Where is that oil from Keystone going?


Well-Known Member
McConnell’s early legislative agenda remains unclear, considering he has declined to say publicly what will follow his Keystone initiative.
However, Illinois GOP Sen. Mark Kirk told Fox News on Sunday that McConnell has indicted “the second big vote” will be on more sanctions on Iran for failing to reach a deal with the United States and other Western nations on slowing its nuclear-enrichment program toward the apparent pursuit of a nuclear weapon.
“So I would expect that coming up,” Kirk said.
Completing the pipeline -- which would deliver crude oil from Canada and the American heartland to Gulf Coast refineries -- has for Republicans become as much a symbolic victory as a win for their political agenda of increasing jobs and domestic energy.
The refined oil would go the international market, not the United States, and the number of long-term, full-time jobs the project would create remains in dispute.
Keystone legislation languished under outgoing Democratic Majority Leader Harry Reid, until the waning days of the last Congress when he called a vote on the bill in a final attempt to help Louisiana Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu get re-elected.
McConnell’s early legislative agenda remains unclear, considering he has declined to say publicly what will follow his Keystone initiative.
However, Illinois GOP Sen. Mark Kirk told Fox News on Sunday that McConnell has indicted “the second big vote” will be on more sanctions on Iran for failing to reach a deal with the United States and other Western nations on slowing its nuclear-enrichment program toward the apparent pursuit of a nuclear weapon.
“So I would expect that coming up,” Kirk said.
Completing the pipeline -- which would deliver crude oil from Canada and the American heartland to Gulf Coast refineries -- has for Republicans become as much a symbolic victory as a win for their political agenda of increasing jobs and domestic energy.
The refined oil would go the international market, not the United States, and the number of long-term, full-time jobs the project would create remains in dispute.
Keystone legislation languished under outgoing Democratic Majority Leader Harry Reid, until the waning days of the last Congress when he called a vote on the bill in a final attempt to help Louisiana Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu get re-elected.

So what?

When did how private businesses are run become the decision of the federal government? If it doesnt create enough jobs then they can shitcan it?? That makes less than no sense. Well, unless you are for big government central planning. They decide what big projects get done in America, you know, for the good of the people... Freedom? Fuck that, Americans cant handle that...
So what?

When did how private businesses are run become the decision of the federal government? If it doesnt create enough jobs then they can shitcan it?? That makes less than no sense. Well, unless you are for big government central planning. They decide what big projects get done in America, you know, for the good of the people... Freedom? Fuck that, Americans cant handle that...
So energy is not a national security issue
and you dont mind paying extra money at the gas pump which translates into less money you have to pay for other goods and services?
Which in turn stregthens our economy leading to more jobs and prosperity?
So energy is not a national security issue
and you dont mind paying extra money at the gas pump which translates into less money you have to pay for other goods and services?
Which in turn stregthens our economy leading to more jobs and prosperity?

Only a moron could write such a paragraph. Did you have a stroke or something?

The oil is from Canada, not Keystone. Keystone is a pipeline not yet built. The oil that might flow through the pipe is now transported via rail and truck. It will be MUCH more environmentally safe to ship it via pipe.

Oil is fungible, hence more supply to any part of the world increases supply everywhere. Keystone will lower costs, and it will create jobs. Why do you progressives hate good paying jobs?
Only a moron could write such a paragraph. Did you have a stroke or something?

The oil is from Canada, not Keystone. Keystone is a pipeline not yet built. The oil that might flow through the pipe is now transported via rail and truck. It will be MUCH more environmentally safe to ship it via pipe.

Oil is fungible, hence more supply to any part of the world increases supply everywhere. Keystone will lower costs, and it will create jobs. Why do you progressives hate good paying jobs?
Actually most of that oil already goes thru a pipeline where it terminates in Oklahoma I believe, From there it is refined in the mid west and sold in the USA. We benefit by lower prices at the pump.
You do realize Keystone is actually a extension of a pipeline already in existance? Probably not. You are a totally stupid fucking Koch sucker

Correction. It terminates in Nebraska
Actually most of that oil already goes thru a pipeline where it terminates in Oklahoma I believe, From there it is refined in the mid west and sold in the USA. We benefit by lower prices at the pump.
You do realize Keystone is actually a extension of a pipeline already in existance? Probably not. You are a totally stupid fucking Koch sucker

Correction. It terminates in Nebraska

So, you admit to your idiocy. Keystone is a actually a PROPOSED extension of a pipeline.

Thanks for playing. You can pick up your toaster at the door.
You win?
Good for you


It's always fun to read a progressive's explanation of how increased supply of a commodity will result in higher prices.

The cherry on top is reading about the Democrats' hypocrisy on Keystone. They were agin it til they were for it, when one of their corrupt Louisiana senators might benefit from it. :-)

It's always fun to read a progressive's explanation of how increased supply of a commodity will result in higher prices.

