Why is it illegal to be naked?

You would freeze to death if you had to be naked in the winter, in some parts of the world.

Clothing helps to stay warm.

I knew someone would state that point. I was just waiting for someone to say it. Yes, I agree. Clothes can help humans survive and be more comfortable in cold environments. But other than that, they are useless.

What about the extremely hot and humid parts of the world? Like Florida, the Amazon Jungle, Mexico, or Africa just to name a few. Wouldn't it be much more comfortable to be naked on a hot and humid 98 degree summer day in the tropics, instead of having to wear a personal heat trapping greenhouse called "clothes"?
It would be unsanitary because of orifices humans have.If a woman has a vaginal infection, gets on a public bus and sits down she could spread it to others.What if she had aids or any other contagious disease that can be spread by bodily fluids.Clothes have helped humans adapt to harsh environments.There is no question that clothes has had a more positive impact on human development than negative.
It would be unsanitary because of orifices humans have.If a woman has a vaginal infection, gets on a public bus and sits down she could spread it to others.What if she had aids or any other contagious disease that can be spread by bodily fluids.Clothes have helped humans adapt to harsh environments.There is no question that clothes has had a more positive impact on human development than negative.
What about all the other animals on the earth? Should they be required to wear clothes too because they might spread a disease?
They don't have public transportation or live in large cities where they have to worry about those type of things.......durr.Fyi most mammals do have clothes it's called fur.
Animals do live in large cities as pets and owners do bring them on public transportation. Fur is not an entrapment like clothes are. Fur is natural, animals are born with it. Fur also does not prevent bodily fluids from coming into contact with surfaces outside of the body.

About your disease point:
The way I see it, so what if someone has a disease, let them spread it and let people die from it. [There's too many people on this planet as of now anyways.] Not everyone will die from it. People who survive a disease have genes that can be passed on to future generations that allow them to survive such diseases. It would make the gene pool stronger. It is part of evolution and natural selection- survival of the fittest.

Our society of medicine is making a weaker and weaker gene pool as time goes on. People have to rely on medicine more and more to keep them from dying from disease. One day it will explode in our faces as our genes become so weak and people become so fragile, and they can't survive any sort of illness on their own.

And a possible solution to the disease on public transportation from no clothing (which is a highly unlikely scenario anyways) would be to have some sort of small and cheap disposable towel or sheet or something that people could sit on if they need to ride public transportation. Or people with certain diagnosed diseases could be not allowed to ride public transportation unless they wear some form of cover up. Just suggestions, not saying they are the best ideas, but they are ideas. I know there could be some simple solution to said "problem." We can send men to the moon, so I'm sure we could figure that one out.

Why so worried about disease anyways? A girl with a STD on her vagina could scratch her vagina and then touch doorknobs and then you could touch that doorknob and touch your balls and get the STD she had. Or other types of diseases too, not just STD's.
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Naked people give me boners. I think everyone should be naked!
You are a shining example of what a naked society would eradicate. Immature, deviant perverts. If you were raised naked and lived in a world where everyone was naked all the time, you wouldn't be saying such a thing. The simple sight of naked people wouldn't give you a boner. You wouldn't think twice about it. You would see naked people all the time and it would have no effect on you, which is how it should be. You would've in essence, "gotten over yourself" very quickly.
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First off people make up the population in cities not animals second I care about disease because I want to avoid them!! Being naked in public can be a health hazard and easily avoidable by wearing clothing instead of making it everybody else's problem.It seems it's just much safer and more beneficial to wear clothing. I don't know but I like my clothing just fine.....I don't feel trapped I feel protected.
Bro your logic is so flawed. You just dumb, you simple son

I'm not gonna sit naked on a park bench after the homeless dude that I can smell his ass sweat from 10 feet away.
Sure as shit ain't bout to walk barefoot in a public restroom. Its unsanitary, no way around that.
Aaaand nobody is simply going to get used to naked people sorry. By design we find the opposite sex attractive, instinctively we find certain traits on a woman or man attractive. To no longer find the female body beautiful would be a sad day for me..that makes me an immature pervert deviant? No
Bro your logic is so flawed. You just dumb, you simple son

I'm not gonna sit naked on a park bench after the homeless dude that I can smell his ass sweat from 10 feet away.
Sure as shit ain't bout to walk barefoot in a public restroom. Its unsanitary, no way around that.
Aaaand nobody is simply going to get used to naked people sorry. By design we find the opposite sex attractive, instinctively we find certain traits on a woman or man attractive. To no longer find the female body beautiful would be a sad day for me..that makes me an immature pervert deviant? No
Nah Brah, yo logic be flawed dawgg. LOL. I hope you are joking with that grammar. The only reason you would smell homeless ass sweat is because of the fucking pair of jeans he's been wearing everyday for 3 years straight. With no clothes to confine and constrain your skin and trap sweat means no smell would build up and exist in the first place. Duh, can't you realize this shit? Think about it, why do people's feet stink? Because socks and shoes are worn, which trap sweat and confine it all and bacteria thrive and produce odor. Do you think people's feet just stink on their own? No. It's because of the clothes that make them stink.

Nobody said anything about having to walk barefoot. You could put something on your feet if you wanted. OPTIONAL is the key word here. Nobody should be forced to be barefoot or wear footwear.

AAAAAANNND yes people would get used to everybody being naked. AAAAAAAND people already do today. It's called nudism. Whole entire families live as nudists without any problems at all. Like I've already said before, it is society that makes you think nakedness is not good. If society was not so stupid, and everybody was naked all the time just like nudists and just like people were thousands upon thousands of years ago, there would be no fuss over it.

