• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Why are so many growers against gun ownership?


Active Member
This has to be the most egocentric post I have seen. Have you realized that you described anyone who doesn't agree with you as clueless? Are you sure you aren't the one who is clueless?
"Who's" on First? :arrow:"Whats" on Second?" :arrow:"Idunno" is on third? :arrow:

*see Catch 22* then *see redundant* :-|

See you in the funny papers...


Well-Known Member
"Who's" on First? :arrow:"Whats" on Second?" :arrow:"Idunno" is on third? :arrow:

*see Catch 22* then *see redundant* :-|

See you in the funny papers...
Mr. Dawg. You are my new favorite liberal, RIU politics section poster! I seriously get a chuckle from almost every one of your posts. Thank you.:hug:


Well-Known Member
Main Entry: so·cial·ism
Pronunciation: \ˈsō-shə-ˌli-zəm\
Function: noun
Date: 1837
1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
2 a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
3 : a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

Main Entry: com·mu·nism
Pronunciation: \ˈkäm-yə-ˌni-zəm, -yü-\
Function: noun
Etymology: French communisme, from commun common
Date: 1840
1 a : a theory advocating elimination of private property b : a system in which goods are owned in common and are available to all as needed
2 capitalized a : a doctrine based on revolutionary Marxian socialism and Marxism-Leninism that was the official ideology of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics b : a totalitarian system of government in which a single authoritarian party controls state-owned means of production c : a final stage of society in Marxist theory in which the state has withered away and economic goods are distributed equitably d : communist systems collectively

socialism is a stepping stone to totalitarian control over the masses (communism). while this might appeal to some, or even the masses, there are other americans that know better. however i do see that we are slowly inching to it. but my gun will never be taken away from me.

.hlcomplexityorange { color:#CC6600; } a.hlcomplexityorange { text-decoration:none; } a.hlcomplexityorange:hover { text-decoration:underline; }


Well-Known Member
Main Entry: so·cial·ism
Pronunciation: \ˈsō-shə-ˌli-zəm\
Function: noun
Date: 1837
1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
2 a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
3 : a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

Main Entry: com·mu·nism
Pronunciation: \ˈkäm-yə-ˌni-zəm, -yü-\
Function: noun
Etymology: French communisme, from commun common
Date: 1840
1 a : a theory advocating elimination of private property b : a system in which goods are owned in common and are available to all as needed
2 capitalized a : a doctrine based on revolutionary Marxian socialism and Marxism-Leninism that was the official ideology of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics b : a totalitarian system of government in which a single authoritarian party controls state-owned means of production c : a final stage of society in Marxist theory in which the state has withered away and economic goods are distributed equitably d : communist systems collectively

socialism is a stepping stone to totalitarian control over the masses (communism). while this might appeal to some, or even the masses, there are other americans that know better. however i do see that we are slowly inching to it. but my gun will never be taken away from me.

.hlcomplexityorange { color:#CC6600; } a.hlcomplexityorange { text-decoration:none; } a.hlcomplexityorange:hover { text-decoration:underline; }
Which would explain why most people don't differentiate the 2. Socialism=communism light. :lol:


Active Member
I am not allowed to own a gun.. I believe every one should be able to own on if they choose.. But I think most people will agree that guns are too easy to get.. I am a felon, meaning I cant own a gun. But still I can walk into walmart and buy a 12 gauge no problem.Not to mention the guns shows.. . Then there are the guys who have a house full of guns.. Which in my experience is how a lot of gun owners are.. I dont nessisarily believe there should be a limit on the amount of guns some one can own... But if someone where to break into a house like that and steal those guns , then they are now street traded guns....
aside from that they are too f*cking cheap.. You can get a Hipoint 9mm for 150 bucks new!!!

I dont think guns are evil, as a matter of fact i wish i could own one, but when its this easy for evil people to get guns then.. you get the high amount of murders we have in the US.


