Who thinks they are NOT a slave....think again...you are

If a person or a person acting on behalf of an organization takes SOME of what you own, but not ALL of what you own without your permission, were you robbed?

how can taxes be theft when you have to agree to them voluntarily first?

no one can tax you if you choose not to sign a W4. no one can tax you on gas if you don't buy gas.

no one has ever forced anyone to sign a W4 or buy gas.

you are a whiny lysander spooner nut hugger.
you can't. you have to sign the W4 to be taxed and thus eligible for tax evasion.

if you don't sign the W4 (and you don't have to), then you're in the clear.

Well, I'm of the opinion that in our culture today, you have to be employed to survive. So you're right I guess if you don't want to survive.. I know you'll disagree with that and claim that you don't "have" to be employed to survive, but you and I both know that's simply a scapegoat and if it wasn't you would offer a practical solution to how 300+ million people could survive in a society such as ours without "jobs" as we currently understand them to be.

Do you have such a solution?
Just like I said, a scapegoat. You offer no solution. Your previous point is rendered completely invalid if you can't offer any solution to support that premise. You say: you don't have to agree to anything. I say: you have to agree to have a job, and you have to have a job to survive. You say: that's your opinion... with no counter argument

Well guess what, you saying "no you don't" is just your opinion, too! Back it up or stfu
i don't need to in order to disprove this fallacious and stupid argument.

no, actually you said that. recall:

Well, I'm of the opinion that in our culture today, you have to be employed to survive.

Well, I'm not going to get involved in a UB jerkoff session of be dumber than me, because you always win those. So enjoy yourself the rest of the thread
because if anyone knows how to survive without having a job, its unclebuck.

awwww, do i sense a wee bit of derriere devastation?

wipe the tears and cum from your butt cheeks before it evaporates because you are seething with rage.

"i suck dick on craigslist for a living. they're called blowjobs, not blowfuns, bucktard" - spandy

just kidding, you never said that. but you did express your preference for white separatism.

Multiculturalism works best when the ocean separates each culture.

awwwww, does my memory get in the way of you not wanting to be known as a white separatist racist?

there is no need to be upset.

it is possible you may be upset. don't be.
I fundamentally agree with the article, didn't find it hard to read at all.
Not the born into a social contract though that was by signature not act of birth....not yet anyhow.
I agree serf is the proper term.
I would say ignorance of money is the glue in all of this....we "enslave" ourselves in this regard.
Well, I'm not going to get involved in a UB jerkoff session of be dumber than me, because you always win those. So enjoy yourself the rest of the thread

Yeah but that's how they win in their minds though......watch what happens next I'm psycic....references to other threads perhaps unrelated cross posts....repeat..repeat..repeat..until it becomes reality. Like private credit is "money". Repeat..repeat..repeat.."our democracy"...repeat..repeat..repeat.....
Just like I said, a scapegoat. You offer no solution. Your previous point is rendered completely invalid if you can't offer any solution to support that premise. You say: you don't have to agree to anything. I say: you have to agree to have a job, and you have to have a job to survive. You say: that's your opinion... with no counter argument

Well guess what, you saying "no you don't" is just your opinion, too! Back it up or stfu

You think there are solutions. Ha HAaaaa.