side of their head, and a lolly pop in their mouths? You think they are kept in cages in the back, like the zoo?