will mexican companies absorb the 20% tariff trump puts on their goods?


Well-Known Member
we've taken in 700,000 refugees since 9/11.

not one single act of terror from any of them.

and these brave patriots piss their pants in horror at the prospect of taking in more.

they make us look so weak and scared to the entire world.
Nice spin. Doctor. Ever run the Boston Marathon?


Well-Known Member
There's planks in both parties I like/dislike. Trump's coarse. He's been maligned and reviled since the start. I'd prefer less ego on his part. What I'll say you may agree with.
I hope he secures our borders and facilitates safe and legal immigration. I hope he helps create good jobs for Americans.
Our borders are in Escrow offices around the country, each have a profitable welcome "Red" Carpet out front with holes worn in it. "Made in America" means little if the profits of foreign Companies are sent back home. Everyday more "investors" have a reason to lobby for lower standards and a higher "Dow"

China adopting our EPA/Human Rights rules would stop the vacuum of jobs. jmo.

Any profit minded person sees the value in Communism.

Labor per hour in (by todays conversion )1968 = $10.66

Build that fence, by the time it's finished it will benefit Mexico by keep us from getting jobs.


Well-Known Member
The left wasn't protesting when Obama banned refugees or listed state sponsors of terror. The left wasn't crying out when drone strikes were happening. The left wasn't bemoaning the concentration of power in the Executive branch nor the nuclear option in the senate. The left wasn't claiming those that voted for McCain or Romney were nazis.
Eat a dick
No but the right did everything in their power to stop every single bill Obama tried to pass. The alt-right racist brigade called him a Kenyan and debated his country of origin. The right did not accept him for the last 8 years.
So why the fuck would you expect the left to accept trump?

Stop whining, you probably did enough of that over the last 8 years.


Well-Known Member
Our borders are in Escrow offices around the country, each have a profitable welcome "Red" Carpet out front with holes worn in it. "Made in America" means little if the profits of foreign Companies are sent back home. Everyday more "investors" have a reason to lobby for lower standards and a higher "Dow"

China adopting our EPA/Human Rights rules would stop the vacuum of jobs. jmo.

Any profit minded person sees the value in Communism.

Labor per hour in (by todays conversion )1968 = $10.66

Build that fence, by the time it's finished it will benefit Mexico by keep us from getting jobs.
Look at insider trading right now all while they're trying to get you to invest your retirement in the most expensive market ever. Follow the money.

Minimum wage in 1968 was $1.60. Silver still was in circulation then. The conversion for that right now is $27.42 per hour in 1968.


Well-Known Member
I never mistaked the two, although if you are happy to claim some victory you are welcome to it. US takes in 90k refugee last year.

Also that is rich calling me a sockpuppet from an UncleBuck sockpuppet account.

Tell me how upset you were when Obama banned refugees? You can link your post with your upset level here if you want.
umm, yeah, you never "mistaked" the two. Go back and read your own post. You "mistaked" them, oh yes you did.

I didn't call you a sockpuppet either. Just suggested a simple minded way to express yourself without revealing your ignorance and stupidity.

Regarding your claim that Obama and Trump are in the same refugee ban apple cart. Sorry to spill the cart but you are again spewing alternative facts. That shit only works with racist brown shirt types. More than half the population sees right through that shit. Not you, of course, you "mistaked" (snicker) a turd for an apple and bit right into it. Misery might love company but don't try to get me to bite into it.

Sorry, Mr. President: The Obama Administration Did Nothing Similar to Your Immigration Ban

What was different about Obama's action?

Narrow focus
Not a ban
Grounded on a specific threat
Orderly Organized process

Bottom line: No immigration vetting system is perfect, no matter how “extreme.” President Obama often said that his highest priority was keeping Americans safe. In keeping with America’s tradition and ideals, he also worked to establish a vetting system that worked more fairly and efficiently, particularly for refugees who are, by definition, in harm’s way. President Trump should defend his approach on the merits, if he can. He should not compare it to his predecessor’s.

^^Take a look at the last two sentences. Your arguments typically defend right wing actions by comparison rather than by merit. "Yeah, But". By trying to tear down others in defense of an corrupt action, you concede that the merits are foul. Your comparisons are also false which makes you into either a fool, a liar, or both. Same goes for Trump in his baseless attempt at propaganda by hiding in false comparisons with Obama's actions.



Well-Known Member
Look at insider trading right now all while they're trying to get you to invest your retirement in the most expensive market ever. Follow the money.

Minimum wage in 1968 was $1.60. Silver still was in circulation then. The conversion for that right now is $27.42 per hour in 1968.
I always go to RIU for my investment advice. So much wisdom there.


Well-Known Member
I know right "a profit minded person sees the value in Communism" just left unchecked by you. So much wisdom.
You are confused about the difference between Social democracy and Communism. Not surprising coming from an investment genius who lives in a trailer.

Sharpening knives is honest work and provides value to the customer. I keep my own knives sharp but have probably spent more on my set of water stones than I would have by going to somebody who was really good at it.


