Where is that oil from Keystone going?

They can always build a pipeline to the west on their own. They can go to either of their costs for that matter. Do they really sell at below market rates or did you just assume they did?
Yes they sell it below the market rate.
And I say let Canada build to the west
You missed an opportunity to prove it wasn't just an assumption so I'm going to assume it is. The oil will then go to China, to be burned without any environmental controls. So environment has nothing to do with it?
Every scientist that didn't grad. from an Oral Roberts type U. knows a spill could continue to take ever expanding amounts of acerage out of production for centuries. Do we want to risk that because some idiots misrouted a pipeline' bought the right of way,and when called out shrugged and said "Trust us lets build it there anyway. I mean what could go wrong?
Worst case scenario: massive spill wipes out 200 acre in North Dakota. Who cares?
Another few thousand good-paying jobs sacrificed on the alter progressive superstitions.

Thanks Obama!

more like 35 jobs, actually.

the only way you can come up with a few thousand is to acknowledge that the ARRA created several million jobs as well.
You missed an opportunity to prove it wasn't just an assumption so I'm going to assume it is. The oil will then go to China, to be burned without any environmental controls. So environment has nothing to do with it?
YOu assume a lot of shit. Practically everything you say is an assumption you got from Koch News
YOu havent disproven what I said. You have actually even said something then said the opposite a couple posts later.
Canadian crude prices are at their lowest levels against Brent-priced crude in 10 months, reaching a new market low on Friday and trading last week at under $50/barrel.
This is less than half the price of international Brent-priced crude. Why?
• Refining capacity isn’t evolving fast enough
• Supply is increasing
• Pipeline capacity is a bit tight
On Friday, West Canada Select has fallen $5.50 to a discount of $42.50/barrel. A key reason for this was the announcement by BP Plc (BP/) that it would delay a project to run ore heavy oil at its Whiting refining in Indiana for at least three months
BP’s project aims to convert a heavy crude processing unit with a 225,000-barrel/day capacity to enable 420,000 bpd capacity for processing Canadian crude. Originally, that was to be completed in the first half of 2013. The timeline has now been pushed to the second half of 2013.
Refining is a problem for Canadian crude. Production has picked up, but refining capacity lacks the same evolutionary momentum.
Pipeline capacity also has investors worried.
Related Article: What does the Future "Really" Hold for US Oil Production?
Canada’s Imperial Oil Ltd is now preparing to launch operations at another new oil sands site—Kearl—and is expecting to produce another 110,000 bpd of bitumen. This bitumen doesn’t need to be refined. It goes straight to the pipeline. Production should begin in January. Will there be enough pipeline capacity? Kearl’s addition to the flow will definitely make things tight.
Even in mid-November, Enbridge was saying its pipelines were already pretty much full.
According to the Globe and Mail, analysts have estimated that Canada could run out of export pipeline room sometime between 2014 and 2018. Enbridge seems to think that time is already upon us. The pipeline operator also thinks that there won’t be any boost in capacity until the end of next year—at the earliest. This could mean a serious cut in profits due to backed up oil.
So right now, while production is steadily increasing, the game is all about finding new ways to market—not only for Canadian crude but increasing volumes coming out of North Dakota.
It’s clear, then, why Canada is so desperate to see the beleaguered Keystone XL pipeline clear the remaining hurdles in the US.
But there’s always an investment gem to be dug up under these heavy surfaces. Keith Schaefer, published of the specialized Oil and Gas Investments Bulletin, says that while the rising oil sands production is causing discounts for other Canadian oil producers, there is one exception to this rule—and it’s a good one.
In his latest missive, Schaefer notes that there is “one small group of producers selling their product for $14/barrel above WTI. It’s the single most valuable hydrocarbon in all of North America—not just Canada [and] it’s wildly profitable […] trading closer to Brent pricing than anything else in North America”.
The clincher is that it’s not oil—it’s natural gas.
By. Jen Alic of Oilprice.com
YOu assume a lot of shit. Practically everything you say is an assumption you got from Koch News
YOu havent disproven what I said. You have actually even said something then said the opposite a couple posts later.
YUo haven't proven what you said. Not up to me to disprove your claim. And you can cite anything for the other, either. So...........considering your credibility, it's safe to assume you make shit up to suit your narrative.
YUo haven't proven what you said. Not up to me to disprove your claim. And you can cite anything for the other, either. So...........considering your credibility, it's safe to assume you make shit up to suit your narrative.
You're stupid, a liar and a racist
BTW I went and fetched that which you asked. But again. You're too stupid to read it
considering your credibility, it's safe to assume you make shit up to suit your narrative.

Believe the gentleman has been caught fudging? Appears a dang if you do, dang if you don't, chiding is looming on the horizon.
Funny, you've made claims of "possibly this, possibly that, maybe this, maybe something else and expect us to believe everything you said, when it was nothing but vague accusations with an indefinite list of transgressions.
Funny, you've made claims of "possibly this, possibly that, maybe this, maybe something else and expect us to believe everything you said, when it was nothing but vague accusations with an indefinite list of transgressions.
You probably believe in flat earth theorys
You really are stupid. Like the black hole of stupidity. A singularity of stupid. Stupid so dense no intellect can escape it's gravitational field stupid.
You're stupid, a liar and a racist
BTW I went and fetched that which you asked. But again. You're too stupid to read it
Yes, name calling proves you are correct. A sales pitch from LNG on a different topic isn't what I asked for. First one to say "racist" while arguing the merits of the Keystone pipeline concedes defeat. I shall now go smoke a victory bowl.