What's your XXX-Men Name and Powers?


Well-Known Member
me not being free
And Why can't you be free?

i love masturbating to hentai so much. but oh wait somethings missing, fuck society i want to be free
What would make you free?

not enough jews died in the holocaust
we could all be free and having a fun time if it wasnt for the jews
ill molest her then rape her with my 1 inch dick i love the guy that did this
i want to move to one of those islands off the coast of new zealand that nobody lives on that way i can finally say fuck society i want to be free in peace
ive never had sex
Ooooooh - you're a jew-hating virgin that condones rape. Or you're pretending to be one of those for make-believe...

Nope - you'll never be "free" in this society. BUT - you were right about the island part - you should totes go there.


Enjoy the weather ON Pederast Island!
tumblr_loeireV3V91qea3ymo1_500.gif tumblr_lskj5uQLSS1r1k8zmo1_500.gif tumblr_m7w74wnSgt1rsm2tu.gif

It'll be JUST like this. Except with more jew-ovens and TONS of raping...you'll LURB it!
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Well-Known Member
Are you got like a dismembered Hyman that you use as a blade frisbee like xena or some shit?

Tanned and cured hardend and sharpened Hyman!?

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
I'm glad you quoted VRO's disparaging Jew remarks. appears vro deleted them. If the continual "I want to be free" shit isn't wierd enough!

what's the dealeo @vro - i doubt the entire jewish race has really done anything to you? do you post in the uk thread?
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Well-Known Member
I've glad you quoted VRO's disparaging Jew remarks. appears vro deleted them. If the continual "I want to be free" shit isn't wierd enough!

what's the dealeo @vro - i doubt the entire jewish race has really done anything to you? do you post in the uk thread?
I've been trying to figure that out since I came on here.

I don't know the deal with that guy/ girl?

Probably just a fake account or something...

Oh - and the JEW remarks were from different threads, most of which I had started/ posted in.

They're still up I think. I just went all "crazy cut and paste" and put them all in one spot.


Well-Known Member
The Jew homie FAT al grows some BOMB doesn't even smoke just thinks they're pretty and is very free with his weed
hence Jews r cool

He will grub him like 10 trays o brownies tho but only cooks with the shake