Could Christ Be Elected President?

My Christ complex seems to offend many people, especially the Atheists.

Im glad that you think Im attractive. Thanks, you made My day, lol.

To be veridical, I dont have much of a Life. Im unemployed and I dont like to watch TV that much. I have been going out to the bar every weekend with My friends to get a little drunk, but thats it. So candidly, I have plenty of time on My hands to blog.

I dont grow any more. I havent grown cannabis in years. I havent really lived in My own house (that I bought with CASH when I was 21 years old) in years either. So, I cant start a grow journal because I havent grown cannabis in years, but I do know how to grow.

Thanks for the polite posts ;-)

Dude, get a job and start living in the real world, all this "Christ and Aliens" bullshit is the product of a vacant mind.
...... all I know is if Christ were president, people would start blaming Jesus for gas prices and taxes

If I were the President of the USA or if I were the King of the world, I would get us off of fossil fuels and implement smarter, cleaner technology.

I would replace fossil fuels with liquid hydrogen and biodiesel made from hemp oil.

There is no shortage of hydrogen thats derived from the ocean. Even if we used a lot of ocean water to create hydrogen, it would all eventually flow back to the ocean after the hydrogen was combusted. I believe its impossible even to create a noticeable dent in the ocean, even if everything was powered by liquid hydrogen that was processed by ocean water.

Plus, I wouldnt use fossil fuels for the electrolysis of the ocean water. I would build thousands of nuclear fussion power plants in remote locations that would produce the power to create all that liquid hydrogen. So the nuclear power plants would be fussion too, meaning that they would be powered by ocean water too.

If we used the MYT engine, Im sure we could all get over 200 miles per gallon out of liquid hydrogen. (Look up the "MYT ENGINE" on youtube.) The cost of a gallon of liquid hydrogen would only cost pennies per gallon if thousands of nuclear power plants were built. Plus I would supplement the nuclear fussion power with geothermal power to create the hydrogen.

Look up "MYT ENGINE" on youtube. Its going to be the future engine. The MYT engine gets about 150 miles per gallon off of biodiesel. I would use hemp biodiesel and grow millions of acres of hemp to produce this renewable fuel.

People would thank Me for this, Im sure.

These are just some of My prophecies for the future, I have many more prophecies.

But, nuclear fussion power and geothermal power are the future. And hydrogen fuel is clean burning and an excellent source of power.

So, basically, fuel would almost be FREE compared to todays prices if My prophecies were implemented.

As far as taxes go, I wouldnt tax anyone that made under $100 grand a year. I would only tax the richer people that made over $100 grand a year. It would be a sliding scale tax, if you made a little more then $100k a year, you would only get taxed a little bit. If you made close to a billion dollars a year, you would get taxed close to 50% of your gross income. No one would be allowed to own more then one billion dollars in My Kingdom.

I would also power houses with liquid hydrogen. The liquid hydrogen would be plumbed directly to your house. You could use the plumbed liquid hydrogen for your homes heating and cooling, as well as your stove, and for electricity too, via fuel cells.

You could also use the liquid hydrogen for all of your gadgets too, like laptops, tablets, and smart phones, via little fuel cells. The liquid hydrogen is going to power nearly everything in the future.

These are some more of My prophecies for the future.

You could even have a little "spout" to tap into your abodes liquid hydrogen to power your gadgets for FREE. You would just need to tap into your abodes liquid hydrogen via a "spout" or whatever and tap into as much liquid hydrogen as you need for all of your gadgets. These gadgets will be powered by liquid hydrogen via a little fuel cell.

So, I say, plumb the liquid hydrogen directly to everyones homes for all of their power needs. There is plenty of hydrogen in the ocean, we are never going to run out of hydrogen.

These are My prophecies for liquid hydrogen.

Im Christ!

I would also power houses with liquid hydrogen. The liquid hydrogen would be plumbed directly to your house. You could use the plumbed liquid hydrogen for your homes heating and cooling, as well as your stove, and for electricity too, via fuel cells.

