Why is it illegal to be naked?

Totally beat me to it!

Yeah, the majority of people are... plus, who would want to look at dick all day long?

If nudity was legal, then all the old people, the fat people, ulgy people, etc., would be walking around naked too.

I like My clothes.

I see nothing wrong with not wearing clothes. People should be allowed to not wear clothes anywhere they want, whenever they want. What's the big deal?

I do it all the time. Just not in public. I say fuck clothes. Unless you are in the desert. Sun Burn is worse.

Nudist Biker?
Because of you being naked is not truly your decision to make. If your naked then you force on to others.
It is not simply you being ok with nudity, it is the people around you.
I don't know about you all, but I don't want naked men or women sitting on subway seats, stationary bicycle seats, in public chairs at work, on football bleacher seats, etc. Get my drift?

Naked people can be filthy in such a way as it affects us all.
It's pretty fucked up. Anyone read of the naked rambler in the UK? The guy has spent something like a decade in jail for walking around naked. He literally get's released, goes for a trek in the buff and gets thrown back in jail for another year.

Rest of europe have it right. Want to be naked at the beach, knock yourself out.

I might not want to see shlong as i walk down the street, but jail time for it is as immoral as it comes.
Well, so everybody thinks being nude is not good. Simply because they do not want to look at other naked people. Or they have to convince themselves that it would be unsanitary. WTF? No it wouldn't. Please explain how. So what if some people wouldn't be attractive to you. That's not a valid reason as to why everybody should be required to wear clothes. That's a childish immature opinion. Who are you to judge the appearance of other people? It's irrelevant if they are "ugly" to you. It is none of your concern and that doesn't give you the right to force someone to wear clothes. Everyone should be allowed to be like they were when they were born. Clothes are unnatural and unnecessary, only required because of people's warped perception of reality due to the society they were raised in and live in. It's funny how humans are the only animal (or any life form for that matter) that wears clothes.

There is no "forcing" nakedness onto others. That just shows your insecurity and how uncomfortable you are with your own body and the appearance of the human body. If everyone was naked, we would all be equal. You act like you have different parts or you don't know what people have or something. You act like something bad would happen if everyone was naked. You act like it is bad to be human, bad to be natural, bad to have a body, and that it is bad to have it unconfined and unrestrained.

If you see naked people walking around minding their own business, doing everyday things like everyone usually does, and that makes you uncomfortable, that means there is a problem with YOU and YOUR MIND, not the naked people. It would be very easy to live the same way we do now if everyone was naked. It's just that closed minded, insecure, perverted, and immature people, who are products of a clothed society, can't handle their own nature and don't want to have to face the truth and be true to their nature- like nature intended.

Doesn't anybody know about nudists? There are lots of families that exist without clothes. NO PROBLEMS. Babies, kids, teenagers, parents, grandparents and all. It's actually healthier for the mind to grow up and be surrounded by the natural appearance YOUR OWN BODIES, instead of constantly hiding it with clothes. It teaches that there's nothing wrong with bodies, and it doesn't teach people to be insecure perverts. It does the opposite actually. It teaches that nakedness does not equal sex. Nudists frown upon deviant behavior. And it allows people to see each other for who they are. It doesn't allow prejudices to enter the mind based on the clothing that they wear. It forces people to actually know and understand someone not based on their appearance, and everyone is more equal.

There's also a good number of tribes across the world who don't wear clothes.

If it was the other way around and everyone lived naked like they are supposed to and there was some guy who wanted everybody to have to wear clothes, everybody would be like "wtf, why, what's the point, why do I have to have something covering me at all times and not allow my skin to breathe properly?
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Well, so everybody thinks being nude is not good. Simply because they do not want to look at other naked people. Or they have to convince themselves that it would be unsanitary. WTF? No it wouldn't. Please explain how. So what if some people wouldn't be attractive to you. That's not a valid reason as to why everybody should be required to wear clothes. That's a childish immature opinion. Who are you to judge the appearance of other people? It's irrelevant if they are "ugly" to you. It is none of your concern and that doesn't give you the right to force someone to wear clothes. Everyone should be allowed to be like they were when they were born. Clothes are unnatural and unnecessary, only required because of people's warped perception of reality due to the society they were raised in and live in. It's funny how humans are the only animal (or any life form for that matter) that wears clothes.

There is no "forcing" nakedness onto others. That just shows your insecurity and how uncomfortable you are with your own body and the appearance of the human body. If everyone was naked, we would all be equal. You act like you have different parts or you don't know what people have or something.

If you see naked people walking around minding their own business, doing everyday things like everyone usually does, and that makes you uncomfortable, that means there is a problem with YOU and YOUR MIND, not the naked people. It would be very easy to live the same way we do now if everyone was naked. It's just closed minded, insecure, perverted, immature people, who are products of a clothed society, can't handle their own nature and don't want to have to face the truth and be true to their nature- like nature intended.

Doesn't anybody know about nudists? There are lots of families that exist without clothes. NO PROBLEMS. Babies, kids, teenagers, parents, grandparents and all. It's actually healthier for the mind to grow up and be surrounded by the natural appearance YOUR OWN BODIES, instead of constantly hiding it with clothes. It teaches that there's nothing wrong with bodies, and it doesn't teach people to be insecure perverts. It does the opposite actually. It teaches that nakedness does not equal sex. Nudists frown upon deviant behavior. And it allows people to see each other for who they are. It doesn't allow prejudices to enter the mind based on the clothing that they wear. It forces people to actually know and understand someone not based on their appearance, and everyone is more equal.

There's also a good number of tribes across the world who don't wear clothes.

If it was the other way around and everyone lived naked like they are supposed to and there was some guy who wanted everybody to have to wear clothes, everybody would be like "wtf, why, what's the point, why do I have to have something covering me at all times and not allow my skin to breathe properly?

You would freeze to death if you had to be naked in the winter, in some parts of the world.

Clothing helps to stay warm.
