Who is still glad we didn't end up with McCain?


New Member
No, you misunderstand. I purchase my insurance myself, not through any employer. I retired at the age of 45.

The reference to WW2 meant that no one had insurance through their work before WW2. Once the employer started the temporary process, it stuck. As soon as the govt. realized that costs could be hidden in the corps. they were all for it. that's what the govt. loves the MOST. Hidden costs, like corporate taxes.


Well-Known Member
the right thing to do is steal your money through his voting for politicians who will take your money and distribute it to who he thinks deserves it..for votes in return of course.,,at least that is how they think..the thing about socialism is the other guys money always runs out.


New Member
Fuck your economics. I know what is the right thing to do.
Yes, Med ... The right thing to do is to never look under the surface, or beyond the nose on your face.

The right thing to do is to let the politicians give you a snow job, get up your hopes and never look at history to gauge the scope of what they are trying to do, or to where their programs will lead.

The right thing to do, under false promises, is to let government officials control every aspect of our personal lives until every vestige of liberty is squeezed from the private sector.

The right thing to do is to destroy capitalism, individual incentive, free markets, free minds ... and turn it all over to The Nanny State.

The right thing to do, Med ... when push comes to shove, is to educate yourself.



Well-Known Member
Follow the actions and not the words. Next, follow the money. Where they intersect is usually the real truth.

Let's see

Money - Comes out of my pocket, and pockets of people like me.

Truth - The government says it's here to help, but now that I need help it's no where to be found.

Answer - I'm, and others like me are, getting screwed by the government...


Well-Known Member
Oh, oh i am...."LFSWTM" that is, "long fart sound with the mouth"......I was watchinf c-span an this was clearly displayed and talked about.....
Here's some crazy OBAMATH...Obama Math, with help from mr Biden on C-SPAN

150,000 new jobs are to be created with 787 billion in stimulus.

Ok, so thats.....in numbers only

150,000 and 787,000,000,000

ok, most calculators won't do that so.....simplify, take away 4 zeros from each...

15 (people) and 78,700,000 (dollars) Divide them and....

5,246,666.67........actually 5,246,666.6666666666666666666666666666666666666666

so per job its over 5 million dollars each. So I ask, what is really going on?

I think that 787 billion dollars should make at least 787 million jobs. Would it really cost more than $100,000 to make a lucritive and stable career for one american. I know that I may have over simplified the stimulus, but I think that this fact should be looked into.


Well-Known Member
sorry i didnt catch up on this whole thread..but as the title states..I am glad as all hell i didnt get some rambling old man with shakey hands, and a female vp with little to no political experience, who spend ungodly amounts of campaign dollars on clothes. Just my nickle
Let me get this straight, you are against a VP with very little political experience, however, you are ok with a pres with little experience? Some people confuse the hell out of me.

At any rate, I cant stand repubs or dems, they all super canidates, trotted out like some sort of fancy dog show, once they get your vote their door closes.

what... huh?

Active Member
Holding your own insurance will be an option only for the very wealthy.

The govt. will undercut the private insurance companies. They can't operate on air so they will fold. Only govt. health care will be left in the end, as is their end game plan. Baby steps they are taking, but the goal is within reach.

Of course they will undercut the private insurance companies.

They will reduce. They are amongst the largest financial players in the world. AIG is no joke. Hmmmm... why is AIG on the tongue? Oh right... bailout...

Phuck em.


The post office undercuts Fed Ex, UPS, and DHL. Somehow they manage to not only survive, compete with the government, and compete with each other, but still make billions.

The Government is inefficient. Efficiency in private industry creates a market where there doesn't seem to be one. It has worked in countless examples. I don't know why you think it wouldn't. The market adjusts.

Will they make as MUCH as they do now? LOL of course not. Why the hell should that concern me? I am not willing to give up healthcare to spare the pools of AIG execs.


New Member
Of course they will undercut the private insurance companies.

They will reduce. They are amongst the largest financial players in the world. AIG is no joke. Hmmmm... why is AIG on the tongue? Oh right... bailout...

Phuck em.


The post office undercuts Fed Ex, UPS, and DHL. Somehow they manage to not only survive, compete with the government, and compete with each other, yet still make billions.

The Government is inefficient. Efficiency in private industry creates a market where there doesn't seem to be one. It has worked in countless examples. I don't know why you think it wouldn't. The market adjusts.

Will they make as MUCH as they do now? LOL of course not. Why the hell should that concern me? I am not willing to give up healthcare to spare the pools of AIG execs.
You underestimate the undercut. Again, if this abortion called Public health care is enacted, it will destroy the private sector, which is the INTENT. Smaller pools of customers will make the prices rise, which will further drive more away, prices rise, see the pattern?


Well-Known Member
NOT ME...did any of you hear his speech in Egypt...

This Obama is gonna but the children of this country under a 65-75% tax burden only way to pay it back

what... huh?

Active Member
It will destroy the private sector as we know it.

As I know it, it is rife with greed, mismanagement, and cost overruns. For the majority of Americans... it doesn't matter what state it is in, which I again argue is poor... because they are not part of the system.

As to the rise in privatized coverage... they will re-organize. They are not sustainable at their size with a socialist underpinning. Shrink. Shrink. Until they are sustainable. These are networks. I do not know why they need to be multi-billion dollar networks. Hospitals are going to lose a lot of money. I am ok with that. Doctors are going to lose a lot of money. I am ok with that too. Insurance companies at a managable size are sustainable.

BTW... we aren't going to get socialized health care under Obama. You may get a program here or there to benefit illegal aliens or something... but the insurance industry is too wealthy. They have too much influence. Every democrat in the last 50 years has gone on about this crap... it has always been lip service. That industry will do anything to prevent it... unless you think Obama is somehow better than the others that is...


