Why is it illegal to be naked?

Okay well think about this........society today would not be what it is or would never have achieved all it has if it weren't for something as simple as clothing.........clothing let us explore and expand beyond our natural capabilities.Now your utopic way of thinking would be ideal in a world that was 80 degrees day and night but here on Earth climate varies widely.Now ask people in Maine if they would like to be naked all the time.Believe me their answers would have nothing to do with hygiene or looks.
I have already said in a previous post that I agree that clothing is good for allowing people to survive and be more comfortable in cold environments. It is true that clothing has allowed people to survive in cold climates where they otherwise would have died without clothes. And yes, I'm sure people in Maine wouldn't want to be naked all the time because it is obviously cold there a lot. However, when summer time comes, it is naked time. 8)
Being naked in public is illegal in most places because control freaks convinced sheeple to forgo freedoms in order to achieve some phony promised security. Some people question the rationale, some go along to get along, some enjoy the homogenization of people's appearances from their costumes/uniforms. Its a form of laziness. If you can categorize or dehumanize a person, it is easier to treat that person with more or less consideration, than you would treat them if they were thought of as a fellow human being.
I have another point to add about the idea of wearing clothes because of cold environments. If an environment is too cold for people to survive naked, then people shouldn't be living there in the first place. They have no business being there in the first place.
I have another point to add about the idea of wearing clothes because of cold environments. If an environment is too cold for people to survive naked, then people shouldn't be living there in the first place. They have no business being there in the first place.

That would mean that maybe about 50% or more of the worlds population would have to move towards the equator?

That would mean that maybe about 50% or more of the worlds population would have to move towards the equator?


Or maybe not necessarily the equator, but just anywhere in the world that is survivable year round without clothes.

They should have never moved to cold places in the first place.

Or maybe not necessarily the equator, but just anywhere in the world that is survivable year round without clothes.

They should have never moved to cold places in the first place.

Ummmm, That is some of the dumbest logic I have ever read.

Even in Vegas.... Which is a desert gets to 27 degrees in the winter. You do realize that would leave only Southern California/ Florida for the US? Maybe
Oh well, if you can't survive somewhere without modifications to yourself, you shouldn't be there. You don't see Polar Bears trying to live in Florida. You don't see jaguars, elephants, amphibians, reptiles, tropical climate dwelling animals, etc... trying to live in the arctic. You don't see fish trying to live on land. If your body isn't adapted to your environment and can't handle it, shouldn't be there.
Well, so everybody thinks being nude is not good. Simply because they do not want to look at other naked people. Or they have to convince themselves that it would be unsanitary. WTF? No it wouldn't. Please explain how. So what if some people wouldn't be attractive to you. That's not a valid reason as to why everybody should be required to wear clothes. That's a childish immature opinion. Who are you to judge the appearance of other people? It's irrelevant if they are "ugly" to you. It is none of your concern and that doesn't give you the right to force someone to wear clothes. Everyone should be allowed to be like they were when they were born. Clothes are unnatural and unnecessary, only required because of people's warped perception of reality due to the society they were raised in and live in. It's funny how humans are the only animal (or any life form for that matter) that wears clothes.

There is no "forcing" nakedness onto others. That just shows your insecurity and how uncomfortable you are with your own body and the appearance of the human body. If everyone was naked, we would all be equal. You act like you have different parts or you don't know what people have or something. You act like something bad would happen if everyone was naked. You act like it is bad to be human, bad to be natural, bad to have a body, and that it is bad to have it unconfined and unrestrained.

If you see naked people walking around minding their own business, doing everyday things like everyone usually does, and that makes you uncomfortable, that means there is a problem with YOU and YOUR MIND, not the naked people. It would be very easy to live the same way we do now if everyone was naked. It's just that closed minded, insecure, perverted, and immature people, who are products of a clothed society, can't handle their own nature and don't want to have to face the truth and be true to their nature- like nature intended.

Doesn't anybody know about nudists? There are lots of families that exist without clothes. NO PROBLEMS. Babies, kids, teenagers, parents, grandparents and all. It's actually healthier for the mind to grow up and be surrounded by the natural appearance YOUR OWN BODIES, instead of constantly hiding it with clothes. It teaches that there's nothing wrong with bodies, and it doesn't teach people to be insecure perverts. It does the opposite actually. It teaches that nakedness does not equal sex. Nudists frown upon deviant behavior. And it allows people to see each other for who they are. It doesn't allow prejudices to enter the mind based on the clothing that they wear. It forces people to actually know and understand someone not based on their appearance, and everyone is more equal.

There's also a good number of tribes across the world who don't wear clothes.

If it was the other way around and everyone lived naked like they are supposed to and there was some guy who wanted everybody to have to wear clothes, everybody would be like "wtf, why, what's the point, why do I have to have something covering me at all times and not allow my skin to breathe properly?
Every animal and life form does wear "clothes" Humans are the only species that aren't completely covered in fur or feathers. Humans adapted to their harsh environments by making their own fur.
Reptiles as far as i know have no fur or feathers, some mammals too like a whale are also fur and featherless
True but whales have a very large amount of blubber to keep them insulated.. And I know if you have reptiles as pet if you don't use heat rocks then they will usually freeze to death and die.
Because I don't want my 3 year old to have to see naked people all day.
That's pretty sad that you think that kids should not be allowed to see human bodies. I know there's a lot of people that feel that way and state that point, but it is a moot point. It's a stupid cultural and societal point. No harm is done by kids growing up seeing naked people. Actually, it is healthier than not allowing it. They grow up not ashamed of bodies, and no they don't grow up to be pervs, in fact the opposite.

There are tons of nudist families out there. They raise their kids around naked people from babies to adults no problems. There are plenty of tribes across the world that live naked with everybody in the tribe, just look them up on youtube.

You feel the way you do because of the society you are in. Society should change though. You are the sheep of society who just blindly goes along with everything without question or thought. Enlightenment and an open mind- you should try it. But maybe you'd rather remain ignorant like most others in this stupid ass society. Go visit some nude beaches and bring your kid too, there's nothing wrong with it. Lots of people do exactly that. And it's not because they are crazy nasty perverts, which is probably what you might be thinking. They are actually great people who realize that nothing is wrong with our bodies THAT EVERYONE HAS.
That's pretty sad that you think that kids should not be allowed to see human bodies. I know there's a lot of people that feel that way and state that point, but it is a moot point. It's a stupid cultural and societal point. No harm is done by kids growing up seeing naked people. Actually, it is healthier than not allowing it. They grow up not ashamed of bodies, and no they don't grow up to be pervs, in fact the opposite.

There are tons of nudist families out there. They raise their kids around naked people from babies to adults no problems. There are plenty of tribes across the world that live naked with everybody in the tribe, just look them up on youtube.

You feel the way you do because of the society you are in. Society should change though. You are the sheep of society who just blindly goes along with everything without question or thought. Enlightenment and an open mind- you should try it. But maybe you'd rather remain ignorant like most others in this stupid ass society. Go visit some nude beaches and bring your kid too, there's nothing wrong with it. Lots of people do exactly that. And it's not because they are crazy nasty perverts, which is probably what you might be thinking. They are actually great people who realize that nothing is wrong with our bodies THAT EVERYONE HAS.
I don't know what world you live in. But in the world I live in. There are a bunch of perverted men out there. That pull their dicks out in front of little girls just to show it to them. And I believe every single one of those men need their dicks cut off and shoved into their throats. There are too many pervs out here that would use the opportunity to have their dicks out front of little girls all the time. Are you one of those pervs is that why you want to show your dick in front of little kids