You could also use the liquid hydrogen for all of your gadgets too, like laptops, tablets, and smart phones, via little fuel cells. The liquid hydrogen is going to power nearly everything in the future.

These are some more of My prophecies for the future.

You could even have a little "spout" to tap into your abodes liquid hydrogen to power your gadgets for FREE. You would just need to tap into your abodes liquid hydrogen via a "spout" or whatever and tap into as much liquid hydrogen as you need for all of your gadgets. These gadgets will be powered by liquid hydrogen via a little fuel cell.

So, I say, plumb the liquid hydrogen directly to everyones homes for all of their power needs. There is plenty of hydrogen in the ocean, we are never going to run out of hydrogen.

These are My prophecies for liquid hydrogen.

Im Christ!


Yeah, cos people think having guns in your house is unsafe...

Lets interlink all the houses with high pressure liquid hydrogen piping, what could ever go wrong?
Little Son of Man.

People would thank Me for this, Im sure.

And before that, how is it that we will obey you?

Yeah, cos people think having guns in your house is unsafe...

Lets interlink all the houses with high pressure liquid hydrogen piping, what could ever go wrong?

First of all, I never said "Lets interlink all the houses with high pressure liquid hydrogen piping,". It very well could and maybe should be LOW PRESSURE. As long as you have a steady, constant source of liquid hydrogen, why would it need to be high pressure?

It might sound dangerous, but what about all the natural gas lines that are plumbed to many homes? are the natural gas lines not safe?

Its just a novel notion- plumbing liquid hydrogen to homes across the globe.

I would also like to mention this: you would be able to literally fuel your vehicle from your abode, right in your garage or even outside. You can drive a car, or, in the future, you will be able to fly a SPACE JET that can fly through the air, into outer space, or through the water.

Imagine never needing to go to a gas station to fuel your vehicle, because YOU CAN FUEL YOUR SPACE JET FROM YOUR HOUSE, in the future. It seems like scifi, but sometimes scifi becomes science fact.

Im sure all the liquid hydrogen would be plumbed UNDERGROUND for safety reasons; until it gets to your abode.

The scariest part about it would be how rich people would get because they would be saving so much money on fuel, electricty, heating and cooling costs, and gas.

Im sure the oil companies would hate Me to be the President.

If I was the King of the world, I would make liquid hydrogen FREE, and count it as a basic commodity, needed for growth.

First of all, I never said "Lets interlink all the houses with high pressure liquid hydrogen piping,". It very well could and maybe should be LOW PRESSURE. As long as you have a steady, constant source of liquid hydrogen, why would it need to be high pressure?

It might sound dangerous, but what about all the natural gas lines that are plumbed to many homes? are the natural gas lines not safe?

Its just a novel notion- plumbing liquid hydrogen to homes across the globe.

I would also like to mention this: you would be able to literally fuel your vehicle from your abode, right in your garage or even outside. You can drive a car, or, in the future, you will be able to fly a SPACE JET that can fly through the air, into outer space, or through the water.

Imagine never needing to go to a gas station to fuel your vehicle, because YOU CAN FUEL YOUR SPACE JET FROM YOUR HOUSE, in the future. It seems like scifi, but sometimes scifi becomes science fact.

Im sure all the liquid hydrogen would be plumbed UNDERGROUND for safety reasons; until it gets to your abode.

The scariest part about it would be how rich people would get because they would be saving so much money on fuel, electricty, heating and cooling costs, and gas.

Im sure the oil companies would hate Me to be the President.

If I was the King of the world, I would make liquid hydrogen FREE, and count it as a basic commodity, needed for growth.


Its not lighter fuel...

Seriously, you need to wonder why everything ISNT being run on liquid hydrogen, and the people electrolysing water non-stop still need to get paid...

Do some research, at least be an informed lunatic.
Its not lighter fuel...

