Could Christ Be Elected President?

When I first had My apotheosis, I was telling many people that Im "Jesus". Most people thought I went crazy, and I am, a little.

When I went to prison, in 2009, I told all of My fellow inmates that "Im Jesus", and most of My fellow inmates that knew Me were calling Me "Jesus". I basically had the biggest "following" when I was in prison. For the record, I wasnt convicted of any crime.

Im 28; it would be epic when I turn 33, to get nailed to a cross and crucified by the whole world. I have no idea when Im going to die, but if I die on a cross, I hope someone video tapes My death so there wont be any controversy.

I already made up My mind, My Christ complex is incognito besides on the internet. I dont need people in person to think Im a crazy nutcase, thats saved for the internet.


David Blaine could nail you to a cross on TV.
Dudes selling wolf tickets. "I've been in prison - I have never been convicted." - Nevaerbeenlayed
No conviction, convict? gtfo

I got into a fight with My dad. Its a long story, but I will curtail the message for you.

I got kicked out of My moms house. I had no money, and she told Me to move to My house in Maine because she didnt want Me to live at her house. I had no money to turn on My utilities in My house in Maine so I was planning on killing Myself when I got to My house; I was going to blow My head off with My 12 gage shotgun. I didnt have enough gas to drive to My house in Maine, so My mother gave Me $20 for gas, and she told Me to get the rest of the gas money to get to My house in Maine from My dad.

Getting into that fight with My dad was the best thing that ever happened to Me because if I got to My house in Maine, I was going to blow My head off with My shotgun.

I got to My dads house and he only gave Me $20 too. I didnt have enough gas money to drive to My house in Maine with only that much money. To make a long story short, I got into a fight with My dad. Later that night I was arrested and sent to jail. The next day I was sent to prison for 2 months. After prison, I immediately went to a state mental hospital for about 5 months.

My dad never pressed charges on Me but the DA wanted to. I was released from prison and then the state mental hospital with no charges. I served about 7 months all together, for fighting with My dad for a minute.

But it could have been worse, I could have killed Myself; I was planning on killing Myself if I made it to My house in Maine. Thats why fighting with My dad could have been the best thing that had happened to Me. Then you guys wouldnt be talking to Me if I killed Myself.

That was too many paragraphs. You can't bullshit a bullshitter, homie. What block did you rock? What was your celly's name? What time do they rock the gates open for movement? How much dough did you have to blow on some fresh socks? What was your CO's tag line? etc....answer at least two of those and we'll further conversate....
David Blaine could nail you to a cross on TV.

Im not saying I want to die now, but if I was nailed to a cross and crucified at 33 years old, it would be epic.

I dont ever want to die, but if I had to die to free and liberate the world, then I would die for all of the people of the world if that meant everyone could be much more rich and content. Whats My Life compared to the value of all the people of the world? My Life is all I have, but in the big picture, its about all the people, and their prosperity.

Im game, to die to gain a world of happy, content people... even if it would cost Me My Life.

Im not saying I want to die now, but if I was nailed to a cross and crucified at 33 years old, it would be epic.

I dont ever want to die, but if I had to die to free and liberate the world, then I would die for all of the people of the world if that meant everyone could be much more rich and content. Whats My Life compared to the value of all the people of the world? My Life is all I have, but in the big picture, its about all the people, and their prosperity.

Im game, to die to gain a world of happy, content people... even if it would cost Me My Life.


Good. I'll get in touch with Blaine's people and help you set it up. Man this will be big!!!! Thanks.
That was too many paragraphs. You can't bullshit a bullshitter, homie. What block did you rock?

I went to Bridewater state hospital/prison. In Massachusetts.

My cell block was called B1 and B2, I believe, I lived in both.

What was your celly's name?

Its either I was in a solo cell or dorming with 3 other cell/dorm mates. I forget most of their names because this was in 2009, and I only stayed there for 2 months. I think one of My black dorm mates called himself "Juice".

What time do they rock the gates open for movement?

I forget, but chow for breakfast was early, maybe 7 am.

I was in a prison for the criminally insane, so unless youre in a solo cell, you dont get locked in at all. When youre living in a dorm, there is no toilet or water, so they cant lock it down.

How much dough did you have to blow on some fresh socks?

They gave out free socks where I was. There was canteen, but I got less then $100 while I was there.

What was your CO's tag line? etc....answer at least two of those and we'll further conversate....

I dont know what a "COs tag line" is. But I do remember the COs wore the USA flag backwards. I remember thinking the COs were some kind of Nazis.

Alright son. That follows. Gotta check a mother fucker on principle, aye? I'm so sick of these interwebs wanna be tough guys flexing their penis muscles. Had to make you flash your cred. Feels good to be out, huh?
Good. I'll get in touch with Blaine's people and help you set it up. Man this will be big!!!! Thanks.

Blaine can title My death:

"5 more years until the END of the world"

It will be about 5 years until I turn 33.

The end of an AGE, and the beginning of a new AGE.

The death of Christ, live.

Get your tickets now, lol.

You dont know David Blaine, so it doesnt matter.

Alright son. That follows. Gotta check a mother fucker on principle, aye? I'm so sick of these interwebs wanna be tough guys flexing their penis muscles. Had to make you flash your cred. Feels good to be out, huh?

It feels great to be out of prison.

I never thought I was going to get out of prison because they never gave Me a release date or sentence time, it was one day to LIFE. Remember, I wasnt in a "normal" prison, I was in the criminally insane prison, its a lot different and you dont get locked down all day either.

The food was awful in prison, but I did make a lot of friends, everyone seemed to be very cool. I hope I never go back. I was in prison with people that are serving LIFE for murder, poor souls.

