Why I hope Trump's future trial is televised.

I can dig that point of view. Through it, my attempt to distinguish between people like Matt Gaetz and Ryan Zinke appears clumsy.

I am not impressed one iota by Republican embrace of Donald Trump. It's sickening.
there's a difference between them?
Zinke is probably a better person in general, but they're both magats who kissed trumps ass...the world would be about an equally better place if you randomly shot one of them into space, never to return
there's a difference between them?
Zinke is probably a better person in general, but they're both magats who kissed trumps ass...the world would be about an equally better place if you randomly shot one of them into space, never to return
Perhaps it's splitting hairs, but I perceive one as aligning with Trump for political expediency (due to polls) while the other seeks to ride coat tails of, reinforce, and entrench the Trumpian approach.

They are both indictable as supporting fascism.
Perhaps it's splitting hairs, but I perceive one as aligning with Trump for political expediency (due to polls) while the other seeks to ride coat tails of, reinforce, and entrench the Trumpian approach.

They are both indictable as supporting fascism.
Aligning with That Man for political expediency is an unconditional disqualifier. It reveals placement of interest befor honor. The necessity to have spoken loudly against maga nonsense “before it was cool” is where Cheney fails assay, despite her tolerable behavior toward the end.
I do not believe cynicism is entrenched in our society so deeply that it is the matter of course. I would say it's the exception generally, with somewhat more prevalence in politics.

But, as it seems you assert, it is entrenched in MAGA (where the ends justify the means as well). And, unfortunately, the saner majority of Republican politicians are going along with the cynical MAGA wing of the legislative branch (mostly in the House). I think it's due to the error inherent in social media distortion, but I digress.

So though the House Republicans are not en bloc cynics, they acquiesce. This is from where originates my concern and suggestion that a drop-dead date is worth considering. I think it would be considered by the Democrats, not as a cynical ploy used exclusively to maintain power, but to inform the use of available tools to preserve our liberal democracy!

How it applies to, say, GA lies in the inherent uncertainty of an election outcome, specifically the 2024 election.

Do you disagree that the Democrats would consider it?

edit: spelling error
I believe the legal investigations are proceeding as fast as they can, so, no. I don't think Democrats are timing the legal investigations for political gain. They might if they had the power to do so. If they could speed up the investigations and press charges with a certainty they could win in court, I think they would have already done so. I think they would like to have Trump and his gang of co-conspirators including the thirty-or-so MAGA Congressmen whose text messages show they were part of the conspiracy. safely behind bars already.

On the other hand, the the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack was a politically motivated effort to document the facts so that Republicans could not later make it seem something other than an attack on our democracy. In that case, I expected the committee to draw the investigation out to both inform the public but also discredit Republicans who tried to downplay it. The drip, drip, drip of information by the Select Committee did its job too. The much anticipated Red Tsunami in fall 2022 became just a red spot on Republican panties. Republican mis-steps like their attack on women's rights played an important role. But also too, the Select Committee did its job of informing the public and turning the narrative away from just the attack on Congress to Republican-MAGA attempts to break our democracy.

It's debatable but I don't think presenting the facts in the way and with the timing that the Select Committee used was a cynical ploy.
I believe the legal investigations are proceeding as fast as they can, so, no. I don't think Democrats are timing the legal investigations for political gain. They might if they had the power to do so. If they could speed up the investigations and press charges with a certainty they could win in court, I think they would have already done so. I think they would like to have Trump and his gang of co-conspirators including the thirty-or-so MAGA Congressmen whose text messages show they were part of the conspiracy. safely behind bars already.

On the other hand, the the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack was a politically motivated effort to document the facts so that Republicans could not later make it seem something other than an attack on our democracy. In that case, I expected the committee to draw the investigation out to both inform the public but also discredit Republicans who tried to downplay it. The drip, drip, drip of information by the Select Committee did its job too. The much anticipated Red Tsunami in fall 2022 became just a red spot on Republican panties. Republican mis-steps like their attack on women's rights played an important role. But also too, the Select Committee did its job of informing the public and turning the narrative away from just the attack on Congress to Republican-MAGA attempts to break our democracy.

