Bleach instead of H2o2

i want to use bleach but in uk an cant get chlorox, i can get get 3%,6% an 9% h2o2 at all my local pharmacy's been so many threads going on about the stabalizers init to increase shelf life, all the bleach including regular says it has some disinfectant or perfume added if you are in uk what type of bleach do you use????? i think i might just go the zone route as i had the slime ,the thing is its really cold an i can keep my res in the 50 degrees but still got slimed
8 drops per gallon is 1/2ml with my dropper..... so for 50 gallons 25ml. every 2-3 days for maintenance amounts? sound right?.. Im using 6% clorox.... Someone posted 2.5tsp (12.5ml) is 2ppm in 50 gallons... so the 8drop per gallon should be 4ppm if using the same bleach.... lots of assumptions here..!

Fatman said 3ppm I believe
i wouldn't do that

well you go ahead an use whatever you use, but bleach rocks at the right dose
and if you read this hole threead you would see the bleach was my last resort,
I tryed everything and endless amounts of $ just to find out some basic
over the counter bleach works. say what you want hate how you want,
kinda like like saying pots bad for you but you never even tryed it :(
well you go ahead an use whatever you use, but bleach rocks at the right dose
and if you read this hole threead you would see the bleach was my last resort,
I tryed everything and endless amounts of $ just to find out some basic
over the counter bleach works. say what you want hate how you want,
kinda like like saying pots bad for you but you never even tryed it :(

I have yet to find one person say they tried bleach and it hurt their grow in any way, and you would think a thread like this would bring them out in force. I trusted Fatmans data, and am satisfied.
Yep. worked for me.... first time i have had white roots that are growing larger since the issues!! Im even dosing heavy according to everything...
As rule of thumb the dosage level should be one kilo of sodium percarbonate to treat between 14000 and 28000 litres of water.I trusted Fatmans data, and am satisfied.
ive used it. no noticeable problems with plants. it didnt break up the algae embedded on my coco mat but it did keep everything else algae free & clean.
no aquarium smell from the rez either
Fatman says 1ml per 10 gallons but also says to add 6-8 drops per gallon for regular pathogen control and its also strong enough for root rot. Obviously those are to huge differences. A drop being 0.05 - 0.06 ml. That's approximatly 1/2 ml per gallon. I've been using the 1ml per 10 gallon. Now thinking I haven't been adding enough. Fucking root rot. I use aero btw.

I've tried Great White before and it kicked the shit out of the rot. Tried it again (yes for the same problem) and it didn't work. Said fuck it and switched back to a full line of chems.(dyna-gro bloom/grow and supps pro-tek/KLN w/ added clorox every 2 days). I've read by fatman to add every 12-24 hrs and thought that was bit excessive should I be adding the bleach more often ? The debate is still out on which is better IMO on H2o2 vs. Clorox?

All advice and opinions welcome
im doing somthing deferent, im adding bleach to start the week 15ml for 55gal and at day 3 I add h202 at 7ML per gal, then to start the new week back to bleach
and is working fucking awsome
Hellraizer- so it looks like you lean more towards the 6-8 drops per gallon rule ? how long have you been doing this? Keep us posted on the results.

I used to have frequent trouble in my ez-cloners with roots dying after the cutting were well rooted, and to a lesser degree cuttings not rooting due to bacteria. I have never once had H2O2 be of any help at all having tried it at various strengths many times. Chlorine on the other hand had immediate results keeping roots white and growing. I use dry pool shock(calcium hypochlorite) instead of liquid bleach. I dissolve 2 grams in a gallon of RO water and add one ounce of that per 5 gallons of rez water, and re-dose every 2nd to 3rd day. Not saying this is any better than liquid bleach just another way to do it. Also pool test strips are handy to actually know the ppm's of chlorine in ones rez, they measure between 0.5 to 10ppm.
Hellraizer- so it looks like you lean more towards the 6-8 drops per gallon rule ? how long have you been doing this? Keep us posted on the results.


been three weeks now and all is great. you cant even smell the the bleach in there and no plant problems
6-8 is good ive seen and read that 10 drops are ok never done it
When I change my nutes out (50 gallons) , I just add tap, and 15-20ml ... then I add 15ml every 3 days ,,, works great... screw h202 by itself... I kinda like the idea of using a alternating combo... interesting
update seems bleach and H202 is keeping things at bay but not killing the bactiria in my res so im looking into DM-zone or sm90
just cant get this shit to die keeps poping back up!!! I still stand by the use of it plants look great just not geting a rid of the shit
in the res
update seems bleach and H202 is keeping things at bay but not killing the bactiria in my res so im looking into DM-zone or sm90
just cant get this shit to die keeps poping back up!!! I still stand by the use of it plants look great just not geting a rid of the shit
in the res

skip the h2o2