Seriously, you need to wonder why everything ISNT being run on liquid hydrogen, and the people electrolysing water non-stop still need to get paid...

Do some research, at least be an informed lunatic.

He doesn't understand where the hydrogen would come from. Or that in order to make separate the hydrogen from the oxygen you need massive amounts of electricity, which is what he's claiming the hydrogen would produce.

Georgie-Porgie in a nut shell;

Whats your point?

I have been basically been capitalizing the "M" in the word "My", since I found out that Im Christ in August of 2008.

Whats your point?

If I were to label Myself as anything, I would have to say that Im most likely a megalomaniac: but My psychiatrist doesnt label label as that.

I have a Christ complex too, if you havent noticed yet.


First of all, I never said "Lets interlink all the houses with high pressure liquid hydrogen piping,". It very well could and maybe should be LOW PRESSURE. As long as you have a steady, constant source of liquid hydrogen, why would it need to be high pressure?

It might sound dangerous, but what about all the natural gas lines that are plumbed to many homes? are the natural gas lines not safe?

Its just a novel notion- plumbing liquid hydrogen to homes across the globe.

I would also like to mention this: you would be able to literally fuel your vehicle from your abode, right in your garage or even outside. You can drive a car, or, in the future, you will be able to fly a SPACE JET that can fly through the air, into outer space, or through the water.

Imagine never needing to go to a gas station to fuel your vehicle, because YOU CAN FUEL YOUR SPACE JET FROM YOUR HOUSE, in the future. It seems like scifi, but sometimes scifi becomes science fact.

Im sure all the liquid hydrogen would be plumbed UNDERGROUND for safety reasons; until it gets to your abode.

The scariest part about it would be how rich people would get because they would be saving so much money on fuel, electricty, heating and cooling costs, and gas.

Im sure the oil companies would hate Me to be the President.

If I was the King of the world, I would make liquid hydrogen FREE, and count it as a basic commodity, needed for growth.


hydrogen is only liquid when compressed top 196 PSI, and cooled to NEGATIVE 420 degrees F.

in brief, liquid hydrogen is dangerous as fuck

natural gas is NOT piped in a liquified state, but it can be stored that way, and the pressures and temps are MUCH less extreme, as well as being a much richer source of energy, pound for pound than hydrogen.

natural gas and propane accidents are pretty rare, especially when you consider that pretty much every structure in america has this shit piped in or stored in pressurized containers on the premises.

hydrogen is NOT a solution, especially since it takes a fuckton of energy to cool/compress hydrogen to a liquid state.
Okay, lets forget about Jesus.

The video I posted was about Jesus, but I want to talk about the REAL Christ- Me!

Hypothetically, if I ran for President, could I be President? Im claiming to be Christ; I was born in the USA and have lived in the USA all My life. I have never been convicted of any crime. Im just your average white American with a revolutionary ideology. If anything, I would consider Myself a Libertarian; I like Ron Pauls ideology or politics.

Hypothetically, could I (NOT JESUS) be the President of the USA? and still believe Im Christ?

Could I be Christ- the President of the USA?

Why or why not?

EDIT- Im 28, so I dont think I could be the President YET.


To answer the hypothetical question for you. No. You're a moron.
Is that a hypothetical statement?

Is there any such thing, since it is a statement, not a question? Hypothetically?
Shut up!! Stop screaming at Jesus and go prey, sinner!

Lmao, youre so funny.

I had to quote this, its priceless.

Im not exactly "Jesus", Im a "modern Jesus". I have many Jesus-like qualities, but My real Name is (Christ) George Manuel Oliveira. Many people on RIU have called Me "Jesus", but My real Name is George.

I believe Im Christ, but I guess My beliefs are subjective. I have tried to prove Myself as Christ, you jusy need to read My signature in the OP for that.

I might be a "modern Jesus", but My real Name is (Christ) George Manuel Oliveira.

Portugal. The Man- Modern Jesus

