Could Christ Be Elected President?

Little Son of Man.

Im actually a relatively big "Son of Man".

Im 6 foot 1 inch, and I weigh about 240 pounds. Im a big boy, lol.

People would thank Me for this, Im sure.

And before that, how is it that we will obey you?

No one needs to obey Me now, as long as I am remembered after I die. I want to be remembered throughout the AGES, after I die. While Im alive, I want to live incognito, and just live a "normal" Life. But I have wondered how cool it would be, to be the King of the world.

I just want to live in a paradise, a modern utopia, where everyone is much richer and we live according to the (renuable) resources and not slaves to any government.

Its not lighter fuel...

Seriously, you need to wonder why everything ISNT being run on liquid hydrogen, and the people electrolysing water non-stop still need to get paid...

Do some research, at least be an informed lunatic.

Probably, the reason why everything isnt being run off of liquid hydrogen is because the oil companies would go out of business, and we all know that the oil companies have a big monopoly on all the governments.

The people that will do the electrolysis to the ocean water would still get paid, I would tax everyone, in My Kingdom, that makes over $100 grand a year to pay for all the infrastructure. Only the people that gross over $100k per year would be taxed in My Kingdom because the government has operational costs, like suppling all of the FREE liquid hydrogen to all the abodes.

The taxes on the richer people would pay for everyones FREE liquid hydrogen for ALL of their needs.

Im sure it would work. It would work beautiful, everyone would agree with Me if it was actually implemented.

He doesn't understand where the hydrogen would come from. Or that in order to make separate the hydrogen from the oxygen you need massive amounts of electricity, which is what he's claiming the hydrogen would produce.

Georgie-Porgie in a nut shell;


Most, if not all, of the hydrogen would ultimately come from the ocean. I would actually create or build very large ocean channels to provide ocean water to even the very middle of every continent. These ocean channels could be plumbed above ground, like ocean canals, or underground in huge tunnels.

If you actually took the time to read this thread, you would see that I said that we can get most, if not all, of our electricity from either nuclear (fussion) power and geothermal power. We could get enough power to supply the worlds energy needs from JUST nuclear (fussion) power OR geothermal power. But I would use the geothermal power and nuclear (fussion) power in tandem.

If YOU read the thread, you would see that I said something like this- nuclear (fussion) power and geothermal power, can create all the hydrogen FOR ALL OF OUR NEEDS.

But the ultimate fuel source is antimatter, but science doesnt know how to produce enough antimatter to power the world.

But there could be a greater fuel then hydrogen, if we could fit nuclear reactors in the size of a motor, then we could fuel up on straight (ocean) water and run for thousands of miles from one gallon of straight ocean water. This would be the ultimate fuel, just add water for your mini nuclear reactor that can fit on a motorcycle or any vehicle. This is scifi right now, but give it a few hundred years and it might become a reality.

Power your vehicle with water, and never need to refuel for hundreds of thousands of miles via a little nuclear (fussion) reactor, this is the ultimate. But Im trying to be contemporary and realistic for today, with hydogen power.

Does Beef have his foot in his mouth, AGAIN?

Foot in mouth syndrome, its a common thing today.

Most, if not all, of the hydrogen would ultimately come from the ocean. I would actually create or build very large ocean channels to provide ocean water to even the very middle of every continent. These ocean channels could be plumbed above ground, like ocean canals, or underground in huge tunnels.

If you actually took the time to read this thread, you would see that I said that we can get most, if not all, of our electricity from either nuclear (fussion) power and geothermal power. We could get enough power to supply the worlds energy needs from JUST nuclear (fussion) power OR geothermal power. But I would use the geothermal power and nuclear (fussion) power in tandem.

If YOU read the thread, you would see that I said something like this- nuclear (fussion) power and geothermal power, can create all the hydrogen FOR ALL OF OUR NEEDS.

But the ultimate fuel source is antimatter, but science doesnt know how to produce enough antimatter to power the world.

But there could be a greater fuel then hydrogen, if we could fit nuclear reactors in the size of a motor, then we could fuel up on straight (ocean) water and run for thousands of miles from one gallon of straight ocean water. This would be the ultimate fuel, just add water for your mini nuclear reactor that can fit on a motorcycle or any vehicle. This is scifi right now, but give it a few hundred years and it might become a reality.