The cherry on top is reading about the Democrats' hypocrisy on Keystone. They were agin it til they were for it, when one of their corrupt Louisiana senators might benefit from it. :-)
If Democrats were for it it would of passed.
What increase of commodity are you talking about? The increase in Oil sold to China?
McConnell’s early legislative agenda remains unclear, considering he has declined to say publicly what will follow his Keystone initiative.
However, Illinois GOP Sen. Mark Kirk told Fox News on Sunday that McConnell has indicted “the second big vote” will be on more sanctions on Iran for failing to reach a deal with the United States and other Western nations on slowing its nuclear-enrichment program toward the apparent pursuit of a nuclear weapon.
“So I would expect that coming up,” Kirk said.
Completing the pipeline -- which would deliver crude oil from Canada and the American heartland to Gulf Coast refineries -- has for Republicans become as much a symbolic victory as a win for their political agenda of increasing jobs and domestic energy.
The refined oil would go the international market, not the United States, and the number of long-term, full-time jobs the project would create remains in dispute.
Keystone legislation languished under outgoing Democratic Majority Leader Harry Reid, until the waning days of the last Congress when he called a vote on the bill in a final attempt to help Louisiana Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu get re-elected.

president has to sign it and he's not sold..which makes us "key" to the keystone..hey! what do you think those frenchies will give us?:wink:

It's always fun to read a progressive's explanation of how increased supply of a commodity will result in higher prices.

The cherry on top is reading about the Democrats' hypocrisy on Keystone. They were agin it til they were for it, when one of their corrupt Louisiana senators might benefit from it. :-)

just like people think that the keystone will assist the US in jobs and oil. neither of which is true.
just like people think that the keystone will assist the US in jobs and oil. neither of which is true.

LOL! Your whole statement is false.

A pipeline needs monitoring and maintenance and cannot be done over the internet so it would provide jobs. Maybe not alot of jobs but it would certainly provide jobs.

And if it didnt provide profit in some way then it wouldnt even be an issue. So, someone can make a decent profit off of it and jobs will be created.

Oil is fungible, it moves around for many reasons and considerations. If the government wasnt so nuts about regulation it might stay in this country but naah, we need 20+ different ethanol blends which are proven to fuck up the ecology more than solve it because there is a strong corn lobby in this country...
LOL! Your whole statement is false.

A pipeline needs monitoring and maintenance and cannot be done over the internet so it would provide jobs. Maybe not alot of jobs but it would certainly provide jobs.

And if it didnt provide profit in some way then it wouldnt even be an issue. So, someone can make a decent profit off of it and jobs will be created.

Oil is fungible, it moves around for many reasons and considerations. If the government wasnt so nuts about regulation it might stay in this country but naah, we need 20+ different ethanol blends which are proven to fuck up the ecology more than solve it because there is a strong corn lobby in this country...
Absolutly 35 permanent jobs is well worth a leak that would poison the fresh water used by millions of people everyday.
My god you nailed it
LOL! Your whole statement is false.

A pipeline needs monitoring and maintenance and cannot be done over the internet so it would provide jobs. Maybe not alot of jobs but it would certainly provide jobs.

And if it didnt provide profit in some way then it wouldnt even be an issue. So, someone can make a decent profit off of it and jobs will be created.

Oil is fungible, it moves around for many reasons and considerations. If the government wasnt so nuts about regulation it might stay in this country but naah, we need 20+ different ethanol blends which are proven to fuck up the ecology more than solve it because there is a strong corn lobby in this country...

so you're okay with it running through your backyard? insert addy here----->
So what?

When did how private businesses are run become the decision of the federal government? If it doesnt create enough jobs then they can shitcan it?? That makes less than no sense. Well, unless you are for big government central planning. They decide what big projects get done in America, you know, for the good of the people... Freedom? Fuck that, Americans cant handle that...
I think we should build a toxic waste dump a block from your house.
And fuck all those intrusive goverment regulations.
McConnell’s early legislative agenda remains unclear, considering he has declined to say publicly what will follow his Keystone initiative.
However, Illinois GOP Sen. Mark Kirk told Fox News on Sunday that McConnell has indicted “the second big vote” will be on more sanctions on Iran for failing to reach a deal with the United States and other Western nations on slowing its nuclear-enrichment program toward the apparent pursuit of a nuclear weapon.
“So I would expect that coming up,” Kirk said.
Completing the pipeline -- which would deliver crude oil from Canada and the American heartland to Gulf Coast refineries -- has for Republicans become as much a symbolic victory as a win for their political agenda of increasing jobs and domestic energy.
The refined oil would go the international market, not the United States, and the number of long-term, full-time jobs the project would create remains in dispute.
Keystone legislation languished under outgoing Democratic Majority Leader Harry Reid, until the waning days of the last Congress when he called a vote on the bill in a final attempt to help Louisiana Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu get re-elected.
Repub. leadership gives lip service to actually running the country every new congress.Promise the moon. What they lead with last time were 3 anti-abortion bills ( according to NBC.) which were obviously not going anywhere. O' Bama won't sign keystone he realizes that no one (read China) needs the toxic tar sands oil with the world awash in fracking oil and gas He may sign it in 18 mos. or so to take it off table for Hillary. Iran bill could actually get signed into law, a day late and dollar short. Sanctions could pinch but the oil glut is the crushing factor in Iran's future. I speculate congress will look like: 1, Keystone, veto, 2, thru adnauseam,every anti abortion bill that can be dreamed of,sprinkled generously with kill O'bamacare votes, going nowhere. ( courts could kill it tho). Next Iran vote, enacted, a cheap date and mostly pyric victory.Later 1 or more immigration bills that can't be signed, This issue will be saved to stoke the electorate of both parties. Finally a shot at tax reform, maybe something around the edges, but not much else, no toe stepping leading up to a pres. election. After that, what?
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If Democrats were for it it would of passed.
What increase of commodity are you talking about? The increase in Oil sold to China?
China already owns the oil. They started buying vast tar sand area mineral rights in Canada as soon as there was a hint that tar sands oil could be recovered.and the early bird bought it dirt cheap.
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