Who thinks they are NOT a slave....think again...you are

Since there seems to be more opposition to the OP than agreement, I was hoping someone could reply to some of these main points in the article;

-If being denied 100% of your labor makes you a slave, at what percentage are you no longer a slave?

-When you file your taxes, take into account not only your income taxes, but sales tax, gasoline tax, sin tax, and every other tax imaginable, and you’re likely to have something close to a 50% tax burden

-Intimidation works

-You don't own property

-A slave who can pick a master is still a slave

-You are subject to the will of the State. You are not your master.

To conclude, there are a lot of noticeable differences between chattel slavery and modern slavery. Those differences afford us much more safety and comfort, but this is an evolution in slavery, not freedom. The chains are invisible, which makes today’s slavery much more effective. We are regarded by the State as livestock to supply the master with money. A “free range” tax cow. We are given a degree of freedom that chattel slaves were not, because being cramped and locked up drops the productivity of the livestock, due to sickness and depression. Taking livestock to pasture benefits the farmer. Occasionally an animal will run off, but if you set up enough punishment, and you give your animals a comfortable cage, they will return.
i read it i feel the same way, people think they are happy and they think the system is necessary. i think anyone designing an honest system should include a "success by" date like u might see on some milk best before...
its like people who give their last free resource to the government in the form of legalization, when they could have just grown the plant under decriminalization, provided for thoses in need, done the world some good directly, ect
instead of color and whips/chains now its a numbers game built against u, u can even play doesnt matter
i read it i feel the same way, people think they are happy and they think the system is necessary. i think anyone designing an honest system should include a "success by" date like u might see on some milk best before...
its like people who give their last free resource to the government in the form of legalization, when they could have just grown the plant under decriminalization, provided for thoses in need, done the world some good directly, ect
instead of color and whips/chains now its a numbers game built against u, u can even play doesnt matter

Are you talking about it would of been easier to get legal to possess and grow
Illegal to sell?
if being denied 100% of your labor makes you a slave, at what percentage are you no longer a slave?

loaded question with false presupposition, i reject the question entirely.

you are a slave when someone owns you as their property and you are not given the rights of a human being. such practices have been outlawed in this country.

When you file your taxes, take into account not only your income taxes, but sales tax, gasoline tax, sin tax, and every other tax imaginable, and you’re likely to have something close to a 50% tax burden

even if that is true, and it is often not, taxation in this nation is not comparable to slavery in any way.

Intimidation works

being intimidated and being enslaved are not the same.

You don't own property

anyone in our country can own property.

A slave who can pick a master is still a slave

a slave is owned as property by someone. that practice is illegal in our country.

You are subject to the will of the State. You are not your master.

"the state" in our nation is a constitutional republic which forbids slavery as per the constitution.

we are "subject to the will" of our democratically elected representatives, who must abide by the dictates of our constitutional republic.

our democratically elected representatives are "subject to the will" of the people. we are our own masters within the confines of the constitution.


refuting lysander spooner bores me in its simplicity.

To conclude, there are a lot of noticeable differences between chattel slavery and modern slavery. Those differences afford us much more safety and comfort, but this is an evolution in slavery, not freedom. The chains are invisible, which makes today’s slavery much more effective. We are regarded by the State as livestock to supply the master with money. A “free range” tax cow. We are given a degree of freedom that chattel slaves were not, because being cramped and locked up drops the productivity of the livestock, due to sickness and depression. Taking livestock to pasture benefits the farmer. Occasionally an animal will run off, but if you set up enough punishment, and you give your animals a comfortable cage, they will return.


no one is allowed to be owned by another person as property. america is great in that way. no slavery.

double yawn.
uncle buck got confused when the slave owners decided to let him play in the game, to treat him better so he produces better. he is happy, believes the system is necessary....
uncle buck got confused when the slave owners decided to let him play in the game, to treat him better so he produces better. he is happy, believes the system is necessary....

what system?

the only "system" that governs my life is the constitution of the united states. it outlaws slavery.

it may not be everything i ever dreamed for, but it's pretty damn good.
"outlaws slavery" nice sound byte, all u need to hear. ur fully submersed in some scary bullcrap. one thing is ur not even free to travel to the grocery store by car u have to do this and that and be a part of something else.<thats a whole other can of worms but..
First off, sorry did not read the original article, as the pagination well it had none and I am too blind to squint; although have read most of the posts :)

I think freedom, is difficult to define as much of the feeling of freedom is a state of mind. A person coming from a war ravaged country, making it to say Australia for example; will feel a huge sense of freedom.

Freedom in the true sense of the word, is almost a pipe dream, as long as we have been vertical, man has sought out freedom and in most cases told they were fighting for it. Are we more free now than we were given a strip of land by the lord and paid the modest tax? Debatable but times are a different.

Every person I think has their own ideal of what would be freedom to them, I think using the term slave to describe a typical western person plugged into the system is an incorrect term; namely because of the mental image it installs.

Personally my pipe dream of freedom is to be as unplugged and self sufficient as possible. Not putting ones back to the modern day although creating a more harmonious way to live and thrive in a world that is system and money driven, that we cannot change.

You my not truly own your land, although the reality is pretty much once you have your piece of dirt you are far more free.

There will always be an element of society promoting the whole anarchy narrow minded thought process, same as we will always have a flawed societal system no matter where you live.

I reckon and just my two cents. Work towards creating a bubble for your family, a piece of self sufficient to a point living and if possible self financing so not working for the man if you want to put it that way.
Anarchism is a radical form of democracy. Have you gone third way or something?

Anarchism doesn't even imply democracy. Democracy translates to rule by the people, anarchy means no rulers. Democracy requires everyone to participate. Otherwise it is not democracy.
NSA surveillance isn't tyranny. A law making it mandatory to purchase private insurance isn't tyranny. The NDAA most certainly isn't tyranny. Guantanamo Bay remaining open despite explicit promises to close it is not tyranny. Blaming congress for things that the executive branch has power over isn't tyranny. Waging a drug war isn't tyranny. Waging multiple drone wars isn't tyranny. Threatening to impose Hillary Clinton on us isn't tyranny.

Oh wait, actually all those things are tyranny.
I think I am not a slave. But, you said think again....OK. Not a slave. Not a slave by any difintion.

But a slave of passion I see in the yeti. A slave of a broken theory. The personal hell of self impossed slave quarters.

It is from only one thing. If you think we are slaves and only you and a bookish few can see it....it is you, Rob, who is the slave to his own ego.

Self righteousness is a religion.
I think I am not a slave. But, you said think again....OK. Not a slave. Not a slave by any difintion.

But a slave of passion I see in the yeti. A slave of a broken theory. The personal hell of self impossed slave quarters.

It is from only one thing. If you think we are slaves and only you and a bookish few can see it....it is you, Rob, who is the slave to his own ego.

Self righteousness is a religion.

Anything you don't agree with you label a "religion". Another word you don't understand.

Argue the substance if you've got anything to say

@ Buck, the traditional "slave" is not the definition that is being used in the article, the author even mentions that near the top
I think if you're going to support that argument, you would first need to address the inherent problems in the two party system of government, I for one don't think any part of the election process is legitimate, so I don't believe we are actually choosing anything. We're being given two choices to pick from, neither of which we really ever chose ourselves.

The issue is that every other club faces the same problem, and in a lot of them, it's much worse. The idea that this is the best option available doesn't preclude improvement.

those who do not involve themselves in the political process..should not complain..we have many choices on both sides of the aisle and in-between..it's called primaries.

when was the last time you volunteered for public service?