Power your vehicle with water, and never need to refuel for hundreds of thousands of miles via a little nuclear (fussion) reactor, this is the ultimate. But Im trying to be contemporary and realistic for today, with hydogen power.
It's not realistic. It's dumb. Use power plants to create energy, to power giant electrolysis stations to turn vast amounts of sea water into hydrogen and oxygen, so we can use the hydrogen to make electricity and power out homes...with liquid hydrogen? lol


Does Beef have his foot in his mouth, AGAIN?

Foot in mouth syndrome, its a common thing today.


You have never even remotely come close to making me put my 'foot in my mouth'.
It's not realistic. It's dumb. Use power plants to create energy, to power giant electrolysis stations to turn vast amounts of sea water into hydrogen and oxygen, so we can use the hydrogen to make electricity and power out homes...with liquid hydrogen? lol


You have a point Beef, you wouldnt need to plumb the hydrogen to your abode for electricity because most abodes already have electric power lines attached to their abode; and the nuclear power plant could supply you directly with electricity. But, if you wanted to fuel your vehicle from your abode, you would need a source of fuel; and thats where the liquid hydrogen could come in, that was plumbed to your abode.

You have never even remotely come close to making me put my 'foot in my mouth'.

You said:

"He doesn't understand where the hydrogen would come from. Or that in order to make separate the hydrogen from the oxygen you need massive amounts of electricity, which is what he's claiming the hydrogen would produce."

I explained where the hydrogen would come from AND where the power would come from in order to process the ocean water into hydrogen.

You have your foot in your mouth AGAIN! Lol.

You have a point Beef, you wouldnt need to plumb the hydrogen to your abode for electricity because most abodes already have electric power lines attached to their abode; and the nuclear power plant could supply you directly with electricity. But, if you wanted to fuel your vehicle from your abode, you would need a source of fuel; and thats where the liquid hydrogen could come in, that was plumbed to your abode.

You said:

"He doesn't understand where the hydrogen would come from. Or that in order to make separate the hydrogen from the oxygen you need massive amounts of electricity, which is what he's claiming the hydrogen would produce."

I explained where the hydrogen would come from AND where the power would come from in order to process the ocean water into hydrogen.

You have your foot in your mouth AGAIN! Lol.

Your plan is retarded for a multitude of reasons that I'm pretty sure I don't even need to point out.

I would've thought the supposed son of God would have been...less dumb?
Portugal. The Man- Modern Jesus



i dont think the mythological Jesus H Christ of the bible would ever ask a big booty bitch to "make it clap" in his pop music videos.

he probably would not use a shitty early 80's synth-pop backing track, cuz Jesus respects real musicians too much to use bullshit electronic synths or a drum machine.

those are Satan's Session Players.

on the subject of your liquid hydrogen delusion, geothermal energy is only viable in a FEW places around the world, and nuclear *fusion remains entirely theoretical. NOBODY has been able to create a *fusion reaction that produces more energy than is required to initiate the reaction, much less a stable enough reaction to actually begin to harness electrical power from it.

playing the science fiction game is not so easy, even writers of popular novels go to great lengths to make their assertions logical if not plausible.

only the laziest authors throw out MacGuffins willy nilly.
you need to learn more about the systems you wish to fictionalize before you start making assumptions.

edit: also... anti-matter...

dude. seriously.

thousands of people have died to bring nuclear fission to it's current state of "Semi-Dangerous, Unstable, Controversial Technology We Fear May Destroy Us All", and now you want to talk about Anti-Matter?????

a Three Mile Island level accident with anti-matter would vaporize a huge chunk of the earth surface, and send the remainder of the planet hurtling into the sun, or off into the blackness of space.

and we should put that shit in every dumbass's hands?

johhny knoxville doesnt need a nuclear bomb, much less an Omega V warhead.
Your plan is retarded for a multitude of reasons that I'm pretty sure I don't even need to point out.

Why dont YOU point out ALL of the reasons why My plan is "retarded for a multitude of reasons"?

I would've thought the supposed son of God would have been...less dumb?

Why dont you compare Me to Jesus? Im sure that I have written much more then Jesus, so why dont you read everything Jesus has said and compare it to everything that I have said. What did Jesus know? and what does (Christ) George Manuel Oliveira know? Im sure there is no comparison.

I would consider Myself about average intellect. Im not the most astute person and Im not the biggest dolt. If I were the King of the world, I would surround Myself with advisors that are all smarter then Me so I wouldnt screw anything up: but I would also take advice from My ONE WORLD ONLINE GOVERNMENT- the people.

