That is because your eyes pitifully wide shut to all but, the Partisan 10%
Is that what is valuable to you? Something positive? You take this all that personally?Just what the FUCK do you think this is? "I am not sure, nor could it ever be verified " - I am not sure. So that puts me in the partisan can does it? It was a postulate, a guess, an invitation to people such as yourself, not a mantra, not a submission to some sort of rigid ideology. You have anything positive to say? anything? Another question, how many things have liberrals and Dems done right, in your opinion? or are you just as partisan and blind as you accuse me of being?
Either they failed to see it or couldn't think of a way to prevent human nature's ugly sides when freedom was the main mantra.I don't think we can handle the truth.
And this is another "failed to see it" for the Founders.
Until you clarify what you consider me stating things that are "patently false" I'll take it as another one of your emotional overloads.Beenthere, you state things that are patently false. I can usualy trace those items to rghtist blogs or information dispersement centers. The fact that you do not cross reference what it is that you say, and in essence force me to do it, knowing that most will simply take your word at face value, may, in some concepts, make you a lier. I don't happen to feel that way but I am partial to giving others more than the benefit of the dobut.
the occasional lier, bolsters his reputation for truth only to use that reputation to foment the BIG lie, the lies held in reserve. the people, having come to believe the man will naturaly believe the lie along with the many truths - this is the more dangerous person.
If I have offended you, I appologize, but it is the way I see it. You commonly come down on the side of theory or poliicial and economic philosophy rather than on the side of the people. America is its people, if you consistantly opt for policies that have those people suffer, then I have trouble believing that you hold country first. country is not our borders, our flag and our military. It is the small town every day people and the big city struggling to get along follk. You consistantly ignore them, if not gloat over their misery as you seem to be doing with obamacare. Not once have I seen you suggest fixes for obamacare, except for scrapping it and leaving nothing in it's place. Hardly a boon to those AMERICANS in dire need of some sort of protection.
I'll tell you. I cheer the gridlock.
I believe the majority of people in this country want smaller government but they get stuck in the middle of the two party system we have, which will never make it happen.![]()
Me too. I don't get why people constantly want congress to "do something" when most of what they do is damaging.
The first politicians that runs on "I'm going to start UNDOING if elected" gets my vote.
So true. And now all we are left with is, "you broke it, you bought it." and "if not us, then who?"Either they failed to see it or couldn't think of a way to prevent human nature's ugly sides when freedom was the main mantra.
When Jefferson opined we may need a revolution every 20 years to keep gov in check I think he saw it.
When Franklin smirked about here's your republic, good luck keeping it, I think he saw.
It may have been more of a lack of ideas to stop it than lack of foresight.
I'm only speculating though, wasn't there. Can you think of any way to prevent lying in politics? Could be good forum exercise where we solve the world's problems.
I tell you what, when females can compete with men in athletic events without having to have their own divisions, I'll support sending them off to fight.
When females don't need any "special" protection from "domestic violence" or "rape" because they can't defend themselves from men, I'll support sending them off to fight.
But as long as BIOLOGY dictates that females will be SLOWER, have LESS endurance, LESS strength, and LESS muscle mass than males, I will NOT pretend that females make good warriors. They DON'T. Men do not respect females the same way we do males, and we sure as fuck don't fear them.
Our fighting men deserve better than that. Period. It's a g'damn shame assholes are willing to risk the lives of good men just to appease chicks that want to pretend to be "warriors".
The military needs female troops about as much as they need troops with down syndrome.
I honestly don't think she'll run. She would be the 2nd oldest President elected, and with all the other shit she has on her I just don't see it happening.I think Hillary has already made her mind up to run in 2016.
One thing for certain IMO is, the right will have more than enough ammunition to sway moderates and independents.
And Obamacare will be icing on the cake.
We're fucking bored!I honestly don't think she'll run. She would be the 2nd oldest President elected, and with all the other shit she has on her I just don't see it happening.
Who knows though. Its still almost 3 years away why are people talking about it so much already?
why do you care who we set up in OUR white house?It was 6 years ago but I still haven't come to terms with the fact that the REPS thought SARAH PALIN would be a good alternative to Hilary.
Can you imagine the meeting of Reps that led to this?
"Palin will make a good alternative to Hilary for anyone who want someone like her, but not her".
"Why. What attributes do they share?"
"Well, for a start, they both have a vagina where traditionally a politician keeps a penis".
"OK, that's a good start. What else?"
"Long hair - but in such a way as they don't run the risk of being called 'Hippies'."
"How do they manage that?".
"Oh...It's complicated......"
"Is it something to do with the 'vagina thing'?"
"Between you and me, Yes. The entire selection process, this year, has been built around the lack of a penis....At one point we considered that guy who had his penis chopped off by his angry wife and that transvestite from off of The Crying Game. But we settled for Sarah because the other had the remnants of historic penis's left over. Sarah is 100% penis free....."
Well.....undo Obama Care? Undo the shocking waste and payola, of global warming spending.![]()
Me too. I don't get why people constantly want congress to "do something" when most of what they do is damaging.
The first politicians that runs on "I'm going to start UNDOING if elected" gets my vote.
actually i am concerned.We're fucking bored!![]()
Well, my dad, WW2 vet, 86 years old, in the Army Air Corp, DI as a Corporal, and a Eagle Chief Master Srgt. AF (one of the first 60)A fair amount of evidence exists that makes it look like FDR knew the Japs were coming after pearl harbor. Yet he did nothing, except send the cv ships out.
Fact is, from reviewing the historical record, he either knew or should have known. If he knew, is a lie of that magnitude not several orders larger than what Nixon did, thus making democrats the undisputed king of harmful lies?