Could Christ Be Elected President?

Im now going to procede and play My videos of Myself.

Feel free to comment on any or all of My videos.

These are videos of Myself, so you can see exactly Who you have been talking to.

great, now the special snowflake wants to share how special he is with a deluge of idiotic tweaker word salad selfie videos
great, now the special snowflake wants to share how special he is with a deluge of idiotic tweaker word salad selfie videos

What is it with "word salad"? Uncle Buck is on a word salad kick too. Word salad word salad word salad. Dammit, I want some croutons.
What is it with "word salad"? Uncle Buck is on a word salad kick too. Word salad word salad word salad. Dammit, I want some croutons.

muyloco used it in another thread too.

are we in a rut? do we all need a romantic weekend retreat?
What is it with "word salad"? Uncle Buck is on a word salad kick too. Word salad word salad word salad. Dammit, I want some croutons.

wordsalad is the mindless gibberings of a tweaker, a psychotic or a retard when they vomit up a string of nonsensical words in a meaningless random sequence


kinda like the writer of "twilight"
You need to put down the rock pipe, just cos you can smoke it and it gets you high doesn't mean it's ok.

Preferably before what's left of your brain is "abducted".
You need to put down the rock pipe, just cos you can smoke it and it gets you high doesn't mean it's ok.

Preferably before what's left of your brain is "abducted".

I have never smoked "rock" or crack, not once.

I even stopped smoking cannabis about a year ago.

The only thing I smoke now is cigaretts.

Who said anything about being "abducted"?

I am claiming that I saw an alien in August of 2012, and Im also claiming that I see UFOs almost every day. But I have never claimed to have ever been "abducted".

Could Christ be elected President...

Not sure about Christ but I know a few JEsus's that clean pool on the weekend... Dont think they are legal though but perhaps
Could Christ be elected President...

Not sure about Christ but I know a few JEsus's that clean pool on the weekend... Dont think they are legal though but perhaps

Now, I'll buy that for a dollar.

Jesus Paul Maria Salvador Rodrigo Philipp Deaux for President. Nice thought, really.
Seriously, you're fucked in the head.

These highly advanced beings travel LIGHTYEARS across the cosmos all to just reveal themselves to a crack head like you?

It is not unusual to find some quite fully blown pathologies here, is it? Such fun!
Seriously, you're fucked in the head.

These highly advanced beings travel LIGHTYEARS across the cosmos all to just reveal themselves to a crack head like you?

First off, Im not a "crack head" because I have never smoked crack.

Secondly, we dont know where these "highly advanced beings" have traveled from. The aliens could have first visited the earth millions of years ago, if not longer. We dont know where the aliens come from and how long they have been here for.

You dont have to believe Me, consider My rhetoric as entertainment from a "crack head".