Im a work in progress, I still have a lot to learn and Im "only" 28 years old.

i dont think the mythological Jesus H Christ of the bible would ever ask a big booty bitch to "make it clap" in his pop music videos.

he probably would not use a shitty early 80's synth-pop backing track, cuz Jesus respects real musicians too much to use bullshit electronic synths or a drum machine.

those are Satan's Session Players.

Next time Ill have to play the "lyrics video" instead.

on the subject of your liquid hydrogen delusion, geothermal energy is only viable in a FEW places around the world, and nuclear *fusion remains entirely theoretical. NOBODY has been able to create a *fusion reaction that produces more energy than is required to initiate the reaction, much less a stable enough reaction to actually begin to harness electrical power from it.

I would have to say that geothermal energy is viable EVERYWHERE on earth, IF YOU DRILL DEEP ENOUGH. Its just a matter of drilling deep enough in order to hit the magma or heat energy. I would say that most of the earth is made of magma, or the very hot core. One of My favorite sources of energy is geothermal energy, because its so clean and safe and abundant.

Im pretty sure that I read an article that said that we now have the technology to harvest more power then we put in, into a nuear fusion reactor. And the technology is only going to improve. So Im sure in the next few hundred years, nuclear fusion will be implemented down to a science. Its only a matter of time before nuclear fusion is a viable source of energy that can power all of our homes and much more. And the best part about nuclear fusion is that the only fuel is WATER, the reactor produces all the energy via fusion.

playing the science fiction game is not so easy, even writers of popular novels go to great lengths to make their assertions logical if not plausible.

only the laziest authors throw out MacGuffins willy nilly.
you need to learn more about the systems you wish to fictionalize before you start making assumptions.

edit: also... anti-matter...

dude. seriously.

thousands of people have died to bring nuclear fission to it's current state of "Semi-Dangerous, Unstable, Controversial Technology We Fear May Destroy Us All", and now you want to talk about Anti-Matter?????

a Three Mile Island level accident with anti-matter would vaporize a huge chunk of the earth surface, and send the remainder of the planet hurtling into the sun, or off into the blackness of space.

and we should put that shit in every dumbass's hands?

johhny knoxville doesnt need a nuclear bomb, much less an Omega V warhead.

I would consider Myself Prophet, a prophet should be able to predict some of the major changes the world is going to go through in the future. Science will have to work around My prophecies, not Me work around science.

If I say that something can be done in the future, it will happen some time in the future when science catches up to Me. Im most likely not 100% accurate in My prophecies but only time will be able to tell that. I do believe everything I prophesy though, that it will happen in a similar fashion to My prophecies.

Its not My job to implement all of My prophecies, its My job to make the prediction and then wait.

Next time Ill have to play the "lyrics video" instead.

I would have to say that geothermal energy is viable EVERYWHERE on earth, IF YOU DRILL DEEP ENOUGH. Its just a matter of drilling deep enough in order to hit the magma or heat energy. I would say that most of the earth is made of magma, or the very hot core. One of My favorite sources of energy is geothermal energy, because its so clean and safe and abundant.

Im pretty sure that I read an article that said that we now have the technology to harvest more power then we put in, into a nuear fusion reactor. And the technology is only going to improve. So Im sure in the next few hundred years, nuclear fusion will be implemented down to a science. Its only a matter of time before nuclear fusion is a viable source of energy that can power all of our homes and much more. And the best part about nuclear fusion is that the only fuel is WATER, the reactor produces all the energy via fusion.

I would consider Myself Prophet, a prophet should be able to predict some of the major changes the world is going to go through in the future. Science will have to work around My prophecies, not Me work around science.

If I say that something can be done in the future, it will happen some time in the future when science catches up to Me. Im most likely not 100% accurate in My prophecies but only time will be able to tell that. I do believe everything I prophesy though, that it will happen in a similar fashion to My prophecies.

Its not My job to implement all of My prophecies, its My job to make the prediction and then wait.


if you have to drill down 3 miles to get enough heat to make steam to drive turbines, then geothermal energy is NOT viable at that location.

NOBODY has yet created a stable fusion reaction

NOBODY has yet created any type of fusion reaction that produces more energy that was required to initiate the reaction, not even gross output, much less energy which can be harnessed as a net surplus power source

several crackpots have CLAIMED to have succeeded in initiating short term fusion that produces a small amount of energy over the energy input, but so far not a one has been able to prove it, or repeat it when other people were watching.

