Police: Pot might be factor in Montana killing


Well-Known Member
But the shooter clearly anticipated that his home would be broken into and planned accordingly. His plan was as responsible for the kid's death as the kid's plan was.

I don't have to read minds. I'm only pointing out that in order to defend this one must value property over life.
ummm so If you have an alarm system then that means you are planning to be robbed again? Where do you come up with this shit? You have locks on your home, using them means you are planning on having people try to break in, which would prove any killing was premeditated. this is what you are trying to argue.


Well-Known Member
ummm so If you have an alarm system then that means you are planning to be robbed again? Where do you come up with this shit? You have locks on your home, using them means you are planning on having people try to break in, which would prove any killing was premeditated. this is what you are trying to argue.
Familiarize yourself with the case.


Well-Known Member
Well I agree with this but you said that he didn't care about his life. Do you know how shit works in EU?
No I have no idea how things work in other countries, but I'm sure it still wouldn't turn out good if he did it there either. People don't just decide to break into a house on a whim, he knew there would be consequences and those consequences could very well cost him his life.

Could there have been other options for the home owner to make? Yea, there are several, he could have shot him in the ass or leg, but no one can make that choice but the home owner. The fact remains that the kid shouldn't have been doing what he was doing and he paid the ultimate price for his actions.

I don't wish death upon the kid for what he was doing, I used to be the same way when I was kid. Young stupid and thought I was invincible, but at the time I would still agree that I had a complete disregard for my own life.

We cannot blame others for the actions that we decide to take on our own.


Well-Known Member
Actually, the home owner set up a trap in order to kill the person who had already broken in to his house twice.

There are people here who will defend anyone who tries to use syg or castle law in court, no matter what. That is because they value property over life.


Well-Known Member
It is hard to argue that he was defending anything when it is obvious that he was just waiting for the opportunity to kill someone legally.

Before you try to school someone about being ready to kill, make sure you have more experience than they do in such matters.
What were you doing in 1989?


Well-Known Member
Actually, the home owner set up a trap in order to kill the person who had already broken in to his house twice.

There are people here who will defend anyone who tries to use syg or castle law in court, no matter what. That is because they value property over life.
He set up a trap, a device intended to keep a victim from escaping? Is that what he did?

SYG and the Castle Doctrine have NOTHING TO DO WITH PROPERTY, why is it so hard for you to understand that? When someone breaks into your house they are there to KILL you, no other reason to break into an occupied home.


Well-Known Member
Operation Just Cause wasn't shit. I'm in Panama right now.

Just because you're older doesn't mean you have shit for experience.
A year in Afghanistan and 2 in Iraq WERE a little more exciting, I'll admit....at times.

I was jumping out of airplanes and shooting motherfuckers when you were jumping off a school bus, kid, and we've got men on this forum that were doing it long before THIS ol' fart was doing it, so spare us your "killing" bullshyte and focus on the subject.


Well-Known Member
A year in Afghanistan and 2 in Iraq WERE a little more exciting, I'll admit....at times.

I was jumping out of airplanes and shooting motherfuckers when you were jumping off a school bus, kid, and we've got men on this forum that were doing it long before THIS ol' fart was doing it, so spare us your "killing" bullshyte and focus on the subject.
So by the time you went to an actual war zone you were a senior NCO...

In other words you sat behind a desk.

What was your mos?

I didn't start the pissing contest but I can piss pretty fucking far. Doublejj might have me beat.


Well-Known Member
I must admit...

If I heard someone downstairs, they better be made of kevlar, or be fond of have many holes inside themselves.

The police better clean up the mess too, I pay my taxes for a fucking reason.

I suppose it'd be awesome to go to prison here (Satellite TV in your cell, no bullshit) for a few years and get a fucking HUGE payout when your appeal is accepted...

Mathematically speaking, for total hours served, it'd be far better than working to retirement and probably 400% better quality of life than the average wage.


Well-Known Member
I must admit...

If I heard someone downstairs, they better be made of kevlar, or be fond of have many holes inside themselves.

The police better clean up the mess too, I pay my taxes for a fucking reason.

I suppose it'd be awesome to go to prison here (Satellite TV in your cell, no bullshit) for a few years and get a fucking HUGE payout when your appeal is accepted...

Mathematically speaking, for total hours served, it'd be far better than working to retirement and probably 400% better quality of life than the average wage.
Sounds like it is more expensive than welfare.


Well-Known Member
If a resident is alerted and has the chance to vacate, then that is what they should do 10 times out of 10. Not sneak around with a shotgun firing into the dark where they know the perp is cornered.

Willfully confronting somebody is not how you best protect your life in these situations. Leaving is. Isn't the spirit of these sort of laws to protect your life? How does risking it needlessly to shoot the perp fall into that?


Well-Known Member
If a resident is alerted and has the chance to vacate, then that is what they should do 10 times out of 10. Not sneak around with a shotgun firing into the dark where they know the perp is cornered.

