
  1. Daggy

    Sealed room with gavitas has leafs slightly cupin.

    Just switched my whole setup to a sealed room with Gavitas and c02 and start running into this issue. I have some plant outdoor that its not happening too.
  2. Firthdxb

    start of new grow few questions?

    So i've started another grow and this time opting for less plants bigger pots. The pits are 15 liter and i have 15 cuttings. My tent is 1.2 x 2.4 x 2 there about 6"intake and extractor with carbon filter. 4 x 6" osculating fans. Upon potting the cuttings in Terra soil from B&Q i had only 1 x...
  3. DimebagDave

    Fan and filter setup question...

    What's folks opinion on placement of the fan in an exhaust setup? I've been using my fan to pull air through my filter and lights then push it outside. Is that a better setup than having the fan right after the filter pushing air through my hoods to the outside?
  4. needthacheeba

    Moisture stress?

    I have a 400 watt hps at 16in away from top of plants and it's a constant 70 degrees and 50 percent humidity could this be moisture stress?
  5. SimonMoon

    Evapolar Personal Mini Ac - 350w Cooling Power

    Stumbled over this little thing. A bit pricey with about 150-200 bucks, but it might be a godsend for smaller grow ops, tents and boxes that struggle with heat. Evapolar - First personal portable Air Cooler here their kickstarter video (has been funded a while back and is available to buy on...
  6. Uberknot

    Houston we have a problem...Seedling almost 2 weeks ( Poll )

    OK Houston we have a problem..... Auto flowering Plant. Lights on 20/4 4 cobs 3590 spaced 7 inches apart. Temps 71-82 Humidity 50-75% Started in 50/50 coco/perlite mix in the center of Baccto Promix mixed w/ 50/50 coco/perlite Sparingly watered (8-10 sprays) , no fertilizer 70/30 RO/Tap...
  7. C

    Yet another question abouth lights...

    Hey you guys, I know, this is a subject reheated over and over again, I have searched many diufferent threads and forums, but failed to answer all my doubts. I have a SJ DR60 tent which is 2x2 and little shy of 6 ft high, which is quite tight. There will be some ducted ventilation in it going...
  8. S

    growtent heat problem

    hello everyone, i have a question please. i have one grow tent 1x1x1.80 sized, and i use both mh and hps 400 watt, but the thing is, the heat is getting over 35 degrees and i dont know what to do with it. i have non air cooled reflector( just a basic one). so what i ask is, what type of fans i...
  9. Dadopeboii

    Unhealthy & undeveloping plant problems

    Hey rollitup community, I have a plot of plants that all seem to be having the same problem. Their lower leaves are browning and dying and their growth is stunted. They are 3 months old but are very small and have not grown much at all. They seem to be getting worse and worse, any suggestions or...
  10. Dadopeboii

    Outdoor organic grow problem HELP!

    hello I have multiple plants that have been going since April, but they seem to have stunted growth and unhealthy dying leaves. There are outdoor in holes filled with a soil mix; the NATURAL SOIL IS RED CLAY. Need help getting my plants a boost and healthier, at this point I'm thinking about...
  11. P

    Exhaust fan for grow room help please!

    Hi I have a grow tent which is Width 50cm x Length 50cm x Height 100cm and will use a 250watt HPS light I will have 2 fans below and above my plant and I'm pretty sure i'll need an exhaust fan at the top of my grow tent. My room outside the tent is pretty warm but hopefully that's not a...
  12. O

    Temperature problem with CXB Cobs

    i'm having problem controlling the temp inside my growbox i have 16 cxb3590, and when all power them all the temp goes up to 95 °F, when i power 8 of them (200w) the temp below the cobs goes up to 83 in a matter of minutes even when the heatsinks are still cold and the tent still open, i can...
  13. Alec420

    Light vs temp

    Is it better to lower your light's wattz for better temps, or to have more wattz and just deal with the heat?
  14. CommanderTRON

    What is this??

    Cut it down or what? This wreck of a plant started with brown curling leaves only at the top. The brown grew as leaves died. Help. Yes please.
  15. Alec420

    Where should I install my ballast (grow tent)

    Hi all ! Im getting my first HID 600w soon, I as wondering where i should install my ballast and whats the best, safest way to do it? Im placing the HID in my flower tent, 4x4. It has ducting connect to my veg tent which is sucking the veg tents air in the carbon filter then out my window....so...
  16. Alec420

    Cheap ways to cool grow room or grow tent

    Hello, I live in desert like area and been having heat issues since summer just started. I was wondering if people would share their methods in keeping a place cool besides using a huge A/C or powerful inline fans...People have other financial responsibilities or are just plain broke (this...
  17. G

    Finally got the AC installed (2 rooms)

    After having trouble with heat in both rooms, i was able to install an in unit and i have a make shift enclosure forcing air to my 6" inline, then i have a y adapter hooked up and im pushing cool air into both the veg room, and my 4x4 tent. Ive read something about plants turning purple once...
  18. G

    Too hot??

    Still trying to dial in the tent, im running a 600 watt and the ballast at 100 percent, not super lumen. I have it exhausted outside, normally around 88 degrees in the tent. My logic is, it gets even hotter where these plants grow outside, so they should be ok. My question is will quality be...
  19. T.C. Bosby

    Hygrometer/Thermometer Placement In Tent

    Alright, although I've been dealing with heat issues, I think I may have been measuring my temp. wrong which has been throwing me off. Yes, I'm a newb. I currently have the thermometer at soil level directly underneath my CMH light. My plants are still babies, so they're only around 8 inches...
  20. T.C. Bosby

    Temps - LED vs HID

    I'm currently running into some awful heat issues in my tent and was wondering how much cooler do LEDs actually run in comparison to a HID light?