Well-Known Member
Main Entry: so·cial·ism
Pronunciation: \ˈsō-shə-ˌli-zəm\
Function: noun
Date: 1837
1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
2 a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
3 : a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

Main Entry: com·mu·nism
Pronunciation: \ˈkäm-yə-ˌni-zəm, -yü-\
Function: noun
Etymology: French communisme, from commun common
Date: 1840
1 a : a theory advocating elimination of private property b : a system in which goods are owned in common and are available to all as needed
2 capitalized a : a doctrine based on revolutionary Marxian socialism and Marxism-Leninism that was the official ideology of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics b : a totalitarian system of government in which a single authoritarian party controls state-owned means of production c : a final stage of society in Marxist theory in which the state has withered away and economic goods are distributed equitably d : communist systems collectively

socialism is a stepping stone to totalitarian control over the masses (communism). while this might appeal to some, or even the masses, there are other americans that know better. however i do see that we are slowly inching to it. but my gun will never be taken away from me.

.hlcomplexityorange { color:#CC6600; } a.hlcomplexityorange { text-decoration:none; } a.hlcomplexityorange:hover { text-decoration:underline; }
Someone might want to warn Europe they are down a dark path.... :roll:


Well-Known Member
I love my guns. I have one next to me right now. I can't see the connection between a small MMJ grow and owning a gun. I'm not giving up either one.


Well-Known Member
I am not allowed to own a gun.. I believe every one should be able to own on if they choose.. But I think most people will agree that guns are too easy to get.. I am a felon, meaning I cant own a gun. But still I can walk into walmart and buy a 12 gauge no problem.Not to mention the guns shows.. . Then there are the guys who have a house full of guns.. Which in my experience is how a lot of gun owners are.. I dont nessisarily believe there should be a limit on the amount of guns some one can own... But if someone where to break into a house like that and steal those guns , then they are now street traded guns....
aside from that they are too f*cking cheap.. You can get a Hipoint 9mm for 150 bucks new!!!

I dont think guns are evil, as a matter of fact i wish i could own one, but when its this easy for evil people to get guns then.. you get the high amount of murders we have in the US.
i got a .45 hipoint for 100 i think. it was used tho. but isn't there a way you can get your rights restored? i use to work with a guy and he got his back somehow. i dont kno about all of them tho, i only know of him voting.

Someone might want to warn Europe they are down a dark path.... :roll:
dont be fooled, the whole world is going down a dark path. but really, i could care less about europe. we got our own problems.


Well-Known Member
i never once mentioned obama. no my eyes are more open then to say such foolery. it takes a team to win and it takes a team to lose.


Active Member
@ blazin256 . If I could get it expunged I could but thats not an option for me...In OH you can only have one offense.. And i had a pretty rough year when i was 19.. Picked up a few charges....SOL. You can vote as long as your not on community control. I mean I can get a gun but its a 2 yr min sentence if i get caught with one.weapons under disability. So Ill just passsssss.


Active Member
I can only give you my experience with guns and my reasons for my decisions, nothing else. The first time I shot a gun was at Christian Summer Camp. I took the shooting. I was 13 and my parents were not informed that their child would be learning to shoot a rifle at christian camp. I went every summer for years and I always took the gun courses. (as well as the archery courses) There I learned about the inner workings of a basic rifle. About bullets and loading them. I've never had to use one in self defense or for any practical reason in day to day life. It serves a single person which is to kill. I wish to kill no one. My step-father was a hit-man for the french legion, an assassin, and he did not keep a gun in the house. Another Step-father, kept his in the car, he was a POW who never wanted to be recaptured.

Everyone else I know who carried a gun did so for personal protection but I do not know anyone who has ever been forced to fire their weapon at another human being in "self defense". The ONLY reason I would defend myself with a firearm is if there was someone in my home threatening my family with a firearm. In that case, I would not have time to acquire my weapon from its lockbox seeing as how I would have to hide the lockbox from 3 children. We just moved out of a place where our roomate had a gun (because his house got robbed without him in it,makes no sense to me either) and every time there was a loud noise at the door at night or anything out of the ordinary, he would charge upstairs with his chrome 9mm. This guy is a devout christian who goes to church every sunday, says his prayers every night and would never hurt a thing and here he is brandishing a firearm in his home because of something that never required a firearm anyway.

Now, I won't pretend that the guy breaking into my house to rape my wife and children and dance around in my skin does not have a gun and bad intentions. I Know he has a gun but I know a dozen ways to relieve him of his weapon and disable/cripple/maim the assailant. I am not helpless because I do not possess a firearm. I have lots of weapons around my house and am getting a new dog + stun gun very soon. Any recommendations for a stun gun? Not sure if i should go with contact or ranged.

