Why is it illegal to be naked?

Oh great, so everyone truck down south of the equator to further overcrowd southern cities and spread disease….

Also animals have fur or thick hides to protect them. Unless you're a naked mole rat, then you'd live underground, blind and pink and since your blind you wouldn't see your fellow mole rats and their pink asses anyway.

Dude, if the nudist thing is so cool, then why hasn't it EVER caught on? Nudists colonies have been around for decades… It's not that I have a problem with the naked body-on the contrary: I think we need more body acceptance in our culture, but I don't want to look at what I may find unappealing. It's not the body people are objecting to, it's certain bodies. AND some folks are not as hygenic as others

BTW, where on earth are furless animals packed together in cities and densely populated areas like people are? Can you give an example in the animal kingdom?
No I don't mean for everyone to truck down to the south. Overpopulation damage is already done. What i'm saying is that people should have never went to such harsh northern climates in the first place. Our bodies are originally evolved for warmer climates, climates in which clothes wouldn't be necessary to survive. They still are, even though light skin helps survival in colder climates. Basically, I'm just saying we should have just stuck to what was natural.

Idk, I'm not an expert on animals but ants, termites, bees, wasps, penguins, walruses, etc.. seem to be pretty crowded together and densely populated.

Elephants, frogs, hippos, all naked just to name a few.

"The nudist thing" is not really a "thing" and it's not really something to be caught on. It's not a trend or a fad. It's not something that's supposed to be cool. Or uncool. It's being natural and normal like nature intended. The reason it hasn't gained more acceptance than it currently has is because of SOCIETY. Stupid fucking culture and society.

Society as a whole should change. Or should have never got so fugged up in the first place.
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