So you just want to be rich and idle?
The rich bit sounds nice but being idle wouldn't do it for me.

No, I would be creating beaches everywhere.

I would be designing new mansions.

I would be terraforming planets.

I would be finding the best technology to make living cheaper and cleaner.

I would be designing, engineering, performing, and orchestrating the buldings and landscape for the new AGE.

The only time I would be idle is when I would be sleeping, because the earth is in high demand for some serious change.

Here is your problem, that kind of god is all made up. The Cristians are the sadly confused of all relgions.

So, would it not be a better life for you, if stop fantasizing that you are this thing of fantasy?

IAC, Blane's and Copperfield's peps are interested. So, right now the bidding is.

A cross, hanging above Las Vegas Blvd, with a giant trampoline for the Roman Solider part.


Upside down in a Fish tank in Ceasers, and a scuba diver is the Roman. I'm thinking the spear gun will be a nice "touch."
Here is your problem, that kind of god is all made up. The Cristians are the sadly confused of all relgions.

So, would it not be a better life for you, if stop fantasizing that you are this thing of fantasy?

IAC, Blane's and Copperfield's peps are interested. So, right now the bidding is.

A cross, hanging above Las Vegas Blvd, with a giant trampoline for the Roman Solider part.


Upside down in a Fish tank in Ceasers, and a scuba diver is the Roman. I'm thinking the spear gun will be a nice "touch."

I dont believe you know David Blaine anways.

Even if you hypotetically did know David Blaine, can you really murder someone on live TV? Wouldnt that be against the law?

Ill have to think about being crucified, lol. It would be totally epic, and a righteous way for Me to die, but Im not really suicidal.

I dont believe you know David Blaine anways.

Even if you hypotetically did know David Blaine, can you really murder someone on live TV? Wouldnt that be against the law?

Ill have to think about being crucified, lol. It would be totally epic, and a righteous way for Me to die, but Im not really suicidal.


Wait, wait, have to rise from the dead, or the deal is off.
Wait, wait, have to rise from the dead, or the deal is off.

You dont believe in the fictional "rising from the dead" thing, do you?

Once youre dead, youre dead. There is no rising from the dead, even if youre Jesus. Notice how Jesus allegedly didnt stay alive on earth forever; he "ascended into heaven". Why wouldnt Jesus stick around and usher in his kingdom if he could just "rise from the dead" after every time he died?

Thats a logical fallacy and a fallacious myth, even you know thar Doer. So why would you expect Me to perfom a miracle if no one has ever been able to perform a miracle?

I will "rise from the dead" when Im reincatnated at the next AGE.

I believe you are full of shit, and perhaps dangerous.

I said there was never a Jesus, you clod. You are picking and choosing old stories for your sick little ego. So, the Piso Family in the Roman Senate didn't do you a favor at all, to promote this fairy tale of Jesus.

John Bab was real....that's it. The rest were followers that lost their leader's head, and went crazy. Since Herrod took the head, and pissed them off, the Piso, being the main patrons of Herrod, had to make a deflection. They ran the cult to ground and no one wrote a word for decades. But, by then the Piso had created a new martyr figure with better cred, and with a cool code name. Chhisto, from the Greek meaning Self. It is a cynical Roman Joke.

The things that Jesus was suppose to have said, beyond the usual parable of the day, is almost nothing. But, it is Greek Philosphy,. I and my father are One. And about 10 more pharses, that's all/

It was John that said, "for God so loved the world...." A gush toward John Bab., that was edited later.
The First book was written by Mark. Mark only heard, never witnessed.

Peter has a gay cult of Babtists and he was the one that was crucified but not for that.

You act like the Bible is from John Bab, day. No. Almost 400 years later, did someone write the Bible from old stories to trap weaklings into the war cult of Constantine.

So, you are not even Christian if you don't believe in resurrection. You are technically a Meglo-maniac. I'd have that checked.

Deal is off. Go back to making mud pies or something.
I dont believe you know David Blaine anways.

Even if you hypotetically did know David Blaine, can you really murder someone on live TV? Wouldnt that be against the law?

Ill have to think about being crucified, lol. It would be totally epic, and a righteous way for Me to die, but Im not really suicidal.


david blaine is a stage magician you dolt.

you would think the all knowing son of god would be able to clock a reference to another master of illusion.

youre probably just pissed because his magic tricks are more creative than yours
I didn't want to read all the other responses...
So if this has already been said forgive me....

Christ, Jesus could not be elected...
because he most likely is a republican,
and we all know one of those are not going to get elected president, in our lifetimes ...again...

Have you ever read the Bible? Jesus would damn the republicans to Hell.
Have you ever read the Bible? Jesus would damn the republicans to Hell.

Jusus, was said to have said, very little. 20 or so parables....throw away edits from later, to juice the story, and maybe about 20 other phases that are cryptic and unique among all scripture. The most radical one is this. It is in no other religion even today. And none of what he was said to say, is aligned with modern Christians, IMO.

- Love one another

- I and my father are one

- my father's house has many mansions

- know the Son to know the Father

and only a few more. But, these are the opposite of what you just said.

There is nothing about Jesus damning to hell, anyone. BTW< the concept of HELL even the Chruch is confused. But, it is not mentioned as something Jesus does. The last Pope said there was no Hell, but Gay marriage is not allow. This one says, Hell is very real, but Gay marriage is OK.

It is a teaching of universal love. Unique. Love one another. Nowhere did Jesus say, damn my enemies. That is the war cult of Contantine later called Christianity.

So you are already in HELLa confusion. And you are invoking hate and Satan.