Having a gun only ensures that you have a ranged weapon available IF you are in a situation that requires it. You would only need it to defend the LIVES of yourself or your family. It is excessive to think that you are going to save some stranger at a corner store on the off chance someone robs it while you're snagging rolling papers. Even then, you would be better off letting him take the money and get caught 15m later. If someone has a gun pointed at you then yours is useless. All it does is make killing easier, that's the defense. OMG someone poses a threat, SHOOT. Kevlar protects from people with guns, not more guns. Being proficient in defending yourself will protect you from most danger posed by people with bad intentions. Not having guns will protect you from the threat of accident posed by simply owning one.

If a gun served some other purpose than simply the threat of death then I would own one but to own one out of fear of other guns/people is illogical and dangerous. Expecting for gun lovers to see another way other than GUNS GUNS GUNS!!! is illogical as well since they have already made up their minds. There are other ways of defending your selves that are just as effective and would not end in loss of life. Don't make excuses because you are waiting for the opportunity to paint your living room in blood. Its like telling religious people that life is beautiful without the need to interject God.


Active Member
i got a .45 hipoint for 100 i think. it was used tho. but isn't there a way you can get your rights restored? i use to work with a guy and he got his back somehow. i dont kno about all of them tho, i only know of him voting.

dont be fooled, the whole world is going down a dark path. but really, i could care less about europe. we got our own problems.
Responsible gun ownership - Being taught to use a gun. I think people should have the option to take gun classes in school, they teach them to drive. Regulations are already excessive in all honestly. Waiting periods and the like do not work, look at any state with a waiting period vs one without it. How many legal owners of guns commit crimes using them yearly? Not that many. There are hundreds of millions of guns in America, if you outlawed them, you would only get the legit legal citizens guns. What restrictions have actually worked? How about just giving me a license to own a gun? Let me go to a building, show that I understand gun safety, and prove that I can handle a weapon, then leave me alone. They actually give out FFL's to collectors to order antique guns (which encompass nearly all guns). You pay the fee, they check you out, then you can order them to your house with no background check. Do you know how many crimes C&R holders commit a year with their guns? None. Do you know how many crimes legal machine gun owners commit yearly? None.

Outlawing guns because people who get them illegally shoot people. It would be like outlawing cars cause someone could steal it and go on a rampage. It makes no sense at all. Hell, why not outlaw women being allowed to go outside, that would surely solve a lot of the rape problem. The reason none of those 3 things happen is because you are punishing the law abiding citizens for something some douchebag did.

"There are approximately two million defensive gun uses (DGU's) per year by law abiding citizens. That was one of the findings in a national survey conducted by Gary Kleck, a Florida State University criminologist in 1993. Prior to Dr. Kleck's survey, thirteen other surveys indicated a range of between 800,000 to 2.5 million DGU's annually. However these surveys each had their flaws which prompted Dr. Kleck to conduct his own study specifically tailored to estimate the number of DGU's annually."

That is a lot of protection, whether you go with the low or high number thats thousands of people a day who are not being robbed, raped, and murdered because they have a gun.

Im pretty sure that the going statistic that I see quoted is "only 3% of women who carry a gun concealed with a permit that are the victims of an attempted rape are actually raped" as opposed to a much larger percent for unarmed women.

I have many guns, both purchased officially and not, all are legal. I prefer to buy guns without being tied to me, so I have them in case they round up the guns. I don't see the distinction between growing because I fucking feel like it and not hurting anyone, vs owning a gun because I fucking feel like it and not hurting anyone. Either way I'm doing what I want, legal or not.

As bad as everyone hated republicans a few years ago, they hate the democrats as bad now. lol. Maybe we will actually get a 3rd party soon.

If you look at the worst states for crime, you will see the most restrictive states at the top. New York, Illinois, California. What does that tell you about how well gun control works?

There are more guns than cars in the united states. Yet, more people die in cars than due to guns. Do any of you consider cars to be unsafe generally? I bet everyone here pretty much owns a car.

