72% of Democrats Say Opposing Trump Isn't Enough, Want Congressional Candidates to Push Progressive

Bernie wouldn't get one fucking thing through congress and You know it.
No, I don't know it, because that's an opinion devoid of reality. Sanders passed the most amendments in congress from 1995-2007
You must literally love polarization.
I don't love polarization. You and I both know you and I probably agree on 90% of issues. The problem I have with your type of argument is that it targets the individual instead of the policy being debated. So when I say corporate Democrats do the bidding of their donors instead of their constituents, and you reply with an allegation about my personal life, you've already forfeited the argument and chosen to attack me personally. That doesn't change minds or gain votes. It just makes you look like a petty, angry child, while the point stands. That's what you all do because you can't argue against the actual progressive policy.

You deflect instead of explain why your political policy is better. That's why millennials are vacating the Democratic party in droves; they don't represent their values. Shame doesn't bring back voters. You're not entitled to votes. You must earn them by supporting progressive policy. If you choose not to, enjoy losing, because that's where the country is going, and millennials now enjoy the majority of the voting bloc.
Ever notice how actual progressives don't care who you've slept with? How they don't bring them up against you in an argument to try to strengthen their own point?

...because we don't need to

Our political policy positions stand on their own. Your's don't.

If you can't argue a political policy without denouncing your opponents personal life, your position is weak and you should discard it or come up with actual political reasons to support it instead of condemning your opponent arguing against it. That's what the Democratic establishment is doing and despite how terrible Trump and the GOP are, and using this strategy, they're losing ground on the generic ballot. That's fucking ridiculous. Trump and the Republicans are destroying the country every day they hold office, yet the Democratic party can't muster up enough enthusiasm against them to kill in the midterms?

People who choose to blame outwards need to look inwards. The Democratic party is an abysmal failure. They can't support progressive values their constituents support because their donors don't support them. Because of this, the Democratic party will ultimately fail. There is no left wing representation in our government.

Because they've chosen corporate donors over constituents, I welcome their failure. Just like Sanders, I'm not a Democrat because the Democratic party has chosen corporate donors over voters. The Democratic party is Republican light. I won't vote for Republicans, I damn sure won't vote for Democrats pretending to be Republicans.

Good luck
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What do you have to offer Democratic voters? The ACA isn't enough. Opposing Trump isn't enough.

You won't hold majorities offering crumbs

Be bold, people want change. People will vote for change. Offer Democrats something they're excited to vote for. Otherwise, get fucked and enjoy Trump's 2nd term
Of the 48 Senators who are Democrats, only 14 are rated with a C or lower score according to how they voted.
30% of Democratic Senators are rated C or below... I wonder why that is. Coincidentally, they're the same Senators from red states who consistently vote against progressive legislation..

I just can't seem to figure this shit out.. I must be a complete fucking retard who ignores trends at the behest of my own ego
34 out of 48 Senators are rated as reliably voting for issues important to progressives.
The fuck is wrong with you? Why are 14 senators who are supposed to represent the issues important to progressives choosing to support the GOP position? Why are you OK with this? Disgraceful. God damn.
Oh, and Nancy Pelosi? On crucial progressive issues, in her time in the House, she's voted progressive 93% of the time.
That's great. Why doesn't she support universal healthcare?
Feinstein, on crucial progressive issues, she's voted progressive 79% lifetime and 88% last year.
Awesome, except when it actually mattered.. Why doesn't she support universal healthcare?
Congressional record doesn't lie. You talk out your ass.
Lol. Congressional Democrats voting records speak for themselves; They support corporate friendly candidates because they accept corporate donations (legal bribes)
What do you have to offer Democratic voters? The ACA isn't enough. Opposing Trump isn't enough.

You won't hold majorities offering crumbs

Be bold, people want change. People will vote for change. Offer Democrats something they're excited to vote for. Otherwise, get fucked and enjoy Trump's 2nd term
This post is bullshit.
Sure Bernie is cool and all. I mean he writes rape fantasy right?!?! *High five pad.* . But aca wasn't enough? How far did bernies universal bullshit go. Nowhere? At least obama tried to get everyone covered. You think youre a progressive but you're not. You're a kid who watches non stop YouTube. You voted independent right? You should be sucking Trump's tiny noodle. Even if you're a Cali kid. You voted against Dems. The only ones pushing at least a some what progressive agenda right now. Keep being salty. No one is voting 700 year old barnie in 2020
You voted against Dems. The only ones pushing at least a some what progressive agenda right now.
No I didn't. The establishment Democratic party is not pushing a "somewhat progressive message", they're pushing a corporate message. That's why everyone is leaving the party and people are voting for lying Republicans who claim to push a progressive message
The largest portion of respondents also said they'd be "more likely" to vote for a candidate backed by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.)

A CBS News/YouGov poll asked Democrats, Independents, and those who lean toward voting for Democrats to choose between two options for what Democratic candidates' "first priority" should be. A full 72 percent said they want to see party candidates prioritize a progressive political agenda. The remaining 28 percent opted for merely opposing President Donald Trump's agenda.


Strong support for a progressive agenda was also reflected in responses to a question asked of everyone surveyed—including Republicans and Republican-leaning voters—that aimed to gauge the potential impact of endorsements: The largest amount of respondents, 29 percent, said they would be "more likely" to vote for a candidate endorsed by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), more than double that of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.

