Winterizing bho

okay I just did a two hour long soak and now a purged for 20 minutes. Going to add the ISO, should I cover it? it came out to a decent amount. Beautiful pics btw.
Okay I added ISO and mixed so it is liquidy. Now in the freezer (covered) and will pour into a coffee filter tomorrow.
I evap all the butane, scrape the dish like I normally would and drip onto parchment. for 2 reasons. 1 it helps me weigh it, and 2 it gets the oil in 1 nice glob because I then put it in the freezer for 15 mins.. and the oil comes right off in 1 solid chunk, throw it into a small pyrex cup, pour everclear. come back in 20-30 mins and stir it and dissolve it, and done.

put in freezer for 24 hours,

I use a Pyrex teapot.

Butane from the extractor pour into the teapot,
evaporate butane from the teapot,
add ethanol to the teapot,
stir to dissolve BHO from walls,
put the teapot in the freezer.

Saves a lot of work and clean hands - no need to scrape, collect on parchment, to shift into a glass.

Although it is not possible to weigh the primary concrete.
I thought the plant waxes would taste ok, I been wondering if the saturation ratio has somthin to do with how many terps or whatever fall out during the freeze..I usually use 20ml perG, but maybe I should use more n see if I can keep some taste
I thought the plant waxes would taste ok, I been wondering if the saturation ratio has somthin to do with how many terps or whatever fall out during the freeze..I usually use 20ml perG, but maybe I should use more n see if I can keep some taste

the plant waxes actually do have some taste, a lot actually.

its hard to put a description on the hit though,...

i just took another plant wax hit.. it taste great, but the feeling, coating it leaves along its passage is whats hard to put a description on.. its like breathing in a thick something... plant waxes! :p i dunno. but ya.. ok..
Okay I added ISO and mixed so it is liquidy. Now in the freezer (covered) and will pour into a coffee filter tomorrow.

you need to make sure, if you havent yet, to dissolve the iso into the butane oil.. cold stuff wont really dissolve, you should get a perfectly clear amber iso pool once dissolved, THEN you freeze and winterize..
if you didnt do that, you should take that iso out and warm it up to about 90F, dissolve,t then freeze.

if you already dissolved thennn...

after winterized, filter solution in freezer, so everything stays cold,
once you collect that iso, cover the iso with something that can breath (let iso evap) while you place it in a dark area with temps above 60F with a fan going directly over it..

you should get something to scrape within a day or two..
Sounds good Guz thanks a lot!I did dissolve it a good amount I believe..maybe I should pull it out and do it again though cause it was more yellow than amber..
Yellow Amber. Green. Gold. Red. If it's yellow, sounds good, it's hard to describe. You just gotta make sure it's dissolved ,;)
so I just ran it through a coffee filter and it's actually pretty cool. first time I ever winterize and its cool how it gathers all the wax. it took about 10 minutes in the freezer just because it's a small amount. now its in front of the fan air dry.
Okay so start up amount was 5g, I removed the stems but it wasn't to many. after winterizing it weighed .4,I didn't weigh it before winterizing. I was expecting more but it tastes pretty smooth. I did the long soak so I wonder if some of the oil might of stuck to the glass? makes me wanna just use a tube but I like the idea of the long soak.
Here are the pics! Sorry they aren't that good. Honestly the end product looks very close to my ISO end product which kinda makes me feel good about my ISO extractions..

2013-09-20 22.09.35.jpg2013-09-20 22.09.26.jpg2013-09-20 22.08.43.jpg
Pics!! And yes I suggest a tube...

Thing with the tube is how do you know you hit all the spots. Do you really get alllll the goods from the material without having to unpack and repack to do another run? And then how many cans to oz.
Get a 1 inch diameter tube and use 1 can per oz ;) and yeah I've personally hit 17% yield nugs and 13 14% with trim.
lol are those the ones in the dark?

use the cameras flash for light!!! looks like normal ol BHO though thats been properly purged as far as I can see.