Why are "the whites" killing so many police officers

He wants a picture of your balls, dude?
I do!
I need to quantify my belief. Small penis equals parasitic tendencies.
You also fall in to this category. Would you help a brother out and post a pic of yours?
so the 3 biggest idiots on this site havent even been here over 6 months!

who do you 3 know, I mean blow to get away with your nasty shit, daily nasty shit, I can see where this place is going!

When a site lets 3 jack asses fuck with everyone else, that site will lose alot of good people, and than it will only have 3 in a circle jerk giggling like school girls, oh well who cares, lots of other places to go, and I dont have to deal with a group of loser's and bullies!

None of you have live's, you wouldnt have so many posts in a few months, just 3 lil fella's hiding behind your screen acting all happy and gay! or gay and happy lol! wtv.

I can imagine 3 cucks sitting around in high heels with lipstick and bad 5 oclock shadow!


Fly Fly Fly away!

Nice meltdown, calm yourself with a ciggy now.
When a site lets 3 jack asses fuck with everyone else, that site will lose alot of good people, and than it will only have 3 in a circle jerk giggling like school girls, oh well who cares, lots of other places to go, and I dont have to deal with a group of loser's and bullies!

giphy (62).gif

I can imagine 3 cucks sitting around in high heels with lipstick and bad 5 oclock shadow!

Speaking of your jack off fantasies, remember the time you got banned from that 'MMA' site? (lol - gaaaaayyyyyy!)

Poor repressed 'white nationalist' loser, it's gotta be tough for you.....
That's too bad. I know how much you really wanted to quit those lung darts, oh well.
I hate these e-cigs but hey its working, gonna be as hard to get off of the e-nicotene, but I wil, I can do anything, your mom told me so!


p.s oops I mean my mom told me I could do anything I set out to do, now im getting off of here and going into the light,,,,,Thanks for the Fun!
I hate these e-cigs but hey its working, gonna be as hard to get off of the e-nicotene, but I wil, I can do anything, your mom told me so!


p.s oops I mean my mom told me I could do anything I set out to do, now im getting off of here and going into the light,,,,,Thanks for the Fun!

I wouldn't worry about quitting at sixty. Damage has already been done, you're about thirty years too late. The story of your life,lmao.

You wanna join my fan club as well, eh? I'm not surprised, based on your 'posts'. (LOL)

Tell me more about how the earth is flat, babe....
I was being serious dude. I'm sorry that I added fat and girly, I couldn't decide which one was more befitting. Again sorry.x
Member Since:
Feb 16, 2012
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(ĭn′kyə-bāt′, ĭng′-)
v. in·cu·bat·ed, in·cu·bat·ing, in·cu·bates
1. To sit on (eggs) to provide heat, so as to promote embryonic development and the hatching of young; brood.
To maintain (eggs, organisms, or living tissue) at optimal environmental conditions for growth anddevelopment.
b. To maintain (a chemical or biochemical system) under specific conditions in order to promote a particularreaction.
3. To be infected with (a pathogen) before manifesting signs or symptoms of an infectious disease.
4. To form or consider slowly and protectively, as if hatching: incubated the idea for a while, then announced it.

sock pup·pet
  1. 1.
    a simple hand puppet made from a sock.
  2. 2.
    a false online identity, typically created by a person or group in order to promote their own opinions or views.

Same here. Please, elaborate on how the earth is flat.

Member Since:
Oct 20, 2013
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I rarely get more than a couple of hours free during my working day. I might grace here with my presence for an hour or so every couple of days... it is a weed forum and life is more important than number of posts posted or posts liked.
I used flat earth to expose attitudes towards different beliefs. The bigots came out and put a show on for me.
Member Since:
Feb 16, 2012
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I'll ask the question again, when did a message board for public discussion mostly related to marijuana become a popularity contest? Also, who is it that you think I am posing as and why would I need a second account to voice my opinion? It would be simple to ask a moderator to check my IP log ins, most boards auto flag double accounts anyways instead of these ineffectivee shill tactics. Critical thinking and debate should factor into the conversation at some point rather than these elementary level jeers. You must not have much worth saying if you aren't even worried about winning the argument, but seem rather content with just shutting down the other side with group attacks. Sneer all you want, but that's simply defined as bullying.

I don't think your like count is very relevant when it the same group of people liking your posts over and over, seemingly a constant circle jerking of each other for online popularity? I'm here to offer advice to people who need it for grow setups and occasionally engage in an intelligent debate, it seems like you and your merry band of jackasses are just here to put people down and give each other reach arounds.
I'll ask the question again, when did a message board for public discussion mostly related to marijuana become a popularity contest? Also, who is it that you think I am posing as and why would I need a second account to voice my opinion? It would be simple to ask a moderator to check my IP log ins, most boards auto flag double accounts anyways instead of these ineffectivee shill tactics. Critical thinking and debate should factor into the conversation at some point rather than these elementary level jeers. You must not have much worth saying if you aren't even worried about winning the argument, but seem rather content with just shutting down the other side with group attacks. Sneer all you want, but that's simply defined as bullying.

I don't think your like count is very relevant when it the same group of people liking your posts over and over, seemingly a constant circle jerking of each other for online popularity? I'm here to offer advice to people who need it for grow setups and occasionally engage in an intelligent debate, it seems like you and your merry band of jackasses are just here to put people down and give each other reach arounds.