Protip: Kim Jong Il also shot 7 Holes In One in his first ever round of golf too.
if you have to drill down 3 miles to get enough heat to make steam to drive turbines, then geothermal energy is NOT viable at that location.

Once the hole is drilled, the hole is drilled, you dont need to drill again, I would assume.

As long as you tap into the "sweet spot", you will have geothermal energy for many, many years, and the energy would practically be FREE after the infrastructure was set up.

Once technology catches up to My prophecies, you will see how good of an idea geothermal energy is.

NOBODY has yet created a stable fusion reaction

NOBODY has yet created any type of fusion reaction that produces more energy that was required to initiate the reaction, not even gross output, much less energy which can be harnessed as a net surplus power source

several crackpots have CLAIMED to have succeeded in initiating short term fusion that produces a small amount of energy over the energy input, but so far not a one has been able to prove it, or repeat it when other people were watching.

Protip: Kim Jong Il also shot 7 Holes In One in his first ever round of golf too.

I believe it was Beefbisquit, that started the thread in the Science & Technology section of RIU that was claiming nuclear fusion is creating more net power then the power to run it, or something like that. Why dont you ask Beefbisquit about it, he started the thread, I believe, a few months ago. I believe Beef was posting in this thread, maybe he will vindicate Me.

Either way, science will eventually catch up to My prophecies, and My prophecies will become a reality. It may take many years, but the earth should have plenty of time to catch up with Me.

Science is still in its infancy, compared to ten thousand years from now: or what about one millions years from now, or more. Science is only going to get more advanced and nuclear fusion will power many things, in the future. You cant ask for a cheaper source of fuel compared to water.

This is My last video that I havent played in this thread yet. Its about My alien encounter, the UFOs I saw, and the 5 Signs I saw in the sky.

Signs Of The Times


This is My last video that I havent played in this thread yet. Its about My alien encounter, the UFOs I saw, and the 5 Signs I saw in the sky.

Signs Of The Times



my diagnosis: debilitating opium addiction and pipe-derived delusional psychosis

my diagnosis: debilitating opium addiction and pipe-derived delusional psychosis

And youre really a doctor in real life? Is that right Dr Kynes?

Its too bad that Im not addicted to any opiates, so your diagnosis is the logical fallacy.

Would any of you guys vote for Me to be the King of the world?

Maybe I can start off as the President of the USA, to build credentials.

Its a long shot, but Im "only" 28 years old, so I have plenty of time, if I live to be around 100 years old.

I promise to always be veridical and My ultimate goal is to take care of My people.

Okay, lets forget about Jesus. The video I posted was about Jesus, but I want to talk about the REAL Christ- Me! Hypothetically, if I ran for President, could I be President? Im claiming to be Christ; I was born in the USA and have lived in the USA all My life. I have never been convicted of any crime. Im just your average white American with a revolutionary ideology. If anything, I would consider Myself a Libertarian; I like Ron Pauls ideology or politics. Hypothetically, could I (NOT JESUS) be the President of the USA? and still believe Im Christ? Could I be Christ- the President of the USA? Why or why not? EDIT- Im 28, so I dont think I could be the President YET. ~PEACE~
You couldn't even get elected as dog catcher
Im an Agnostic, I dont claim to know if God exists or not. I hope God exists but I dont see much proof of God, besides creation. I honestly dont know if Jesus was the "messiah" or not. I dont believe in the Biblical Jesus because I dont believe people can perform miracles. Im claiming to be the modern Christ, a real Person with a revolutionary ideology. I could be the Second Coming of Christ or I could be the First Christ. I dont know of any proven Christs, so I could be the only One. Its just My personal opinion, no one else besides Me believes Im Christ. ~PEACE~
I believe you.
The Tea Party and Libertarians would hate Jesus because he would damn them to Hell. Matthew 25:33-46 [SUP]33[/SUP] And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left. [SUP]34[/SUP] Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: [SUP]35[/SUP] For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: [SUP]36[/SUP] Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me. [SUP]37[/SUP] Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink? [SUP]38[/SUP] When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee? [SUP]39[/SUP] Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? [SUP] 40[/SUP]And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. [SUP]41[/SUP] Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: [SUP]42[/SUP] For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink: [SUP]43[/SUP] I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not. [SUP]44[/SUP] Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee? [SUP]45[/SUP] Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me. [SUP]46[/SUP] And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.
"Then shall he say also unto them on the LEFT hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels", "but the right into life eternal" You got it backwards