All in all, every bit of this is still completely pointless to argue. The simple fact is:

I have the right to own guns to protect myself per the constitution, nothing you can say or do removes that fact, or my god given right to protect myself. Passing all the laws you feel like wont change that, Ill still have guns, and Ill still feel justified shooting you if its morally acceptable to me in a situation.

I still don't understand how anyone can honestly be pro choice, pro legalization, and anti gun.

I think most "anti gun people" would just like to see more oversight.. I mean, there's more red tape involved with donating blood then buying a gun.. Not that i feel like the people that get them legally are dangerous( although alot of stupid people have more guns then sense.) Its the people that end up with them down the road.. Just for instance when you sell a gun to some one the paper trail ends.. I think that is a very large lack of regulation on something people are very worried about...(Guns scare people thats why you own one)
I cant own a gun but I would kill without a thought to protect my family... But I think People who own guns for that purpose exaggerate the dangers of the world we live in. I live in a fairly dangerous city.. Im 28 and have put myself in shady situations , but still Ive never been in a situation where i found myself in dire need of a gun to end someones life.
I got friends with ccw that think they are now legally and morally responsible for the world, like they are john wayne...


Well-Known Member
I can only give you my experience with guns and my reasons for my decisions, nothing else. The first time I shot a gun was at Christian Summer Camp. I took the shooting. I was 13 and my parents were not informed that their child would be learning to shoot a rifle at christian camp. I went every summer for years and I always took the gun courses. (as well as the archery courses) There I learned about the inner workings of a basic rifle. About bullets and loading them. I've never had to use one in self defense or for any practical reason in day to day life. It serves a single person which is to kill. I wish to kill no one. My step-father was a hit-man for the french legion, an assassin, and he did not keep a gun in the house. Another Step-father, kept his in the car, he was a POW who never wanted to be recaptured.

Everyone else I know who carried a gun did so for personal protection but I do not know anyone who has ever been forced to fire their weapon at another human being in "self defense". The ONLY reason I would defend myself with a firearm is if there was someone in my home threatening my family with a firearm. In that case, I would not have time to acquire my weapon from its lockbox seeing as how I would have to hide the lockbox from 3 children. We just moved out of a place where our roomate had a gun (because his house got robbed without him in it,makes no sense to me either) and every time there was a loud noise at the door at night or anything out of the ordinary, he would charge upstairs with his chrome 9mm. This guy is a devout christian who goes to church every sunday, says his prayers every night and would never hurt a thing and here he is brandishing a firearm in his home because of something that never required a firearm anyway.

Now, I won't pretend that the guy breaking into my house to rape my wife and children and dance around in my skin does not have a gun and bad intentions. I Know he has a gun but I know a dozen ways to relieve him of his weapon and disable/cripple/maim the assailant. I am not helpless because I do not possess a firearm. I have lots of weapons around my house and am getting a new dog + stun gun very soon. Any recommendations for a stun gun? Not sure if i should go with contact or ranged.

Having a gun only ensures that you have a ranged weapon available IF you are in a situation that requires it. You would only need it to defend the LIVES of yourself or your family. It is excessive to think that you are going to save some stranger at a corner store on the off chance someone robs it while you're snagging rolling papers. Even then, you would be better off letting him take the money and get caught 15m later. If someone has a gun pointed at you then yours is useless. All it does is make killing easier, that's the defense. OMG someone poses a threat, SHOOT. Kevlar protects from people with guns, not more guns. Being proficient in defending yourself will protect you from most danger posed by people with bad intentions. Not having guns will protect you from the threat of accident posed by simply owning one.

If a gun served some other purpose than simply the threat of death then I would own one but to own one out of fear of other guns/people is illogical and dangerous. Expecting for gun lovers to see another way other than GUNS GUNS GUNS!!! is illogical as well since they have already made up their minds. There are other ways of defending your selves that are just as effective and would not end in loss of life. Don't make excuses because you are waiting for the opportunity to paint your living room in blood. Its like telling religious people that life is beautiful without the need to interject God.
Great story. Unfortunately most of us aren't Steven Segal. Guns serve quite a few purposes other than killing. Target shooting is a legitimate sport. Olympic Biathlon anyone? Hunting (I know that's killing). Just plain old collecting. I have a brother who collects guns. He doesn't shoot any of them. Just collects them. Guns usually go up in value so they are actually a good investment. Who knew?:confused:


Active Member
Target shooting is simulating a kill, even if its just a fake target. How many shooting ranges use humanoid targets? Hunting, as you admitted, is killing. I can certainly understand gun collection, assuming one does not also collect bullets and the firing pins are removed. Besides that though, you pretty much said "Killing and fake killing".