Willfully confronting somebody is not how you best protect your life in these situations. Leaving is. Isn't the spirit of these sort of laws to protect your life? How is risking it needlessly to shoot the perp fall into that?
No one is gonna run from someone in their own fucking house. Get your head out of your ass.

Where the fuck do you idiots come up with this logic.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like it is more expensive than welfare.
Its almost €98,000 per person per year to incarcerate someone here. There was a guy who was aquitted after three and a half years incarcerated here after shooting two burglars and got over four million dollars compensation (it was about 3.5mill euro) for time served.

Maths time, son.
Three and a half years is 30660 hours, the average work week is say 40 hours, so thats 766.5 "work weeks", which in 48 week years (4 weeks vacation)
is just under 16 years of work.

That would give him a "salary" of approximately $250,000 a year as opposed to whatever he was making as a farmer...

AND they had to give him his gun back.

As you can see, it wouldve been cheaper to have not imprisoned him in the first place.


Well-Known Member
So by the time you went to an actual war zone you were a senior NCO...

In other words you sat behind a desk.

What was your mos?

I didn't start the pissing contest but I can piss pretty fucking far. Doublejj might have me beat.
11B4V....until the Army made me a zulu and sent me to unfuck some legs.

About the closest things I sat behind that resembled a "desk" had either .50's, 7.62's, or a 25MM cannon mounted on them.

Granted, a senior NCO isn't normally the number one muldoon through the breach, but that's because WE teach young pups like YOU to do the job. We ARE the ones, however, that end up cutting you young pups out of the twisted wreckage of a vehicle that gets blown the fuck up, so you and your buds don't have to deal with the mess, and we're also the ones that identify targets, and monitor and control your rates of fire...because y'all can sometimes get a little amped the fuck up. We do things like put your ass on details to get you off the line for a rest when you show signs of "fatigue", let you cry in a corner undisturbed when you need to, and make sure that all your buddies are carried off the objective and accounted for prior to exfil. We do a LOT of shit you young pups know NOTHING about, however, of all the things a senior line NCO does, THE most important thing we do is to make sure your team leaders, squad leaders, and platoon sergeants don't use good men to do a job that high explosives can do better, and in that, I was a motherfuckin' EXPERT.

Being a senior NCO, and a student of history, also meant that I fully understood that what WE did wasn't shyte compared to our forefathers due to the fact that Haj SUCKS, he had NO air assets, limited and largely ineffective indirect fire assets, no armor, and he had the marksmanship abilities and discipline of a mongoloid retard. Compare that with taking on the Wehrmact, the Imperial Japanese Army, the soviet equipped North Korean army, or the soviet equipped North Vietnamese army, and you'll find there IS no comparison.

We got over compared to our forefathers, but we don't choose our "wars", do we?

The way I see it, a home invader isn't any better than the tards' that were trying to kill you, me, and our friends. And like Haj, they'll TRY to hide their intent as long as possible so as not to get shot the fuck in the face.


Well-Known Member
11B4V....until the Army made me a zulu and sent me to unfuck some legs.

About the closest things I sat behind that resembled a "desk" had either .50's, 7.62's, or a 25MM cannon mounted on them.

Granted, a senior NCO isn't normally the number one muldoon through the breach, but that's because WE teach young pups like YOU to do the job. We ARE the ones, however, that end up cutting you young pups out of the twisted wreckage of a vehicle that gets blown the fuck up, so you and your buds don't have to deal with the mess, and we're also the ones that identify targets, and monitor and control your rates of fire...because y'all can sometimes get a little amped the fuck up. We do things like put your ass on details to get you off the line for a rest when you show signs of "fatigue", let you cry in a corner undisturbed when you need to, and make sure that all your buddies are carried off the objective and accounted for prior to exfil. We do a LOT of shit you young pups know NOTHING about, however, of all the things a senior line NCO does, THE most important thing we do is to make sure your team leaders, squad leaders, and platoon sergeants don't use good men to do a job that high explosives can do better, and in that, I was a motherfuckin' EXPERT.

Being a senior NCO, and a student of history, also meant that I fully understood that what WE did wasn't shyte compared to our forefathers due to the fact that Haj SUCKS, he had NO air assets, limited and largely ineffective indirect fire assets, no armor, and he had the marksmanship abilities and discipline of a mongoloid retard. Compare that with taking on the Wehrmact, the Imperial Japanese Army, the soviet equipped North Korean army, or the soviet equipped North Vietnamese army, and you'll find there IS no comparison.

We got over compared to our forefathers, but we don't choose our "wars", do we?

The way I see it, a home invader isn't any better than the tards' that were trying to kill you, me, and our friends. And like Haj, they'll TRY to hide their intent as long as possible so as not to get shot the fuck in the face.
Dude, you can do that shit on a Playstation.

You aint a combat boy, you a pussy, son.



Well-Known Member
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.