Winterizing bho

ahh I see now, thats pretty cool. I usually end up letting mine sit around for a week or 2 and they dry right out, then I get around to throwing them out haha. never thought of vacuuming the filter itself.

im interested to see how that filter wash works out.... my god thats a lot of plant waxes haha!!!! concentrate those bad boys, have a hoot and your lungs will perma seize lol.
They my lungs. My prediction is a very warm coated lingering chalky hit.

I should do a smoke report on the waxes compared to the absolute .

me thinks a video for youtube is a good idea, so people can see wtf butane be extracting..

hopefully shed some light
yup yup

this run actually has a a number of tests going on with it.

i used the re run material to fill another tube. (stuffed about 6 ounces in, used 2 cans of butane)

i sprayed this tube with butane directly into 100F water(distilled). easily noticed the butane bubbles escape, and i was left with this sludge up top, scooped up that sludge and placed right onto parchment, (scooping sludge from up top water, rather than scraping a fucken pyrex, or SS dish is wayyyyy easier!!)

so ya, now i basically had this water filled sludge. time to remove the solvent-water

did that, remarkably very easy.. ? no heat muffin , dry touch, 130 melt down, full purge, a few folds, this:


my review: i thinkkkk , im not sure, but i think the water left a distinguished taste..

so i guess three test dabs for video ?

water purged wax
plant waxes
and absolute? ha. told ya, fun fun

i do have concerns for my health, and i do understand dabbing straight plant waxes that i filtered out is not the wisest thing to do, but its a test,.. and i have survived worse :]
ive contemplated testing a hoot of pure plant waxes too... like you said, ive done much worse, and its just a one time test... def taking one for the team.

you like the water technique eh. finally someone else tried it.. that was what my one video was about and on a second rinse too, just like I did. thats where my funny taste came from.

cant wait for your test video!
just like I did. thats where my funny taste came from.

i find it funny how the water leaves a funny taste, maybe our solvents we use are cleaner(butane.everclear)? i mean, what if we sprayed into some bomb water, like fiji, or i prefer desani... ( i never buy water bottles though, unless its like a big arrowhead one for camping) ( i drink filtered tap at home)

but anywayys, maybe some good tasting water? ( or an idea i had was lemons sitting in water, and ya, you get the tasty idea)

hmmm, hmm and hmmmm.
Is it better to fully purge ur bho before winterizing or can you go direct from the heat bath to the everclear?

p.s. thread creatooor.

just in case you still were wondering about the initial question..

this consistency is a good one to add your room temp everclear.. dissolve it into one transparent amber hue..

cold wont dissolve so fast, while warm will.. i feel like we went a few different routes lately on the thread. dunno if we covered this..

yup, thats about exactly when I add my everclear. scrape it and mix it.

that lemon in the water is kind of a good idea.. I dont think different waters would give diff tastes.... but then again, I thought the same the bubble hash too so who knows.

do you think any water stays in after the vacuum? I doubt it.. so what would any negatives to the water way be, other than longer purge times removing the water + youre breathing and standing in a butane cloud the whole time as it evaps instantly.

I sprayed mine into the dish like normal, then poured it all in 1 shot ito a dish of water... spraying onto the water would probably work better and you can see your yield instantly and if you should stop spraying or not.. pretty cool.
So I plan to do a bho run tomorrow, going to use 5g of nugs I broke up by hand. Going to do a long soak of nearly two hours. My question is, how much ISO should I add to the extract to winterize it? I was going to do a purge of hot water for twenty mins first.
What I have seen is aprox 1oz iso/ever per 1gr. finished product. My personal experience though says that is a tad too much.
Do you guys freeze your material before you do your BHO run? I figured since the Butane gets so cold perhaps it's not needed?
no I dont freeze it, youre right the butane is cold enough.

also, for winterizing.. I find its about a 5:1 ratio.

1 liquid oz of oil for 5 liquid ozs of everclear ;)
Okay cool, I'mma be using 5g of start up so I don't imagine getting that much at all. Maybe I'll go 5:1 too, I can't really see it being bad, just more to to evap. Plus I'm using ISO so it should evap sooner.
you can try 3:1 to start with but I found it was way too thick. you dont want your mixture to be any thicker than the original everclear/iso (water thin I guess) consistency... ie: you dont want a thick sludge... I had a buddy make a sludge and he actually tried pouring it through the filter. my god what a waste. wasted 3-5 grams of oil I would guess.

I turned 28g of bud into 5.2g of oil, after purging and winterizing, it turned into 4.4g. I usually say I get 20% yield.. then 10% off that figure from butane evap, and another 10% off that for plant waxes.... so roughly 16-17% final yield sorta thing.

so with 5gs, youd pull 1g of oil maybe.. and after winterizing, youre looking at .75g or so. which is like 10-15 dabs.. or about 2 days worth. how long would 5g bud last?
About two days as well maybe three lol. Yeah I don't expect more than a gram before winterizing. So basically I do a water bath purge to get rid of most of the butane then just add ISO to the dish? I don't need to mix the two? And basically I want it runny like the ISO consistency correct? Then throw it in the freezer for 24-48 hours then filter with coffee filter (in the freezer) and purge again correct? I have the bho run going on right now at work lol. Doing long soak, so far half hour, just another hour or so to go lol.
About two days as well maybe three lol. Yeah I don't expect more than a gram before winterizing. So basically I do a water bath purge to get rid of most of the butane then just add ISO to the dish? I don't need to mix the two? And basically I want it runny like the ISO consistency correct? Then throw it in the freezer for 24-48 hours then filter with coffee filter (in the freezer) and purge again correct? I have the bho run going on right now at work lol. Doing long soak, so far half hour, just another hour or so to go lol.

yes you could do it that way if you can fit your dish into the freezer. and yes you want ISO consistancy, 3:1 or 5:1 is good.

I evap all the butane, scrape the dish like I normally would and drip onto parchment. for 2 reasons. 1 it helps me weigh it, and 2 it gets the oil in 1 nice glob because I then put it in the freezer for 15 mins.. and the oil comes right off in 1 solid chunk, throw it into a small pyrex cup, pour everclear. come back in 20-30 mins and stir it and dissolve it, and done.

put in freezer for 24 hours, preferably use an unbleached coffee filter for the strain. and let your filter happen IN the freezer. keep everything cold. make sure the dish that the frozen liquid is dripping into is perfectly clean. let it sit for 30-60 mins or so. dont agitate the filter, dont over fill the filter, and don squeeze the filter once its done.
so i guess three test dabs for video ?

water purged wax
plant waxes
and absolute? ha. told ya, fun fun

i do have concerns for my health, and i do understand dabbing straight plant waxes that i filtered out is not the wisest thing to do, but its a test,.. and i have survived worse :]

finally got my absolute finished!! boy, a mission, finished off at 130F.

from left to right:
all og nugs
plant waxes i filtered out
wax i made by spraying butane into water, purged out water
absolute wax, butane, everclear

nice shit guzias. did that wax one burn like hell? do you think the taste could have been changed by the fact that the nails were diff temps for each toke?

heres a few of my most recent shatter... pure glass, snaps like its nothing, very clean no mess, no shards, very dense stuff, perfectly silent on the nail, very smooth. taste isnt quite there but it wasnt in the bud either. I have some stinky kush that im going to run soon.



