Well-Known Member
I live in the Arctic, I'm aware of it
Lunch, sheep, two wolves
calling bullshit on this one. Not even UrbanDictionary has it relating to anything with Jews.
The modern use of Snowflake comes from Fight Club book/movie, as meaning "you are not a special snowflake"
i will search for your post there. i would not attack your sex or sex preference. and a gay republican makes sense but the actual current republican party is not your friend.Snoggin?
Sex and politics. Religions next.
See my posts in response to Thai stick, radio silence thread.
you're so drunk that you're reduced to paraphrasing a one sentence saying to four words. pathetic.
it was nazi terminology.
Everything's Nazi terminology to you victim.
you want to ban refugee children because you think they are coming to kill you while defending nazism.
You while pretending to sjw from a moral perspective and at the same time accusing others of the same racist shit you foment, simply lie.
I support what Trumps done.
go to bed, drunkard. you can't form coherent sentences anymore.
I know right "a profit minded person sees the value in Communism" just left unchecked by you. So much wisdom.
Sorry for the confusion. I thought you could see how the"1%" controls the political parties of the world.
Not quite. That would be more like saying white is the same as english; you could but it wouldn't be accurate and nobody talks that way. I grew up in a half hick half hippie (to oversimplify)town.Idk. Same word for white or Caucasian I presume
You need to save some energy.
true enough. i am going to wear myself out laughing at you fucks while you impotently try to defend master.
in your case, the impotence is literal.
yeah...gotta have your priorities in order
DHS secretary: Border wall should be finished in two years - Fox News