Northern Iraq falls to Al Qaeda, $400 million looted from central bank.

did you notice they were more accurate than rasmussen and gallup and had a 1.6% REPUBLICAN lean, you fucking retard?

they release methodology and margin of error with each poll. go answer your own question, retard.

is it not possible to collect public opinion about these questions? is that what you're saying?

are you literally retarded?

BAHAHAHA love your sources




I bet your right, hell I bet they got it 100% accurate.

psst: aLl PoLlS aRe OpInIoNs DeRp

do you not know what a scientific poll is?

its methodology measures people's opinions in a scientific, repeatable, verifiable fashion and can express accuracy within a margin of error dependent on the size of the polling sample.

and you are still retarded.
do you not know what a scientific poll is?

its methodology measures people's opinions in a scientific, repeatable, verifiable fashion and can express accuracy within a margin of error dependent on the size of the polling sample.

and you are still retarded.

Bet that important to determine if Michigan trees are the right height.
you're not rebutting anything, but it does demonstrate just how retarded you are.

Nothing to say Bucky, PPP polls speak for themselves. You clearly hit the jackpot from your liberal media talking points. I bet you couldn’t wait to post this trash rag shit on this site.
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I think we all can agree that if you don't know how Cheney profited of the war in Iraq you have no place in the politics section. Even a die heart Republican would have to say yes to this. Google ..Cheney Iraq Halliburton. Doing research yourself will make you understand it better. Now please leave until you are better informed about world politics.
Cheny sold all his stock before he took office, so your statement shows that it is YOU, not me that doesn't belong in the politics section. I said make sure you knew what you were talking about before you responded, but, no, you just couldn't resist shooting your mouth off when you have no clue. Once again, you spout some stupid, false allegation because you want to believe it, not because there any truth in it. So you're either gullible, or a liar. I suspect both. "Now please leave until you are better informed about world politics."
all those mentioned were either absorbed into the Empire, or confined east of the Elbe. Brennus is Republican Rome, and can be omitted. so where are these Empire destroyers? one might say these Germanics sustained Rome, well past her prime. Goths in Africa, Cimbri in Britain. all under the Eagle. no. we must look to the state, itself, and its interactions with everyday Romans to find the seeds of the fall.
As I stated before, and you now seem to be reinforcing, Rome didn't fall from exercising power over foreign lands, but from internal issues. Mostly, the high costs of bread and circuses left them unable to support the mercenary military, leaving them unable to defend themselves from their many enemies.