zimmerman news

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Go listen to his story

which one?

zimmerman has told many different stories.

I can't even call your statements ignorant anymore. It is just wild childish imagination. You argue just to argue.

why do you insist on cementing your own stupidity?

zimm said he tried to inch his way off the sidewalk to the grass, not the other way around as goode just testified to.


it's all right there in his own account.

stop proving to me that you are dumb, i am already convinced.
Where do you get these stories from? I am pretty sure you are 12-14 years old just posting nonsense you come up with in your head...

That's my Uncle Buck. Ain't he something? He has you exactly where planned. We have watched this pattern time and again.

Get him, Buck. Cn....pass the e-popcorn?
oh I C. uncle buck is a master troll. Had this thread started in favor of Treyvon Martin, then Uncle Buck would be all for Zimmerman. No doubt
I don't speak jeantil. What is 'do you even lift'? You don't even believe the shit you post

Hey don' cha be talking about lover gal like that. She has punked you good. I listened to almost all of her testimony and there were times she let the sandbags slip. She ain't no dummy. She has a good dummy act, they wouldn't let her get away with completely. Yaszzz Sur... so funny.

I love these girls. I have known a few in my time in FL. They have this routine and it just spells fuck off, honky. And they mean it.

Then we would all just start giggling and she goes on telling me about the movie. It is culture thing that I thought at the time it was interesting that they would let the white boy see it.

So, these gals won't even spell it out for you.
oh I C. uncle buck is a master troll. Had this thread started in favor of Treyvon Martin, then Uncle Buck would be all for Zimmerman. No doubt

It eludes such simple terms....a master at dark mind influence fucking more like. :) And he knows that is high praise from me.
when did i say that?

and what did martin steal?

he is on tape BUYING skittles and iced tea. what a thug.


Man you should spend some time checking on TM background. He was presently suspended from school for possession of burglary tools and several items of woman jewelry. Google Treyvon martin criminal record and this will come up with lots of information to back it up.

I was born and raised within 5 miles of Sanford. I hear every body crying about the friend getting mistreated, she's just from another culture, etc...Bull shit. She knows she's being disrespecting and lying to help make a case for the pros. They diff. use cracker as a racist remark and very knowingly so. My GF teaches now in a area that could be called the (hood)where we live now. Even up north the same attitude is presence in that age group and demographic. They know how to speak and act like everyone else in America but chose not to. If that was a rich white girl everyone would talked about how rude and snoopy she is not how misunderstood.

No treyvon didn't deserve to die and GZ should be found guilty of manslaughter. But if Treyvon Martin is so innocent how come we haven't heard about his other injuries that would have had to happen if GZ was solely the aggresser. If the winner looked as bad as GZ did then why have we only have heard of a gunshot wound?Just some food for thought
Man you should spend some time checking on TM background.

no criminal record, no history of violence.

way ahead of ya.

He was presently suspended from school for possession of burglary tools and several items of woman jewelry.

no, he was presently suspended for an empty baggie that might have had cannabis residue on it.

get your facts straight.

and his "burglary tool" was a screwdriver, thereby putting me in possession of approximately 6-8 "burglary tools" as we speak.

Google Treyvon martin criminal record and this will come up with lots of information to back it up.

martin had no criminal record and was doing nothing wrong that night when he was profiled and pursued.

nice try at a smear though.
MANY different stories? Ok Name TWO

he said in one interview that he knew he shot martin and in the next one he said he thought he hadn't shot martin.

that's just a start.

want me to keep going? i've already demonstrated beyond all refutation that you are unfamiliar with the facts of the case, specifically that he said he was trying to inch towards the grass (a little tidbit that was contradicted by goode's testimony).

just give up, you've already shredded your own credibility here.
he said in one interview that he knew he shot martin and in the next one he said he thought he hadn't shot martin.

that's just a start.

want me to keep going? i've already demonstrated beyond all refutation that you are unfamiliar with the facts of the case, specifically that he said he was trying to inch towards the grass (a little tidbit that was contradicted by goode's testimony).

just give up, you've already shredded your own credibility here.
You need to find some help. Call a doctor or check in somewhere. Uncle Buck is clinical.
If anything convicts Z it will be his own words. Those long interviews with Serino feeding Z bait are not going to do him any good. If Z is convicted his underlying crime will be aggravated stupidity. NEVER TALK TO THE COPS.

What this trial really highlights is the cynical corruption of the police and prosecutors. Based on these witnesses and the physical evidence the prosecution declined to arrest Zimmerman for 44 days. It wasn't until Sharpton, Jesse, and Obama waded in and stirred up a toxic blend of racial animosity and resentments that Florida's governor turned it over to Angela Corey and said, "arrest Zimmerman and prosecute him, I don't give a damn whether he is innocent". This a prosecution based on political appeasement; Zimmerman just happens to be the fall guy.

A prosecutor's job is to administer justice, which means that they do their best to convict people who they believe to be criminals and they do not pursue a prosecution against innocent people. Based on the witnesses so far, which category do you think Z falls into?
If anything convicts Z it will be his own words. Those long interviews with Serino feeding Z bait are not going to do him any good. If Z is convicted his underlying crime will be aggravated stupidity. NEVER TALK TO THE COPS.

What this trial really highlights is the cynical corruption of the police and prosecutors. Based on these witnesses and the physical evidence the prosecution declined to arrest Zimmerman for 44 days. It wasn't until Sharpton, Jesse, and Obama waded in and stirred up a toxic blend of racial animosity and resentments that Florida's governor turned it over to Angela Corey and said, "arrest Zimmerman and prosecute him, I don't give a damn whether he is innocent". This a prosecution based on political appeasement; Zimmerman just happens to be the fall guy.

A prosecutor's job is to administer justice, which means that they do their best to convict people who they believe to be criminals and they do not pursue a prosecution against innocent people. Based on the witnesses so far, which category do you think Z falls into?

based on the witnesses, not guilty
What this trial really highlights is the cynical corruption of the police and prosecutors.

zimm was read his rights, he chose to open his mouth anyway.

Based on these witnesses and the physical evidence the prosecution declined to arrest Zimmerman for 44 days. It wasn't until Sharpton, Jesse, and Obama waded in and stirred up a toxic blend of racial animosity and resentments that Florida's governor turned it over to Angela Corey and said, "arrest Zimmerman and prosecute him, I don't give a damn whether he is innocent". This a prosecution based on political appeasement; Zimmerman just happens to be the fall guy.

there you go trying to make this a racial thing again.

"al sharpton told me to" never appeared in the affidavit. a borderline case got a second look and a decision was made to pursue the case that they almost pursued much earlier.

A prosecutor's job is to administer justice, which means that they do their best to convict people who they believe to be criminals and they do not pursue a prosecution against innocent people. Based on the witnesses so far, which category do you think Z falls into?

too bad for you that the case is not even close to over yet.

nice to see you trying to quit while you believe yourself to be ahead. so much for a full examination of the facts.
Uh,....I didn't bother to read this thread, just the first couple of posts......and a thought occured to me

Buck, is your wife a black jew?
Based on the witnesses and the physical evidence, the prosecutor should have refused to bring charges.

There is a reason Angela Corey did not put this case before a grand jury. A GJ would have returned no bill.

we get it, you think this is all just "politcal retribution for the black man" (your own words).

you can't take the racial lens off and just admit that this is about a drug addled man with a history of violence and getting too involved who profiled and pursued an innocent child with his gun.
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