Winterizing bho

oh its a cell phone. well in that case the pic wont be great quality no matter what you do.

ive got cheap little cameras at pawn shops before for 20$. more than enough for BHO shots.
oh its a cell phone. well in that case the pic wont be great quality no matter what you do.

ive got cheap little cameras at pawn shops before for 20$. more than enough for BHO shots.

Yup very true. I have/had a nice Nikon Coolpix 6 megapixel but apparently I had left the batteries in there.. So...Now I don't have a camera anymore.. haha
For you tube sprayers, do you guys usually do 1 oz to 1 can? How fine do you break up the material? Also do you guys unpack, repack, and blast? If so, was the yeild worth the amount of butane being used? I used to use a tube in the past but I accidently broke it but I do have another one. Also, how much pressure do you apply when spraying?
1oz per can(300ml) for me but could prolly get away with less, only do 1 extract, and I put my stuff in the blender first to break it down
Insulate your tube to keep it cold. Freeze your butane. Spray till gold or what every color comes our turns light or clear.

Don't powderize, but grind down near bone dry material. Or fresh frozen.

That being said. I've gotten away with one tube packed with 8.5 ounces(trim) And sprayed 3 cans. yielded 20 grams.
I chop it fine like youre rolling a joint.

I used to run 3 cans per half oz!!!!!

now ive been running 1 can per oz for bud runs.... then ran a 2nd can in a 2nd dish and guess what, barely anything!!!! my extractor normally only fits a half oz with minor packing... I packed it fuckin hard and crammed an oz in there. not sure if that changes anything. I yielded 5 grams so I know I fully rinsed it and the butane didnt find an easy way out.

I think just a hair under 1 can per oz is the ticket for me and my tube at least. Id estimate thats rinsing it 90%. now I wonder if I saved all my rinsed weed until I have enough to fill the big extractor (200g) then re rinse that 200g to get my final 10% yield out.. or would it just be a thick, gross, black, unpotent glob of oil after doing a 2nd rinse 2 months later??

I noticed... while spraying, the first few seconds come out extreme beautiful golden... like first 3 seconds. after that it quickly dies down to yellow, then by the end of the can its almost clear with a tiny tiny yellow tiny. anyone ever tried running butane for just 5 seconds and extracting that initial extreme golden stuff, then stopping the second it started to fade even the tiniest bit?

would be very interesting to see done by you big dogs that are running 8ozs every 2 or 3 days ;)
Never have I.. but that sound like it would be sweet to collect that first few seconds of saturated goo by itself
That be a cool experiment vac, kinda like when doin dry Ice hash and separating ur grades by time shaking...

also, iv saved up old bho ran material and did a 95%iso soak, was hardly smoke able even after 2 winterizations...maybe the stuff will work for edibles, haven't tryd yet
the next batch I do I am going to try the tube methods. I'll use two ounces of trim and 2 cans of butane. how packed should I pack it? and also do you put a coffee filter before you pack it? I heard it helps with blow back.
I just put a couple less broken up nugs in first, it makes for no blow back. I use a wooden kebab stick to pack my tube. Tight but not super tight. Most of all consistently packed.
So I have been running small batches in a cut down SSTB. I get 5 to 5.5 grams of high grade nugs in it and get about a gram back after thin film purging the hell out of it. I want to try to winterize, can I do it on this small scale? Would two shot glasses work for this, followed by another extended low heat purge to evap away the everclear? I know I need a vacuum, but that is not in the financial plans just yet
So I have been running small batches in a cut down SSTB. I get 5 to 5.5 grams of high grade nugs in it and get about a gram back after thin film purging the hell out of it. I want to try to winterize, can I do it on this small scale? Would two shot glasses work for this, followed by another extended low heat purge to evap away the everclear? I know I need a vacuum, but that is not in the financial plans just yet

Yes you can,I used about five grams of nugs on my last batch too. I added ISO instead of Everclear to winterize just because I can't get Everclear that easily. I basically just added ISO to make sure I can dissolve it and mix well. I don't think its bad to add more than needed a little, might just make evap process longer.

Also, nice thing about winterizing is you don't need a vac compared to a straight bho spray. At least that was my impression lol.
Iv never used iso to winterize, but a shot glass will work, use about 20-30ml per gram and I put tinfoil over the top of the shot glass before puttin in the freezer...but I don't think you need a vac, but some people like to use them
i will definitely use everclear, if only for taste reasons. Is it a bad thing that everclear is a lot more accessible than 99% ISO around here
Exactly,I can only Getty 151 of Everclear here in California unless I order it online which isn't very price friendly. Everclear is better than ISO for winterizing, but you gotta do what you gotta do lol.
Am I going to lose flavor if I winterize with everclear? I was under the impression that flavor was retained, is this not so?
Iv had trouble getting my winterized stuff to taste as good as say unwinterized honeycomb, but its always much smoother and can hold the hits in longer without coughing up a lung....but the other day I found a shard of absolut that fell on the floor, but it seemed to have more taste than when it was fresh, so maybe there needs to be a cure or somthin to bring back the flavor or whatever, I dunno tho