Well-Known Member
no one has ever threatened to harm me if i didn't sign a W4.
So you are saying don't pay taxes as a peaceful solution. Seriously, why beat around the answer?
no one has ever threatened to harm me if i didn't sign a W4.
you can't. you have to sign the W4 to be taxed and thus eligible for tax evasion.
if you don't sign the W4 (and you don't have to), then you're in the clear.
So we can only assume you are a loser in life trying to rationalize his failures on a system he cannot succeed in
So you don't sign the w4....then you go "endorse" your paycheck to the Fed don't see this as a taxable event? Private credit requires interest.
you can't. you have to sign the W4 to be taxed and thus eligible for tax evasion.
if you don't sign the W4 (and you don't have to), then you're in the clear.
Uncle Buck showing us his grasp of the real world folks.
Owner/Operators driving a truck, business owners, contract labor (or anyone working on a 1099), ebay sales, yard sales, treadmill sales, tips, winnings from lottery, poker wins, etc all require you tithe your government and none involve signing a W4 and it's still considered tax evasion if you don't pony up.
If only Al Capone hadn't signed that W4 he would have never went to jail.
you can't. you have to sign the W4 to be taxed and thus eligible for tax evasion.
if you don't sign the W4 (and you don't have to), then you're in the clear.
"i had a yard sale and didn't pay taxes on it, now my family is in federal prison doing slave labor", said no one ever.
This ^^^^ does not equal that vvvvv
Can't win on merit, change the argument. You stepped in it dude, just man up.
funny, you're the idiot that changed the discussion to yard sale tax evasion.
I never claimed you would go to jail
yard sales...require you tithe your government and none involve signing a W4 and it's still considered tax evasion if you don't pony up.
If only Al Capone hadn't signed that W4 he would have never went to jail.
"what are you in here for?"
"yard sale tax evasion", said no one ever.
I'd like to share 1 whole star with this slavish thread.
You guys do know that by not voting at all, actually make the score lower right?