Bleach instead of H2o2

All of this reading of bleach and oxygen reminds me of the OxiClean commercial. Anyone want to slap me around for asking if it's usable?.....even though I doubt it...sort of...
All of this reading of bleach and oxygen reminds me of the OxiClean commercial. Anyone want to slap me around for asking if it's usable?.....even though I doubt it...sort of...
Yea its usable ive swapped out h202 for bleach long ago and will never look back. Saves allot. Bleach is derived from chlorine and plants actually uptake chlorine. The amount used wont hurt your roots i dose my resevoirs every 3 days with 1 ml per gallon. Seems to me the day after they get the bleach there really perky. If you were to smell my res right now it smells like a washing machine full of whites with bleach. I use clorox
When I change my nutes out (50 gallons) , I just add tap, and 15-20ml ... then I add 15ml every 3 days ,,, works great... screw h202 by itself... I kinda like the idea of using a alternating combo... interesting

do not use bleach and h2o together they countr act with each other ..also bleach will start gassing off at a pH under 6.0 .....bleach at pH of 6.0 will kill off everything in 30 seconds ...I learned this information along time ago from a website I do not remember the link but it is all scientifically proven
update seems bleach and H202 is keeping things at bay but not killing the bactiria in my res so im looking into DM-zone or sm90
just cant get this shit to die keeps poping back up!!! I still stand by the use of it plants look great just not geting a rid of the shit
in the res

h2o and bleach do not work together have to pick one or the other but I do not believe h2o works very wellI i had your same problem plants were going good but the h2o2 would never kill everything
found some research into every aspect of a healthy res: benes, sterilization.

Treatment: every two days – if using an ORP meter maintain at 780 mV

My first week using bleach to fight smelly reservoir. After cleansing and cleaning I dared to use bleach, 0.5 ml/gal. Everything was immaculate. However, now on the 3rd day I got a pH fluctuation and the rez started to look cloudy. I was dumbfounded, but now I am realising that it MAY be because chlorine evaporates. Then I saw this. Will I be okay treating the res with 0.5 ml/gal of bleach every 2 days?

Also, bleach is not a 100% Chlorine, it may have some other substances.
Yea its usable ive swapped out h202 for bleach long ago and will never look back. Saves allot. Bleach is derived from chlorine and plants actually uptake chlorine. The amount used wont hurt your roots i dose my resevoirs every 3 days with 1 ml per gallon. Seems to me the day after they get the bleach there really perky. If you were to smell my res right now it smells like a washing machine full of whites with bleach. I use clorox
is this true with the bleach ? what bleach would i use the thin or thick stuff
I haven't tried it yet but my buddy uses 8 drops per gallon and has had no ill effects and claims his roots are whiter than ever. He got the tip from a guy that works at a professional greenhouse. According to him that's what they use and they've been doing it for years to keep the roots clean and healthy.

Hope this helps you out.

this helps greatly .......i am converted
Blah sa, blah sa, blah. Most chlorine bleachs sold for laundry use do not contain anything but Chlorine and sodium from sodium hypochlorite plus water. Yes thare are chlorine cleaning products that contain many other ingrediants, such as toilet bowl, counter and tile cleaners etc. Just look at the labels. You want unscented houshold strength chlorine bleach such as Chlorox brand (not lemon scented) Regular Bleach. The same plain old Chlorox bleach that has been sold since 1913. A gallon would last the typical hobby grower a life time if used only for growing.
another post thats converted me....thanks
Hydgrozyme is really made for organic nutrients and soil grows. While you can use it with chemical nutrients you are turning a near sterile and clean nutrient/growing system back into a bacterial/enzyme/pathogen laden system. Sort a step backward. One of the huge advantages of a hydroponic system is eliminating the presence of bacteria and enzynes by using nutrients that prevent their need. Hydroponic chemical nutrients preclude the need for bacteria or enzymes for nutrient uptake availability. Chlorine then prevents the growth or even the presence of nearly all bacteria/pathogens. Hygrozyme creates conditions supportive of bacteria and pathogens. It is sorta like adding the bacteria needed to process waste in a waste water (sewage) treatment plant to a drinking water treatment plant. IE a step backward or a step in the wrong direction. In a waste water treatment plant you need loads of bacteria to break down organic nutrients just as in an organic nutrient reservoir. In a drinking water plant all the organic nutrients were broken down before they entered the drinking water treament plant (as in a chemical nutrient reservoir) therefore a disinfectant (chlorine) is used to kill nearly al (99% to 99.9%) of all bacteria present as most bacteria are harmful rather than helpful. Hygrozyme is reputed to contain "0NE" helpful bacteria but it's use encourages conditions supportive of many non helpful bacteria and pathogens. This basically means unless you plan to empty and clean your reservoir very often and flush the sytem with H2O2 or chlorine to kill all bacteria, enzymes and pathogens to get rid of all the non beneficial ones, then you are providing a very bacterial, and pathogen laden sytem for the plants roots to deal. This mans you are expecting a "beneficial bacteria" to actually grow faster then them and take a larger proportion of the food available and therfore keep the "bad bacteria and pathogens" at low levels. Not gonna happen. Last I heard the hygrozyme people even quit adding the beneficial bacteria and are now just selling straight chicken manure water leachings. IE an organic fertilizer.
Its not hydrozyme its hygrozyme. And it is the same as sensizyme the product RECOMMENDED by AN to use with their line up.
Looking all over the net I'm finding conflicting rates at which I should be running bleach in my res, some people use as little as 0.25ml per gallon (U.S) while others are saying upto 1.5ml? I'm guessing as most people suggest every 2-3 days it will need repeating. I'm just curious to see how much people use and how frequent? Any input would be helpful, thanks
I don't have the balls to do it, but I use this simple green pro3 to clean my room/tent, and I've always wondered if it would work in a hydro system...
Looking all over the net I'm finding conflicting rates at which I should be running bleach in my res, some people use as little as 0.25ml per gallon (U.S) while others are saying upto 1.5ml? I'm guessing as most people suggest every 2-3 days it will need repeating. I'm just curious to see how much people use and how frequent? Any input would be helpful, thanks
That's mostly due to everyones water quality being different, or specifically how much bacteria is in the water.
All of this reading of bleach and oxygen reminds me of the OxiClean commercial. Anyone want to slap me around for asking if it's usable?.....even though I doubt it...sort of...
Slap,slap, slap ..... Actually I have no check to see what's in it, if not pure bleach I would not. But hey I was not even sure about the bleach until two weeks ago lol.