Why I hope Trump's future trial is televised.

Trials against Trump regarding Ma a Lago, Georgia election fraud and Jan 6 won't start before the 2024 elections.

Democrats probably win if Biden runs again. Toss up if he doesn't. I doubt DeSantis can beat Biden or Newsome but Harris would get thrashed.

Republicans favored to win Senate in 2024 due to the larger number of open Democrat seats compared to Republican ones. Gerrymandering gives Republicans a near lock on the House.

Not saying I'd stake my life on this but don't count your chickens and all that.
The democrats are fighting a headwind, but they have the truth and the courts behind them and I do think there will be high level convictions over J6 in 2023, be they plea deals. Donald will be out of the picture before summer I figure, and knowing where Mark Meadows stands will determine much about the future course of events. We should find that out with Donald's documents and obstruction cases, and or in his Georgia case, Meadows was involved in both. Trump (and others) trial(s) in Georgia will be on TV and will be the most important IMHO.
The democrats are fighting a headwind, but they have the truth and the courts behind them and I do think there will be high level convictions over J6 in 2023, be they plea deals. Donald will be out of the picture before summer I figure, and knowing where Mark Meadows stands will determine much about the future course of events. We should find that out with Donald's documents and obstruction cases, and or in his Georgia case, Meadows was involved in both. Trump (and others) trial(s) in Georgia will be on TV and will be the most important IMHO.
Didn't you say Trump will be behind bars by now? I been holding my breath all this time wafting for it and am about to pass out.
Didn't you say Trump will be behind bars by now? I been holding my breath all this time wafting for it and am about to pass out.
Most people agree he should be behind bars by now and the only reason he isn't is political, but perfectly legal. However the documents case will most likely lead to swift justice and should be first up. J6 will take awhile and involve a lot of players with a mountain of evidence to go through, Donald didn't act alone, he had an awful lot of help.
Didn't you say Trump will be behind bars by now? I been holding my breath all this time wafting for it and am about to pass out.
We haven't heard much from Susan Rice, a former NSA heavyweight Joe appointed to be Director of the Domestic Policy Council of the United States an odd assignment considering her background is in forgien affairs. Maybe she's been working on the problem of fascism in America based on her other work dealing with the rising global phenomena. Maybe she has a plan for dealing with it moving forward, she was a national security advisor and this is an internal national security issue, both politically and with domestic terrorism.
Most people agree he should be behind bars by now and the only reason he isn't is political, but perfectly legal. However the documents case will most likely lead to swift justice and should be first up. J6 will take awhile and involve a lot of players with a mountain of evidence to go through, Donald didn't act alone, he had an awful lot of help.
The Clinton’s aka Epstein’s besties, should be first in the pen.
The Clinton’s aka Epstein’s besties, should be first in the pen.
The allegations are about Bill, not both of them, and no one really cares about the Clintons anymore.
If they can prove that Clinton did anything illegal, then he should be charged, just like anyone else.
And no one will care...The only people who will give a shit are deranged magats who believe the ridiculous shit about pingpong pizza.
Actually no don’t watch network tv. So wrong there. But accusers like yourself seem to make that mistake to often.
Another person who doesn't get their news from reliable sites but still thinks their opinion is worth people's time. Troll or nacissist, it doesn't really matter which. Its posts here aren't worth the poop that drops from a donkey's ass., Democrat or the braying kind.

Face the facts. Trump lost fair and square.

President Joe Biden. What a wonderful thing to be able to say. Sounds clean and free from corruption.
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Another person who doesn't get their news from reliable sites but still thinks their opinion is worth people's time. Troll or nacissist, it doesn't really matter which. Its posts here worth the poop that drops from a donkey's ass., Democrat or the braying kind.

Facie the facts. Trump lost fair and square.

President Joe Biden. What a wonderful thing to be able to say. Sounds clean and free from corruption.
while not all narcissists are trolls, effectively all trolls are narcissists.
This was great to watch, can't wait until it is the idiots Trump surrounded himself getting devastated by her and her team.

Her dad was interesting to listen to.

The dude she hooked up with to was pretty good to watch. The attorney is an ass that whoever the defense hired to try to make everything sound bad, but the incompetence is hilarious to watch them fumble around trying to make it some how a crime for two consenting adults to get it on.

More evidence of the impacts of right wing fascism here in America was given by this guy. It's a bummer I would have enjoyed seeing him prosecuting this trial.

I haven't watched too much of the others yet.
This was great to watch, can't wait until it is the idiots Trump surrounded himself getting devastated by her and her team.

Her dad was interesting to listen to.

The dude she hooked up with to was pretty good to watch. The attorney is an ass that whoever the defense hired to try to make everything sound bad, but the incompetence is hilarious to watch them fumble around trying to make it some how a crime for two consenting adults to get it on.

More evidence of the impacts of right wing fascism here in America was given by this guy. It's a bummer I would have enjoyed seeing him prosecuting this trial.

I haven't watched too much of the others yet.

yeah those were good to watch, Fani's comments were the best though.......

that whole thing is really a nothingburger really

and if u want to know how the rest of the orange avengers trails went, ck out the trump indicted thread....those are great....
Since we don't actually get to see the trials, I guess it is going to be nice to not have Trump all this air time for his stupid campaign free of charge. It is fun seeing him parade out MAGA to come whine for him outside of court, lol they are such cucks.

Screen Shot 2024-05-14 at 3.20.13 PM.png

1. Only one person in focus has any balls (its the cop).
2. Democratic house leader Jeffries forced center bitch boy to wear blue in his tie to save his ass.
3. These are the faces of people knowing that they are the least paid for letting Trump fuck them.
4. Im sure ill think of more later. Looks like MSNBC have been cracking up at these idiots.

Regardless it is hilarious how utterly pathetic Trump's game to try to use this in response to having zero actual game in trying to win the election. Trump is banking on so many long shots. Some nut juror will let him off, using this trial as free national media to sell his cult whatever bullshit they are programmed to believe on why they shouldn't care, that foreign and dark money flooding every media platform they are able to with propaganda that they are manufacturing to keep America as weak as possible by helping these MAGA extremists get elected enough to offset Trump grifting away all the RNCs money that im guessing harms them up and down the ballot,