I'm still new to this so I could be wrong, but I feel like every time I check an organic grow out on growdiaries the plants are exploding by week 3 and my plants are always lagging behind, comparatively speaking. I'm currently running two photos and two autos and it pisses me off to see how fast some of these other autos perform. My method is to use FFOF (plus perlite, Myco and EWC) and top-dress every 3 - 4 weeks...so no liquid nutes.
I know I shouldn't compare and just be patient - my competitive side is saying wtf but my objective side is legit wondering if organic medium and slow release nutrients are always going to be slower than liquid salt-based nutes (even if they are also organic) -- is this just the way it is, or am I still doing something wrong?
So bro the amount if factors to consider is immense. To give you a straight answer woild probably take a back an forth cinversarion that cover 3 to 6 months of you noting and sharing every single thing you do so that we can determine what you are doing right and what needs to be imprived on.
If you thought that mixing some soil together and adding some dry nutes was going to automarically give you pro results then I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news but thats not going to be the case.
Behind every photo taken week in and week out, every Youtube video showing weekly progress and every guy showing you his amazing results is generally years of practise, research and plant techniques such as training, defolioation and good watering practises.
Other than enviromental conditions there is light intesity that needs to be dialled in, you have to get the biology in your soil working well together, your watering game needs to be on point ans honestly bro so much more.
Take a step back from the way you sre viewing this and realize it will be a work in progress, especially if you are going with gorwing in soil. If you wanted a quick and easy, hydro should have been the way you ventured.
If you stick with soil start to do research. Learn about rhe soil food web, each component that goes into that. Go check out Korean Natural Farming and how to make your own addititves. You need to learn about what bacteria you need in your soil tonget thr breakdown process of your materials going. Top dressing, cover cropping and good plant nutrition. Check out what you target ranges are for each nutrient and identify what they do for your plant. Look at natural pest and diseas control measures and include them in your process.
All of these factors play a role in your success and there are so much more to explore.
The truth here bro if you want to get good at the soil game, you need to get read up on your biology game. It sucks that these soil guys sell you the dream in a bag but rhe truth is that the top quality bud are grown but the giys who put in the work. There are no shortcuts in the world of organic cultivation.