It's debatable but I don't think presenting the facts in the way and with the timing that the Select Committee used was a cynical ploy.
The manner of presentation? No...The timing? Totally and completely planned for effect. If it was a coincidence, it's one for the ages.
The manner of presentation? No...The timing? Totally and completely planned for effect. If it was a coincidence, it's one for the ages.
Which investigation do you refer to? The investigation into election fraud going on in Georgia or the House Select Comittees's investigation into Jan 6 attack or both?

In any case, if you disagree, with my post, I'm OK with you being wrong. (jk)
Which investigation do you refer to? The investigation into election fraud going on in Georgia or the House Select Comittees's investigation into Jan 6 attack or both?

In any case, if you disagree, with my post, I'm OK with you being wrong. (jk)
not the investigations, the televised release of their information...starting 5 months before the midterms, and spacing them out the way they did, the only thing they could have done better was cram it all in before the elections, but i think that would have been too much for people to digest.
they did, however, reach a lot of independents before the elections, and quite possibly more than a few disenchanted republicans
not the investigations, the televised release of their information...starting 5 months before the midterms, and spacing them out the way they did, the only thing they could have done better was cram it all in before the elections, but i think that would have been too much for people to digest.
they did, however, reach a lot of independents before the elections, and quite possibly more than a few disenchanted republicans
So, a county DA who is taking on a former president with all his money and political influence, who wins court case after court case that are used to drag out her investigation in a deliberate attempt to run out the clock and run up the cost of the investigation is timing their prosecution to help Democrats win the 2024 election.

Is that what you claim?
not the investigations, the televised release of their information...starting 5 months before the midterms, and spacing them out the way they did, the only thing they could have done better was cram it all in before the elections, but i think that would have been too much for people to digest.
they did, however, reach a lot of independents before the elections, and quite possibly more than a few disenchanted republicans
I agree that the political investigation in the House was timed to achieve a political end.
So, a county DA who is taking on a former president with all his money and political influence, who wins court case after court case that are used to drag out her investigation in a deliberate attempt to run out the clock and run up the cost of the investigation is timing their prosecution to help Democrats win the 2024 election.

Is that what you claim?
no...i was talking about the jan6 committee, not Willis...were you talking about Willis? my mistake if so.
however, if circumstances just happen to align that way, take advantage of the situation.
no...i was talking about the jan6 committee, not Willis...were you talking about Willis? my mistake if so.
however, if circumstances just happen to align that way, take advantage of the situation.
This article about a different case and her interactions with her client give some insight into who Willis is.

She sounds like an ambitious person but not in a bad way. Just, don't get in the wrong around her.
Remember, the republicans are being setup epically for the 2024 election with court cases over J6 and convictions on their way to the election with Donald pacing his cell. If the democrats pull off a hat trick in 2024 the nightmare will continue and intensify for the republicans over J6, the democrats will replay it with new hearings, between passing legislation to remove the republicans electoral advantages, voting rights and curbing domestic terrorism. Winning the house in 2022 by a slim margin, might just extend the pain for them until 2026 with a new round of hearings and possible impeachment inquires for republican justices. A lot of new shit is gonna be coming out over the next few years as the FBI starts squeezing these assholes in earnest. They are all a bunch of cutthroats, ya just gotta get them cutting each other's throats trying to survive.
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Remember, the republicans are being setup epically for the 2024 election with court cases over J6 and convictions on their way to the election with Donald pacing his cell. If the democrats pull off a hat trick in 2024 the nightmare will continue and intensify for the republicans over J6, the democrats will replay it with new hearings, between passing legislation to remove the republicans electoral advantages, voting rights and curbing domestic terrorism. Winning the house in 2022 by a slim margin, might just extend the pain for them until 2026 with a new round of hearings and possible impeachment inquires for republican justices. A lot of new shit is gonna be coming out over the next few years as the FBI starts squeezing these asshole in earnest. They are all a bunch of cutthroats, ya just gotta get them cutting each other's throats trying to survive.

Trials against Trump regarding Ma a Lago, Georgia election fraud and Jan 6 won't start before the 2024 elections.

Democrats probably win if Biden runs again. Toss up if he doesn't. I doubt DeSantis can beat Biden or Newsome but Harris would get thrashed.

Republicans favored to win Senate in 2024 due to the larger number of open Democrat seats compared to Republican ones. Gerrymandering gives Republicans a near lock on the House.

Not saying I'd stake my life on this but don't count your chickens and all that.