desert dude
Well-Known Member
there is ZERO evidence that martin assaulted anyone, there is plenty of evidence that martin had to defend himself from a vigilante who was profiling and pursuing him.
"shit, he ran"
"are you following him?"
no criminal record whatsoever, you idiot. by your own words previously, that makes him innocent.
way to contradict yourself.
yeah, the little black kid should have known his place!
whereas zimmerman, the cop wannabe vigilante with the long history of violence and the loaded gun with the safety off was completely innocent when he profiled and pursued that fucking punk, that fucking asshole who was always getting away.
jesus christ you are dumb and racist.
I meant "innocent" in the "innocent as the pure driven snow" way. I agree that TM had no criminal record that any of us are privy to, juvenile and all. He was certainly no angel.
He probably should have been charged with burglary over the women's jewelry and screw driver incident. Guess why he wasn't: