Northern Iraq falls to Al Qaeda, $400 million looted from central bank.

The timeline allows for five years to charge him, Hrmmm. The does raise questions about his timeline and courts martial proceedings if they were to occur.

If they want to persecute him they will succeed. Earlier I made a statement: UCMJ is so generalized that if they can charge you with it they will also succeed with prosecuting.

If they want to punish him they will just slap a few article 91s and 92s on him and call it a day.

91 is a catch all statute that essentially allow NCO and commissioned service members to prosecute all junior members who disrespect them. Disrespect can be interpreted as almost anything you want.

Roll your eyes? Insubordination, I can file for a punitive administrative administrative action that will take one month of your pay and force labor for up to 45 days from 0600 to 2400. That is a light punishment.

If that soldier doesn't show up EXACTLY ON TIME to their extra duty I can then file more paperwork claiming article 91. 91 is a big gun catch all: if you are given an order you cannot disobey it if lawful. "Late after I told you 0600, it is now 0600:01. Start the paperwork."

UCMJ is no joke, if they want you they will get you. Very different then civilian courts.
if Caesar gives the thumb's-down.........that's it. did you ever see, "Breaker Morant?" Aussie film about military justice during the Boer War. absolute dynamite film.
Bergdahl went missing on the night of June 30, 2009, near the town of Yahya Kheyl in Paktika Province.[20]

Bergdahl was released on May 31, 2014, as part of a prisoner exchange for five Taliban members
Well, what do you know.? Do you see the Commander's Urgency here? One more month and no desertion charge. No wonder he blew past Congress as is his duty here as Commander.

They read him the charges at the hospital, I imagine, Do you see what is likely to happen to this man? Do you see why he doesn't want to talk to his dad?

Here is what is dad said after Bergie renounced his oath:

Bowie Bergdahl concluded "I am sorry for everything. The horror that is america is disgusting. There are a few more boxes coming to you guys. Feel free to open them, and use them."[1]:4

Bob Bergdahl responded to his son's final message not long after he received it.


Dear Bowe, In matters of life and death, and especially at war, it is never safe to ignore ones' conscience. Ethics demands obedience to our conscience. It is best to also have a systematic oral defense of what our conscience demands. Stand with like minded men when possible. dad.[1]:4

Desertion in the face of the enemy is a capital crime. To learn Pastu and seek out the enemy is a capital crime. To then become a Warrior of Jihad is a capital crime.

If he had not indicated a sympathy for the enemy and defiance of the Mission, before he walked out, that would be difference. You could say, Stockholm Syndrome, only then.

Collusion with the enemy on the battlefield, is a capital crime.
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Since all Obama had to do was stall for 30 more days, he could have the whole thing wrapped and done. If he wanted to return him whole and not subject to UCMJ, that would have been so simple and would certainly play to bleeding heart base. And it would more alienate the Military. Can't do that with ISIS in play.

So,. Obama rushed it. We see why, I think. Now he can be charged and that seems only right to me.

How has he paid enough, already, if he came out an expert in Pastu, seen carrying the AK-47, and styles himself the Enemy of the USA, a Warrior of Jihad?

Now he will pay.
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Bergdahl went missing on the night of June 30, 2009, near the town of Yahya Kheyl in Paktika Province.[20]

Bergdahl was released on May 31, 2014, as part of a prisoner exchange for five Taliban members
Well, what do you know.? Do you see the Commander's Urgency here? One more month and no desertion charge. No wonder he blew past Congress as is his duty here as Commander.

They read him the charges at the hospital, I imagine, Do you see what is likely to happen to this man? Do you see why he doesn't want to talk to his dad?

Here is what is dad said after Bergie renounced his oath:

Bowie Bergdahl concluded "I am sorry for everything. The horror that is america is disgusting. There are a few more boxes coming to you guys. Feel free to open them, and use them."[1]:4

Bob Bergdahl responded to his son's final message not long after he received it.


Dear Bowe, In matters of life and death, and especially at war, it is never safe to ignore ones' conscience. Ethics demands obedience to our conscience. It is best to also have a systematic oral defense of what our conscience demands. Stand with like minded men when possible. dad.[1]:4

Desertion in the face of the enemy is a capital crime. To learn Pastu and seek out the enemy is a capital crime. To then become a Warrior of Jihad is a capital crime.

If he had not indicated a sympathy for the enemy before he walked out, and defiance of the Mission that would be difference. You could say, Stockholm Syndrome, only then.

Collusion with the enemy on the battlefield, is a capital crime.

if he's not mentally unsound, he is guilty of desertion. they won't whack him, of course.
I say deport him to Afghanistan, to live in a cave........dreaming of Little Caesar's Pizza.
if he's not mentally unsound, he is guilty of desertion. they won't whack him, of course.
I say deport him to Afghanistan, to live in a cave........dreaming of Little Caesar's Pizza.

I think he is in deep risk for execution, since at least 2, if not 6 US service members were killed for it.

The "evidence" that we have heard is overwhelming. Wartime in the field, is not the time for this stuff. If it gets to GCM, there is not much room for life in prison with these charges.
I think he is in deep risk for execution, since at least 2, if not 6 US service members were killed for it.

The "evidence" that we have heard is overwhelming. Wartime in the field, is not the time for this stuff. If it gets to GCM, there is not much room for life in prison with these charges.
no way. O can't have that on his image. Caesar will be lenient.
better yet!! drag it out.......and have Shillary pardon him! brilliant
Yep, I bet this piece of shit gets away with it, all the while the DEA locks people up in Federal "Buttfuck" Prison for growing/selling/smoking a (proven scientifically as virtually harmless) plant.