However, as the results indicate, Democratic voters want to see more than just opposition to the president; they want candidates for Congress who actually advocate for progressive policies. That momentum to propel progressives into political office has been seen in primary races throughout the nation—even as the Democratic Party establishment plots against them.

"The 2018 midterm elections will be long remembered as a pivotal moment in American history because, if we are successful, we can put an end to the disastrous Trump agenda," Sanders said in March. "But we cannot defeat Trump and the Republican Party with the same playbook, or by supporting the same kind of candidates long favored by the political establishment and financial elite."

The only way to win back the states that swung toward Trump, and push the Democratic Party away from centrist policies, Sanders concluded, "is by supporting progressive candidates who have the guts to defend working-class families—white, black, Latino, Asian American, Native American—and take on the power and greed of the billionaire class."

Democrats are progressive, just not "Progressive(tm)" like you want.

How come "Progressives(tm)" keep losing to "establishment" figures?

Why did Sanders lose the primary by a landslide?

Why did Justice Democrats only donate 1% of what they raised to "Progressive(tm)" candidates so far in 2018?

If they raised 1.8mill and only gave 18k to candidates, with only 8k left in the bank...where did the other
$1,774,000 go?
30% of Democratic Senators are rated C or below... I wonder why that is. Coincidentally, they're the same Senators from red states who consistently vote against progressive legislation..

I just can't seem to figure this shit out.. I must be a complete fucking retard who ignores trends at the behest of my own ego

The fuck is wrong with you? Why are 14 senators who are supposed to represent the issues important to progressives choosing to support the GOP position? Why are you OK with this? Disgraceful. God damn.

That's great. Why doesn't she support universal healthcare?

Awesome, except when it actually mattered.. Why doesn't she support universal healthcare?

Lol. Congressional Democrats voting records speak for themselves; They support corporate friendly candidates because they accept corporate donations (legal bribes)
Yeah, 70% of Senators are progressives. I was responding to a post where you were saying most were moderates.

Your claim is false.

It is true that the country isn't supporting Bernie's universal healthcare plan. Of course his plan is unfunded, has no price tag, has no implementation plan, is basically just a PR ploy and would be opposed by nearly 60 million people who like their current healthcare plan. Gee, I wonder why it isn't supported? How about shoring up the ACA for now? That has plenty of support in this country.
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You or more precisely, the article quotes a poll and then talks what Democratic voters want goes on to talk about the mid-term elections. So, I'm pointing out that opinion polls are a poor basis for deciding what to do to win the mid-terms. Nearly meaningless.

You speak in general terms. I have consistently spoken about specific races. Specifically, Moser in Texas had tainted herself by moving to Texas just to run in that race. She had written with disdain about the idea of living in Texas in an article published in 2014. The DCCC never endorsed her opponent.

I don't think the DCCC should have done what they did but I'm not bent out of shape about it. The political committee followed all election laws. What was so great about Moser over her opponent that you would be so bent out of shape over this? Moser lost, 29% to 65% in the primary this week. The DCCC never gave Moser's opponent money, by the way.

What was so great about Lindemann in Colorado or what's so bad about Crow? I don't have a dog in that fight. Just saying again that the DCCC has every legal right to back Crow. From comments that I've read, Crow was the early mover and had a fully fledged campaign before Lindemann even announced. Crow, by the way supports shoring up the ACA and has forsworn contributions from corporations.

You just can't get it right. First, I believe what studies say -- that 95% of the time the campaign that spends the most is the winner. SPENDS THE MOST, not "raising more money from big donors". At least quote me, don't put words in my mouth.

If you were to ever try to look at original data instead of the propaganda pap fed you on blogs like Common Dreams, you'd see that Democrats don't get most of their money from big corporate donors, it's unions and liberal PACS most often run by Hollywood celebrities.

"Spends the most" doesn't explain why they were able to do so. In the PA race where Lamb won, the Republican was the one flush with corporate cash. Lamb won because the DCCC gave him a large infusion of cash. Lamb, by the way also eschews donations from corporations and campaigned on the promise to shore up the ACA. I'm all for Lamb winning. He seemed like a good candidate for his district. Not mine, his district.

Are you OK with Republicans winning in the fall? I'm not. I want the Democrats to run good candidates who are aligned to the issues and values of their districts. For Democrats that means running on subset of Democratic Party values such as worker's rights, civil rights, support for unions, a clean environment, family issues such as universal access to health care coverage, reforming campaign finance laws, supporting public education and a competitive economy that grows jobs.

Bernie's health care policy is a crappy one to run on and a loser in the general election. Same goes for that dystopian jobs program he also entered a half-baked bill for political not practical reasons. I don't really want your kind of Progressive naivete in candidates running in conservative districts. It's not a recipe for taking the House in the fall. Apparently the DCCC thinks the same.
In the first two lines, you say what voters want isn't important and that Linda Moser wasn't opposed by the Democratic establishment. Breathtakingly wrong on both counts.

I didn't bother with the rest.

What happened to you? You used to actually think before you wrote.
In the first two lines, you say what voters want isn't important and that Linda Moser wasn't opposed by the Democratic establishment. Breathtakingly wrong on both counts.

I didn't bother with the rest.

What happened to you? You used to actually think before you wrote.
Your first two lines say you didn't read my first two lines. Opinion polls are very poor it comes to predicting how people will vote. The basis of that article was how voters will vote based upon what opinion polls say. In other words, the rest of that article was baseless..