Active Member
I got friends with ccw that think they are now legally and morally responsible for the world, like they are john wayne...
Exactly! I've seen this in many people who have a permit and a gun. They want one to protect them selves and their families but when they get one they are just looking for a reason to use it. When all you have is a hammer, everything starts looking like a nail. That's what scares the rest of us.

The amount of money and energy spent on purchasing and learning to use a firearm could also be put towards the use of a stun gun, self defense, dogs, an effective alarm system, learning to keep yourself out of that situation. But no, since this is America and guns are pop-culture, people disregard common sense in favor of the quick and easy solution of pointing a weapon and ending someone's life.

If we all woke up to find that we had the ability to wield lighting bolts with our hands, the rate of deaths due to lightning strikes would raise 10000 fold within the first 24 hours.


Well-Known Member
you act like the death rate raised exponentially when we first started to bear arms, other then war times. and your reasoning on lightning bolts is silly. if someone knows you are equally capable of the same weaponry their likelihood of attack drops. i contend that deaths would DROP 10000 fold.


Active Member
you act like the death rate raised exponentially when we first started to bear arms, other then war times. and your reasoning on lightning bolts is silly. if someone knows you are equally capable of the same weaponry their likelihood of attack drops. i contend that deaths would DROP 10000 fold.
So what you're saying then is, if no one has a gun then the guy who was going to attack me won't because he knows neither of us is carrying a gun. You didn't think that one through very well. The more likely scenario would be that my attacker knows he will get shot if he does not "jump the gun" and shoot me first. This is like talking to religious folks about God. You sound like your parroting some NRA pamphlet riddled with propaganda and flawed logic.

I carry no weapon, yet I challenge you to attack me with a knife or a bat. The ease of which using a gun to take of life is so profound that you simply need to point and squeeze. It is a simple to use and efficient killing machine, as was designed. It is frequently abused to threaten and kill human beings on a regular basis, as was designed. It is much harder to kill a human being with a non-ballistic weapon. The loaded gun provides people with an opportunity to end someone's existence in a flash of a second from a distance. It only has to be a passing thought. If you are carrying a gun and you have 1 second to react, that gun will be in your hand pointed at your victim before you can consider any other possibility. It gives ANYONE the ability to force their will upon other people and that right should not be so readily available and the responsibility entailed by handling one should not be so easily dismissed.

Owning a gun/bullets is a heavy responsibility and should be considered as such. I'm not against them. I just believe that there should be more restrictions on the type of gun you are legally allowed to possess within a certain region and that bullets should be much more expensive OR harder to acquire.

I am not against guns. But I refuse to disregard the danger they pose, for the sake of myself and my family.


Well-Known Member
How the fuck are guns POP culture!!
You are fucking reaching now dude.
Actually lost all credibility with that statement.
You can kill just as easily with a Crossbow,Knife,Car you name it,someone can KILL with it.


Active Member
E. But no, since this is America and guns are pop-culture, people disregard common sense in favor of the quick and easy solution of pointing a weapon and ending someone's life.
Pop culture... Thats a good point.... I would say you need no more than a 25 cal. weapon for home protection( especially if you dont want you to be the tool who accidentally kills your kids or wife), But still high caliber hand guns are a status symbol...

*in best redneck voice* shoot boy mine a gone thru a 350 smallblock and come clean out the other side...

I know this sounds liberal but i think assault rifles should not be legal.... It seems for many that a gun is a dick extension...

Im not against guns but I dont think anyone has a right to own anything they want.. Does the right to bear arms mean i can own a nuke...I guess it does .. I see rpg's at gun shows... Does that seem reasonable.. Its just hard to talk to people about this cause they feels as if you are challenging their faith.. but i just want a safer world for myself and my kids... Im shit, if my neighbor has a 44 and is the victim of a B&E and fires some off those bullets are strong enough to make it to my house, my kids...My family could die. for what so he could kill a guy he could have subdued