We Don't Need Another Habitual Liar In The White House


Well-Known Member
Hillary is a clear liar in the videos. We don't need another liar, we need to stop lying to ourselves thinking we will get anything but.

Long as everyones ipads are lit up, noone will give a shit.


Well-Known Member
Hillary is a clear liar in the videos. We don't need another liar, we need to stop lying to ourselves thinking we will get anything but.

Long as everyones ipads are lit up, noone will give a shit.

[h=1]Gary Johnson's false claims spinning out of control[/h]

[h=1]Gary Johnson's Record Doesn't Quite Match His Rhetoric[/h]



Well-Known Member
Who the fuck is Gary Johnson and why would I need to click any links about that person?
He's a small government guy. His lies would be less damaging than a big government guy. He says the country is bankrupt while the truth is, we will never be bankrupt until the dollar is no longer the world currency, we own the press. Nobody died.

thump easy

Well-Known Member
hate to break it to you we will get another liar in the box its not up to us anymore even if we win they will program the new president its the way it work from hear on out..


New Member
hate to break it to you we will get another liar in the box its not up to us anymore even if we win they will program the new president its the way it work from hear on out..
Unfortunately you are right, but not all of them lie to the extent of Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama.
I thought Nixon and Bill Clinton were bad, theses guys pale in comparison.to Obama and Hillary.


Well-Known Member
I'm inclined to believe him though. I really think the people running the country are NOT the politicians. I think the politicos are just salesmen put out front to tell us what we want to hear.

Anyone know who really wrote the stimulus or ACA? sure, some of the reps added things here and there to bribe into passage, but we are never allowed to know who the "real" authors are. We just get to see who puts their names on it to take credit (or blame).


Well-Known Member
Hillary is a clear liar in the videos. We don't need another liar, we need to stop lying to ourselves thinking we will get anything but.

Long as everyones ipads are lit up, noone will give a shit.

Looking for the last honest man.


New Member
I'm inclined to believe him though. I really think the people running the country are NOT the politicians. I think the politicos are just salesmen put out front to tell us what we want to hear.

Anyone know who really wrote the stimulus or ACA? sure, some of the reps added things here and there to bribe into passage, but we are never allowed to know who the "real" authors are. We just get to see who puts their names on it to take credit (or blame).
I'm not completely sold on that theory.
There's just too many people in high office for this to happen without dissension.
Perhaps I am naive, but I still believe the people hold the power, we've just become too inattentive to our government and complacent in our lives to do anything about it. I'm also a firm believer in America being exceptional and a change will come about.


Well-Known Member
I'm not completely sold on that theory.
There's just too many people in high office for this to happen without dissension.
Perhaps I am naive, but I still believe the people hold the power, we've just become too inattentive to our government and complacent in our lives to do anything about it. I'm also a firm believer in America being exceptional and a change will come about.
I sincerely hope you are more right than my pessimistic stance. Being a novice on the outside looking in, that's just how it appears to me. I hear a great game being talked and a completely different game being played.


New Member
I sincerely hope you are more right than my pessimistic stance. Being a novice on the outside looking in, that's just how it appears to me. I hear a great game being talked and a completely different game being played.
I still have faith the the people will wake up and demand government get out of their life.
Smaller government, more power to the states, it's the only clear way.


Well-Known Member
I'm not completely sold on that theory.
There's just too many people in high office for this to happen without dissension.
Perhaps I am naive, but I still believe the people hold the power, we've just become too inattentive to our government and complacent in our lives to do anything about it. I'm also a firm believer in America being exceptional and a change will come about.
It is true.

The lobbiests and unions give donations to politicians to give them some legislative edge and the politicians use the donations to perpetuate their terms in office. Round and round. They are all in it together to benefit each other. The individual citizen has long been forgotten.


Well-Known Member
It is true.

The lobbiests and unions give donations to politicians to give them some legislative edge and the politicians use the donations to perpetuate their terms in office. Round and round. They are all in it together to benefit each other. The individual citizen has long been forgotten.
until of course the individual citizen wants to die with dignity, in which case every single republican will make that individual citizen their business and crusade.

source: terry schiavo


Well-Known Member
I still have faith the the people will wake up and demand government get out of their life.
Smaller government, more power to the states, it's the only clear way.
It's replies like the one after this post that keeps me pessimistic. There is a very loud squeaky section of the country that DEMANDS the government does things they want and is very loud in their intolerance for people not conforming.

We've seen throughout history that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Right now the squeakiest wheels are the govangelicals.


Well-Known Member
Curious as to how all of you feel about Trey Gowdy?

I don't know to much about him, I watched a couple videos of him destroying people over Benghazi and other issues. Was quite amusing actually.

When I say everyone, I mean everyone but the problems starters. Their opinions mean nothing to me. You know who you are.


Well-Known Member
It is true.

The lobbiests and unions give donations to politicians to give them some legislative edge and the politicians use the donations to perpetuate their terms in office. Round and round. They are all in it together to benefit each other. The individual citizen has long been forgotten.
The individual is sacrificed for the greater good. You are just being selfish......

Two competing ideologies in this country, that what's best for the individual is what's best overall, society advances when freedoms are greater. And the other is it's all about the greater good at the expense of the individual.

Presently, the individualists are being drowned out, mocked for being selfish and not getting with the program, and pretty much not loud enough in demands to matter to those in charge. It's the occupy crowd vs the independence crowd. Because of the independents crowd nature, getting them together for a cause is like herding cats. Group think is winning.

it's creepy


Well-Known Member
IThere is a very loud squeaky section of the country that DEMANDS the government does things they want and is very loud in their intolerance for people not conforming.
kinda like how those very loud squeaky intolerant black people DEMANDED the government step in to end the practices that people like you support, such as denying them seats at the lunch counter, a hotel room, gas at the same price as white people, and so much more.

because i know how much you are opposed to civil rights, i thought this would be a perfect example to use.


Well-Known Member
The individual is sacrificed for the greater good. You are just being selfish......

Two competing ideologies in this country, that what's best for the individual is what's best overall, society advances when freedoms are greater. And the other is it's all about the greater good at the expense of the individual.

Presently, the individualists are being drowned out, mocked for being selfish and not getting with the program, and pretty much not loud enough in demands to matter to those in charge. It's the occupy crowd vs the independence crowd. Because of the independents crowd nature, getting them together for a cause is like herding cats. Group think is winning.
there you go again, talking a lot and saying nothing.

not to mention your idea of INDEPENDENCE is fucked in the head. you think that freedom means the right to harm others.

you clearly don't get how rights work in this country, but you sure do like to cry and whine with long winded statements that literally say nothing.