Your country is fucked in the head sometimes, mine too.
Execution: unlikely.

Hassan is the latest military service member to be sentenced to death in about a half century. He really had to try hard to get death.

It will take a lot of direct murders to get a JAG prosecutor to push for death I suspect.
When against the tree and no real cover, the forest is a myth.

And though you had a true experience for you, being there means you did not see anything really about why we did it.
I know enough to know that the reason given was a lie. I also know that Cheny profited very well off this. I also know Bush Jr wanted to prove something to daddy. I realize that oil control played a heavy heavy part in it. When I add 2 +2 +2 ... I come up with 6. What do you come up with
I know enough to know that the reason given was a lie. I also know that Cheny profited very well off this. I also know Bush Jr wanted to prove something to daddy. I realize that oil control played a heavy heavy part in it. When I add 2 +2 +2 ... I come up with 6. What do you come up with
"Self rule, war cults, etc"
Desertion is a capital offense, but.....

Indeed, “no punishment” is an authorized punishment for virtually every offense under the UCMJ, and the members are advised of this option in the standard jury instructions. There are two exceptions to this general rule of broad sentencing discretion. The UCMJ prescribes a mandatory sentence for one crime, and a mandatory minimum sentence for two other offenses. Specifically, the UCMJ imposes a mandatory death penalty for a conviction of Article 106, Spies.

Article 106
(c) A person living in occupied territory who, without lurking, or acting clandestinely or under false pretenses, merely reports what is seen or heard through agents to the enemy may be charged under Article 104 with giving intelligence to or communicating with the enemy, but may not be charged under this article as being a spy.

Article 105 Misconducted as a Prisoner.

Text. “Any person subject to this chapter who, while in the hands of the enemy in time of war—

(1) for the purpose of securing favorable treatment by his captors acts without proper authority in a manner contrary to law, custom, or regulation, to the detriment of others of whatever nationality held by the enemy as civilian or military prisoners
......mandatory minimum of a life sentence with the possibility of parole for a violation of Article 118, subsection (1) premeditated murder, or subsection (4) felony murder.

So, only actually spying by Civilians seems to require the Death Penalty as Mandatory.

"Take these 2 out and shoot them."

(6) Persons not included under “spying”.

(a) Members of a military organization not wearing a disguise, dispatch drivers, whether members of a military organization or civilians, and persons in ships or aircraft who carry out their missions openly and who have penetrated enemy lines are not spies because, while they may have resorted to concealment, they have not acted under false pretenses.
I know enough to know that the reason given was a lie. I also know that Cheny profited very well off this. I also know Bush Jr wanted to prove something to daddy. I realize that oil control played a heavy heavy part in it. When I add 2 +2 +2 ... I come up with 6. What do you come up with

6+6+6 = so what? Well within the perogotive of the Commander.

Did you not get the bit about attempted assassination of a sitting US President?

That's OK by you, if the name was Bush?

Did you not read my piece about Sadam getting tricked into leaving the Mosul Gap unguarded for an Iranian breakout to the Med, that would take just 24 hours, hauling most of the tanks by truck?

Many reasons the World, not Bush, did this, and the fighters have no need to know.
A President can declare a US citizen is an enemy Combatant and terminate his citizenship with prejudice.

This is not a capture and return situation. He was actively aiding the enemy, On US soil that is treason, and a trial.

But in Yemen, you mess with the bull, you get the horn.

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he didnt "terminate his citizenship"
The President terminated a citizen, who took up arms in service of AQ's insurgency in a foreign land, where he was hiding in a lawless war zone.

if i ran down to mexico, joined the zapatistas and helped foment another armed insurrection against the (corrupt but recognized) government of mexico, should i expect that when mexico asks for some drone strikes i will be immune?

Al Alawaki's US citizenship didnt make him less of a threat it made him MORE of a threat.
al alawaki's citizenship didnt make him special, it made him WORSE than your average sandland resident since he lived in a civilized country, had what mostof the people down there really want, FREEDOM, a voice in his government's decisions, and the liberty to pray as he wishes, without fear of arrest. he declared it was crap, and threw it all away.

just like jane fonda, he was a voice shouting that america is evil, and he knows it's true because he IS ONE, he came from the very heart of The Great Satan, and can confirm that all americans really are evil bloodthirsty moslem haters who want to make war on islam, so all you moslems who ARENT fundamentalists should become fundamentalists immediately or america will send brutal murderers to rape your daughters!

he was not just a threat to yemen, but to every us soldier stationed in sandland, and every american travelling abroad, AND every american flying from San Francisco to Tulsa to visit his grandma.

ala alawaki needed a missile, just to shut his whore mouth. so President Barack Obama gave him one, and i think thats groovy.
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Since all Obama had to do was stall for 30 more days, he could have the whole thing wrapped and done. If he wanted to return him whole and not subject to UCMJ, that would have been so simple and would certainly play to bleeding heart base. And it would more alienate the Military. Can't do that with ISIS in play.

So,. Obama rushed it. We see why, I think. Now he can be charged and that seems only right to me.

How has he paid enough, already, if he came out an expert in Pastu, seen carrying the AK-47, and styles himself the Enemy of the USA, a Warrior of Jihad?

Now he will pay.
desertion and being on the lam doesnt start the 5 year statute of limitations

people have been charged and convicted of desertion decades after the desertion happened

the crime of desertion is ongoing, it does not exist solely in the moments when he throws down his weapon and goes over the wire.

the statute of limitations starts when he is caught, but charges are usually brought moments after apprehension of the deserter.

and how did bowe begdahl get into this thread?