Winterizing bho

Am I going to lose flavor if I winterize with everclear? I was under the impression that flavor was retained, is this not so?

Yes some of the terpenes will exit with the alcohol and it will be less floral.

Some of those terpenes list expectoration as one of their medical properties, so winterized oil is usually smoother to vaporize than unwinterized oil, even without considering the coughing plant waxes induce, as our lungs try to get rid of them.
So I went to try my oil I made with butane and winterized with 99% ISO,I used my brand new rig. So I to use it and it worked out good, as far as rig goes that is.. All I use my dabber and such and get a good amount of smoke that was smooth as hell. Probably the smoothest oil I made (hit from a rig at least) but the thing is, there was almost a burned after taste.. It was smooth but the aftertaste flavor kinda ruined the smoothness.. Anyone think why it was like that? Did I not heat the nail enough?I use glass nails btw. It seemed to almost leave a little black residue as well.. Thoughts and help?
Are you sure you got all the Iso out? Residual Iso is pungent and tastes like hammered crap.

Yes I am sure, I let it air dry for 24 hours then put it in a water bath 20-30 mins. Then I let it sit for out for a good 4-5 days. Did I maybe add to much ISO when I went to winterize it? I still have some, I could try to purge it even longer but I thought this was plenty of time considering it's not even a half gram.
i may have missed this, what was your input material? did you use trim? buds, both, was it fresh? who dried it? do you know how it was dried?

the curing, drying process will really effect the overall taste, smell, potency..
Is it better to fully purge ur bho before winterizing or can you go direct from the heat bath to the everclear?

have you checked out greywolfs internet page skunkpharm?? its got all the latest sci tech on bho and c02 and iso . the winterizing tech from it is the shit as is the terpenatior
i may have missed this, what was your input material? did you use trim? buds, both, was it fresh? who dried it? do you know how it was dried?

the curing, drying process will really effect the overall taste, smell, potency..

I used 5 grams of g15, straight bud. It was not fresh, it was cured from my friend. It was hung upside, that's all I really know.. I do know the nugs had good flavor and smell, lots of crystals. I'm sure the curing does affect it but I made lots of ISO with the same strain and the flavor wasn't like that, and that was using trim. I have a lot of trim from Kase so I can give it a try again,we know his stuff is good lol.
Well if you have run the g13 before and especially with nugs the flavor should be just as good unless there is something wrong, but I think you would have been able to tell. Even those super oxidized buds I gave you should give some decent oil. Did you try smoking any of the g13 nugs before ya extracted?
Well if you have run the g13 before and especially with nugs the flavor should be just as good unless there is something wrong, but I think you would have been able to tell. Even those super oxidized buds I gave you should give some decent oil. Did you try smoking any of the g13 nugs before ya extracted?

Exactly that's why its so perplexing. Oh yeah I smoked a lot of the g13 nugs lol. Yeah those nugs you gave me where tasty too!I ran out of the really good nugs you gave me sadly z
Yes I am sure, I let it air dry for 24 hours then put it in a water bath 20-30 mins. Then I let it sit for out for a good 4-5 days. Did I maybe add to much ISO when I went to winterize it? I still have some, I could try to purge it even longer but I thought this was plenty of time considering it's not even a half gram.

If your nugs were floral and sweet, that is what your extract should taste and smell like.

I suspect that you still have residual Iso. Once the surface forms a film, it is hard for the residual Iso molecules to break the surface and escape.

Isopropyl is a pungent alcohol, with a way stronger taste and smell than Ethanol, or even the Proypl alcohol that Iso is an isomer of, so purging below sensory threshold is more difficult.

If you seal the extract into a small jar overnight, and sniff the contents immediately upon opening the jar, you should be able to smell any residual Isopropyl.
I'll move it to a new container to try the smell test. Doesn't really make much sense because I make qwISO (probably twice a week) all the time and I never get that flavor.. I used it for winterizing and then I get that flavor? Don't really see how... Maybe I'll try to purge again at a much higher heat too.

As far as I knew/thought, one of the perks for me was after blasting and winterizing with ISO, I would be then able to purge it like a ISO extract. Am I supposed to purge it differently then a qwISO extract?

Prettyyyy sure this is the last time I'll winterize if it's like this lol.
I'll move it to a new container to try the smell test. Doesn't really make much sense because I make qwISO (probably twice a week) all the time and I never get that flavor.. I used it for winterizing and then I get that flavor? Don't really see how... Maybe I'll try to purge again at a much higher heat too.

As far as I knew/thought, one of the perks for me was after blasting and winterizing with ISO, I would be then able to purge it like a ISO extract. Am I supposed to purge it differently then a qwISO extract?

Prettyyyy sure this is the last time I'll winterize if it's like this lol.

If you regularly successfully purge QWISO without that taste, it is probably something else.

You might try it with ethanol before giving up.
I did a double winterization this time around. I really need to buy the unbleached coffee filters so I can get a better look at what I'm filtering out. It's hard to see the white plant waxes against the white filter. I'll report in if the double winterization helped or did anything extra.
so heres my stuff... before the evap

turning amber cause im usin heat (130) to evap the alcohol....this is 6 hours of evap time ....the black line was starting point ...guessing 4 more hours

dang 2 hours later about 9 hours to evap 1 shot of 190 grain alcohol @130 :) now im letting it sit at room temp for a day or 2
I'll move it to a new container to try the smell test. Doesn't really make much sense because I make qwISO (probably twice a week) all the time and I never get that flavor.. I used it for winterizing and then I get that flavor? Don't really see how... Maybe I'll try to purge again at a much higher heat too.

As far as I knew/thought, one of the perks for me was after blasting and winterizing with ISO, I would be then able to purge it like a ISO extract. Am I supposed to purge it differently then a qwISO extract?

Prettyyyy sure this is the last time I'll winterize if it's like this lol.

yeah if youre winterizing with ISO... its no wonder youre getting very poor results. I thought it needed to be a polar substance.. or is it non polar???? either way, from the reading ive done, ISO sucks for winterizing.

if you were to do it right, youd fall in love. just like I did. especially if you care about your lungs.