New Member
One of the very large reasons insurance is already expensive is because of Govt. intervention. The govt. does nothing but encourage tort lawyers to feed on them which makes it very very expensive. If insurance (health) was stripped down and protected by the courts, you would not even consider public health care. Ahh, but there is the rub. That is NOT what the govt. wants (either party). It's all about undermining, vilification followed by power consolidation.

AIG is a great example.

AIG was the tool for the govt., pressured into complying. Those AIG guys who were getting the big bonuses were the ones that literally invented new equations to make the real numbers tolerable...when they were not. This is why they were getting all that loot. When the entire thing crashed, the govt. quickly put them on the chopping block else the ppl realize it was THEM.

Fred & fannie exec's all got millions in bonuses at the very same time... Nary a peep from govt. (or the media..SHAME on them), because that canard was too difficult to pass by the public.


Well-Known Member
You underestimate the undercut. Again, if this abortion called Public health care is enacted, it will destroy the private sector, which is the INTENT. Smaller pools of customers will make the prices rise, which will further drive more away, prices rise, see the pattern?
Those that believe in a single payor system are delusional. We have seen medical prices get inflated over the last 50 years since the advent of Medicare and even faster since the advent of Medicaid.

The reason is simple, the insurance companies having a smaller risk pool have to increase their premiums. Any one familiar with anything relating to actuarial tables would understand that insurance becomes more sustainable the more people you spread it out amongst, because then it is not possible for one catastrophic illness to wipe out the entire pool leaving all but the f* that got sick with jack sh*t.

The single payor system is imbecilic, supported by imbeciles, and a communist tool to oppress the working class even further. The last thing I want is another involuntary "benefit" provided to me with my own stolen money from the government. I want the government to leave me the fuck alone, the same thing that I've wanted since I started working at $5.50 an hour.

I want my payroll taxes and my income taxes to be in my own pocket, not stolen and then "given" back to me to slap me in the face by emphasizing the fact that the government wants me to continue to work as a slave for them, as can be witnessed by their psychotic obsession with health care, and Socialist Insecurity.

The left are imbeciles who support their own enslavement at the hands of the god they have created named State.


New Member
Those that believe in a single payor system are delusional. We have seen medical prices get inflated over the last 50 years since the advent of Medicare and even faster since the advent of Medicaid.

The reason is simple, the insurance companies having a smaller risk pool have to increase their premiums. Any one familiar with anything relating to actuarial tables would understand that insurance becomes more sustainable the more people you spread it out amongst, because then it is not possible for one catastrophic illness to wipe out the entire pool leaving all but the f* that got sick with jack sh*t.

The single payor system is imbecilic, supported by imbeciles, and a communist tool to oppress the working class even further. The last thing I want is another involuntary "benefit" provided to me with my own stolen money from the government. I want the government to leave me the fuck alone, the same thing that I've wanted since I started working at $5.50 an hour.

I want my payroll taxes and my income taxes to be in my own pocket, not stolen and then "given" back to me to slap me in the face by emphasizing the fact that the government wants me to continue to work as a slave for them, as can be witnessed by their psychotic obsession with health care, and Socialist Insecurity.

The left are imbeciles who support their own enslavement at the hands of the god they have created named State.
Going by what your saying tho is that if healthcare was government based, then the pool would be so large that costs would plummet.. Right? Thats not such a bad thing...

Look the only time the gov needs to step in in my opinion, is when the private sector has show that it is unable to regulate itself. Once the government stabilizes and puts measures in place they can go back to controlling themselvs. Eventually the controls are released if that makes sense. This has happened in the past, its the governments way of correcting the system from time to time..

We have patterns of regulation and deregulation and both are appropriate at certain times in certain conditions. To say you are against one is I think being inflexible and unable to take current situations into account. I feel a stable system is one that has the flexibility to do what is necessary.


Well-Known Member
Going by what your saying tho is that if healthcare was government based, then the pool would be so large that costs would plummet.. Right? Thats not such a bad thing...

Look the only time the gov needs to step in in my opinion, is when the private sector has show that it is unable to regulate itself. Once the government stabilizes and puts measures in place they can go back to controlling themselvs. Eventually the controls are released if that makes sense. This has happened in the past, its the governments way of correcting the system from time to time..

We have patterns of regulation and deregulation and both are appropriate at certain times in certain conditions. To say you are against one is I think being inflexible and unable to take current situations into account. I feel a stable system is one that has the flexibility to do what is necessary.
Yes it is, involuntary servitude is slavery. Using coercion to force some one to buy something is the equivalent of involuntary servitude.

The current situation is a result of over-regulation that created super-tanker sized loopholes for companies to drive their fraudulent activities through. Loopholes that were carved into the regulations by imbecilic politicians in return for Bribes, err, Campaign Contributions.


New Member
Yes it is, involuntary servitude is slavery. Using coercion to force some one to buy something is the equivalent of involuntary servitude.
One could also argue that as a member of society, you are obligated to have health insurance lest you become a burden to society. The cheapest way to make sure everyone has health care is to have one source. Since monoplys are illegal, it would have to be the government. Just a thought..


Well-Known Member
One could also argue that as a member of society, you are obligated to have health insurance lest you become a burden to society. The cheapest way to make sure everyone has health care is to have one source. Since monoplys are illegal, it would have to be the government. Just a thought..
Government sanctioned monopolies are the only type of monopoly possible, and even with government provided health insurance, the government wouldn't be providing it. The administrators would likely be companies like Aetna, Anthem, and a list of a dozen or so other major insurance companies that would bid on the contracts.

Look up Palmetto GBA, privately operated corporation that holds Medicare Contracts through out the East.