Well-Known Member
Our borders are in Escrow offices around the country, each have a profitable welcome "Red" Carpet out front with holes worn in it. "Made in America" means little if the profits of foreign Companies are sent back home. Everyday more "investors" have a reason to lobby for lower standards and a higher "Dow"

China adopting our EPA/Human Rights rules would stop the vacuum of jobs. jmo.

Any profit minded person sees the value in Communism.

Labor per hour in (by todays conversion )1968 = $10.66

Build that fence, by the time it's finished it will benefit Mexico by keep us from getting jobs.

Totally agree. Our wage disadvantages would become a thing of the past if workers in China, Mexico and elsewhere were afforded collective bargaining rights and other human rights like we have (or had) in the US. Instead of using the power of the purse to foster democracy and human rights, we are funding suppression of said rights. The fence is bad enough but those tariffs are a bane to people on both sides of the border. Another example of tearing people down when we should be giving a hand up.


Well-Known Member
umm, yeah, you never "mistaked" the two. Go back and read your own post. You "mistaked" them, oh yes you did.

I didn't call you a sockpuppet either. Just suggested a simple minded way to express yourself without revealing your ignorance and stupidity.

Regarding your claim that Obama and Trump are in the same refugee ban apple cart. Sorry to spill the cart but you are again spewing alternative facts. That shit only works with racist brown shirt types. More than half the population sees right through that shit. Not you, of course, you "mistaked" (snicker) a turd for an apple and bit right into it. Misery might love company but don't try to get me to bite into it.

Sorry, Mr. President: The Obama Administration Did Nothing Similar to Your Immigration Ban

What was different about Obama's action?

Narrow focus
Not a ban
Grounded on a specific threat
Orderly Organized process

Bottom line: No immigration vetting system is perfect, no matter how “extreme.” President Obama often said that his highest priority was keeping Americans safe. In keeping with America’s tradition and ideals, he also worked to establish a vetting system that worked more fairly and efficiently, particularly for refugees who are, by definition, in harm’s way. President Trump should defend his approach on the merits, if he can. He should not compare it to his predecessor’s.

^^Take a look at the last two sentences. Your arguments typically defend right wing actions by comparison rather than by merit. "Yeah, But". By trying to tear down others in defense of an corrupt action, you concede that the merits are foul. Your comparisons are also false which makes you into either a fool, a liar, or both. Same goes for Trump in his baseless attempt at propaganda by hiding in false comparisons with Obama's actions.
I can't read the article you linked, since it tries to spam me with advertisements and signing up, so I wasn't able to read it.

Afaik, Obama did not allow any refugee from Iraq for 6 month period. When you say its "nothing similar," I find that a bit hard to believe, Iraq is a Mulsim majority country.

Also, I am not defending right wing actions, I am just pointing out the hypocrisy with the media and a lot of posters here, and logical inconsistencies.


Well-Known Member
I can't read the article you linked, since it tries to spam me with advertisements and signing up, so I wasn't able to read it.

Afaik, Obama did not allow any refugee from Iraq for 6 month period. When you say its "nothing similar," I find that a bit hard to believe, Iraq is a Mulsim majority country.

Also, I am not defending right wing actions, I am just pointing out the hypocrisy with the media and a lot of posters here, and logical inconsistencies.
Can you defend Trump's actions on it's own merits?

Just calling somebody a hypocrite even if true, which in this case it is not, doesn't justify other shitty actions.

A former NSA and CIA director under three presidents says his actions have no merit.

(scroll down about 2/3 of the article, unless you'd like to read what a seasoned leader in national security has to say about Trumps turning the council into a propaganda organ)

MARTIN: Before I let you go, you mentioned the - the ban, the travel ban, that President Trump and the administration has put out there. Could I just get your take on that? Do you think, as someone who has studied America's national security threats for so long, that this is the right move at this moment?

HAYDEN: It's a horrible move. It is a political, ideological move driven by the language of the campaign and, frankly, campaign promises - promises in the campaign that were hyped (ph) by an exaggeration of the threat. And in fact, what we're doing now has probably made us less safe today than we were Friday morning before this happened because we are now living the worst jihadist narrative possible, that there is undying enmity between Islam and the West.

Muslims out there who were not part of the jihadist movement are now being shown that the story they're being told by the jihadists - they hate us; they're our enemy - that's being acted out by the American government. And frankly, Rachel, at a humanitarian level, it's an abomination.
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Well-Known Member
Can you defend Trump's actions on it's own merits?
I do not need to defend Trump's actions because I am not a Trump supporter. I just find it funny people screaming bloody murder at everything Trump dos, and find it very easy to find logical inconsistencies in the arguments and disprove the fake news cycles. For example when Trump "Banned Muslims" over the weekend, it seems like he did a pretty bad job at doing so, since there are still 1.5 Billion Muslims worldwide who are free to come to US.


Well-Known Member
I do not need to defend Trump's actions because I am not a Trump supporter. I just find it funny people screaming bloody murder at everything Trump dos, and find it very easy to find logical inconsistencies in the arguments and disprove the fake news cycles. For example when Trump "Banned Muslims" over the weekend, it seems like he did a pretty bad job at doing so, since there are still 1.5 Billion Muslims worldwide who are free to come to US.
Then you are just spewing right wing false comparisons. Without any reason. Good job.

You are still confused about what fake news is, by the way.