Nobody said that you wouldn't find other people attractive if everyone was always nude. Of course you would be naturally attracted to some people, duh, no shit- that is part of nature and part of finding a mate. You would still find the female body beautiful, why would you think that you wouldn't? You just wouldn't want to immediately get a boner and start jacking off at the sight of tits and pussy and ass. You would actually choose a mate more so based on their character and personality and mind because you would see tits and pussy and ass all the time and realize that all females have similar anatomy but who they are inside is what would stand out. But you would still find physical appearance beautiful and attractive. Animals are naked all the time and they still find each other attractive and find mates just fine. You wouldn't be so sensitive about everybody being without clothes. It wouldn't bother you.
Even if I was naked I'd probably still wear shoes. I have sensitive feet, lol.

Especially to rocks and glass.
That would be perfectly acceptable. Although I think it is good for your feet to endure some of the elements while barefoot. It helps toughen them up and make them become stronger and more hardy.
Nah Brah, yo logic be flawed dawgg. LOL. I hope you are joking with that grammar. The only reason you would smell homeless ass sweat is because of the fucking pair of jeans he's been wearing everyday for 3 years straight. With no clothes to confine and constrain your skin and trap sweat means no smell would build up and exist in the first place. Duh, can't you realize this shit? Think about it, why do people's feet stink? Because socks and shoes are worn, which trap sweat and confine it all and bacteria thrive and produce odor. Do you think people's feet just stink on their own? No. It's because of the clothes that make them stink.

Nobody said anything about having to walk barefoot. You could put something on your feet if you wanted. OPTIONAL is the key word here. Nobody should be forced to be barefoot or wear footwear.

AAAAAANNND yes people would get used to everybody being naked. AAAAAAAND people already do today. It's called nudism. Whole entire families live as nudists without any problems at all. Like I've already said before, it is society that makes you think nakedness is not good. If society was not so stupid, and everybody was naked all the time just like nudists and just like people were thousands upon thousands of years ago, there would be no fuss over it.

Nobody said that you wouldn't find other people attractive if everyone was always nude. Of course you would be naturally attracted to some people, duh, no shit- that is part of nature and part of finding a mate. You would still find the female body beautiful, why would you think that you wouldn't? You just wouldn't want to immediately get a boner and start jacking off at the sight of tits and pussy and ass. You would actually choose a mate more so based on their character and personality and mind because you would see tits and pussy and ass all the time and realize that all females have similar anatomy but who they are inside is what would stand out. But you would still find physical appearance beautiful and attractive. Animals are naked all the time and they still find each other attractive and find mates just fine. You wouldn't be so sensitive about everybody being without clothes. It wouldn't bother you.

You make some solid valid points, unfortunately our society it entirely too perverted to conform and get comfortable with a lifestyle such as nudism. Health hazards aside, you cannot control the sexual impulses of the modern man, rape and sexual assault are already at a all time high.
You make some solid valid points, unfortunately our society it entirely too perverted to conform and get comfortable with a lifestyle such as nudism. Health hazards aside, you cannot control the sexual impulses of the modern man, rape and sexual assault are already at a all time high.
I believe society is capable of changing and becoming more open minded and enlightened. I believe it could be possible for a nude society to exist. Maybe not easy, but not impossible. Even though today's society is pretty fucked up to the point where it might be hard to imagine a world where everybody got along in their natural state, I still know it could be done. It wasn't too long ago that society thought it was acceptable to be racist and own slaves. We definitely have changed our ways in that regard.

There have been plenty of civilizations of the past who didn't wear clothes or only wore minimal clothing.
Do you really think everybody wants be naked?? Or just think that everybody should be naked because that is how we are born??
I will undoubtedly agree with you 110% that society is fucked up, I however have lost faith in my fellow man, I believe we are at a point of no return with the advancement of technology, and the numbing of the human mind by media and some sources of news and social networking. good luck on your journey my friend.
Do you really think everybody wants be naked?? Or just think that everybody should be naked because that is how we are born??
I think a lot of the dumbasses of today's society would not necessarily want to be naked because society has fucked their brain up so much they don't think for themselves or even know that it is an option to be naked. Society also makes them shame being naked and makes their bodies seem taboo for some reason, so they just go along with it without question like mindless sheep in the herd.

Yes, I do think there are a lot of people who want to be naked. Just look at all the nudists, nude resorts, nude beaches, etc... They obviously want to be naked.

And being able to be naked because we are born that way is just one aspect of it all, an important one though. It's about being able to be natural and realizing there's nothing wrong with it, that's all.
Okay well think about this........society today would not be what it is or would never have achieved all it has if it weren't for something as simple as clothing.........clothing let us explore and expand beyond our natural capabilities.Now your utopic way of thinking would be ideal in a world that was 80 degrees day and night but here on Earth climate varies widely.Now ask people in Maine if they would like to be naked all the time.Believe me their answers would have nothing to do with hygiene or looks.
I believe society is capable of changing and becoming more open minded and enlightened. I believe it could be possible for a nude society to exist. Maybe not easy, but not impossible. Even though today's society is pretty fucked up to the point where it might be hard to imagine a world where everybody got along in their natural state, I still know it could be done. It wasn't too long ago that society thought it was acceptable to be racist and own slaves. We definitely have changed our ways in that regard.

There have been plenty of civilizations of the past who didn't wear clothes or only wore minimal clothing.

The problem is society isn't that way. People as a whole are evil and corrupt. The dream that we can all hold hands and love each other died before the hippies started preaching it.