This is perhaps one way of looking at a situation. Let us look at it another way. You join a club. The club charges dues, for those dues you get certain priveleges and you may or may not take advantage of those priveleges. Someone else may. Should you renounce your memebership in that club, you are no longer entitled to those benefits. You don't get to use the club house or drink from that keg that everyone chipped into. Do you "own" that keg by virtue of your having paid for a portion of the contents? You do not. Every year a leader is chosen from among the club members, and he may alter the rules, but you are all a party to the rules because you selected the man making them. Are you his slave? Now certainly there is the fact that in real life you do not select the club, you are a defacto member by virtue of your being born in a certain place, but as I have said before, you are indeed free to join any other club that will have you.