You are implying redistribution is the same as taxes not me.
No. I'm not implying it. I'm calling a spade a spade. You accept government wordsmithing, I do not.
Yes, but we do live in a democracy. If you want the pleasure to spend your portion of tax money where you decide, good luck, as you already have that. You do not directly spend the money, you elect leaders. If the people revolt against said leaders, that is also part of the system.
Constitutional Republic, not Democracy. Althought nobody alive today agreed to the original terms, which was sort of a unilateral contract. Shouldn't all parties to a contract agree to the terms? What other contracts that other people made do you feel obligated to?
NO. Are you so anti-government you cannot see the benefit of have drivers trained and tested? Not sure how it works where you live, but in Wisconsin that is the way it works. Of course, no license, no drive. Sorry, agian elect a leader that will take that fight on for you.
Safe drivers are a good thing. If you forget your wallet and that magical piece of plastic called a drivers license is left at home are you any less safe? The driver's exams don't make people safe drivers...explain all the traffic accidents.
You admit no license, no drive. Another example of how your government imposes itself into people's lives. DMV's and their cops are not their solely for safety....they are their to generate revenue.
Again, are you sure the DMV has no value? In Wisconsin, they do much more than issue a plastic useless card.
I'm sure they do impose in people's lives in other ways.
Sure, that is why unions existed as long as they have... Do you realize union employees are usually trained significantly more than non-union?
Where are you from? In my area, private schools are allowed and in fact I know for 6 within, 20 miles. But guess what, they are damn expensive. Why so expensive, the educators in this private schools get paid better than the public schools. Than info might have been posted already, but I could post it.
Private schools are ALLOWED? Who would disallow them? Of course they get paid more, they typically offer a better product. Is it fair to ask somebody that doesn't want to send their kid to a public school to ask them to continue paying for it?
If you send a package via fed-ex should you have to send the U.S. Post Office a check too?
How about building codes. Should people be allowed to build and maintain a building as they choose without regard to neighbors,or safety of visitors?
If you "own" something, you don't need permission or "be ALLOWED" to use it. If you need permission, you don't own it.
Funny, how on a pot forum, that irony of "owning your body" doesn't enlighten more people about prperty rights. Your body is your "property. If you should have ownership of your body without seeking permission, why should you beg for permission to paint your house or replace your windows? Don't you "OWN" your house? Please explain if you "own" your house how it can be taken from you to fulfill an obligation you never agreed to in the first place?
Again, your anti-government stance is unusual. You ask the government to crush the values most Americans count on as a freedom one minute and not the next.
No. My values are consistent, yours are not. I ask the government not to steal from my neighbor to fund my needs or wants. You imply tyranny of a majority is acceptable. I do not. I advocate freedom consistently. YOU say if 51% of a gang wants to legalize theft and call it taxes, then it is no longer theft. Magic?
Obviously you want the gov. out of your life, and so do I. In the current protest, so do those people.