Who is still glad we didn't end up with McCain?

what... huh?

Active Member
Biden is an idiot but Palin.. Omg the world would never respect us..
How hard is the world working for my respect? It isn't a popularity contest. I don't care what people think, I care what they do. Palin was a disaster waiting to happen.

sorry i didnt catch up on this whole thread..but as the title states..I am glad as all hell i didnt get some rambling old man with shakey hands, and a female vp with little to no political experience, who spend ungodly amounts of campaign dollars on clothes. Just my nickle
The man was tortured brutally for years. The compassion of liberals never ceases to amaze me.

We didn't have anything to do with who ended up as puppet, I meant president.
Amen brother.

Anybody got that date for withdrawl from Iraq wanted so insistantly during the lead up to the recent election?

Whats up with Gitmo?

On the other hand, anyone who looks at Obama's healthcare plan and screams SOCIALIST!!!!!! and ignores Bush buying banks has no idea what socialism is as a system of government.

Here is the odd place I find myself. What I find comforting about Obama is that he is a socialist. What I hate about Bush is that he was a socialist. The difference is, with one I know what I am dealing with.

The beauty of independence is that you are admired to the point of spite. I hate you both... and libertarianism is a breath away from chaos. I don't hate you... I just don't acknowledge you... which works... for now.


Legal egalitarianism. That includes but is not limited to you, affirmative action.


These are my happy places.


New Member
How hard is the world working for my respect? It isn't a popularity contest. I don't care what people think, I care what they do. Palin was a disaster waiting to happen.

The man was tortured brutally for years. The compassion of liberals never ceases to amaze me.

Amen brother.

Anybody got that date for withdrawl from Iraq wanted so insistantly during the lead up to the recent election?

Whats up with Gitmo?

On the other hand, anyone who looks at Obama's healthcare plan and screams SOCIALIST!!!!!! and ignores Bush buying banks has no idea what socialism is as a system of government.

Here is the odd place I find myself. What I find comforting about Obama is that he is a socialist. What I hate about Bush is that he was a socialist. The difference is, with one I know what I am dealing with.

The beauty of independence is that you are admired to the point of spite. I hate you both... and libertarianism is a breath away from chaos. I don't hate you... I just don't acknowledge you... which works... for now.


Legal egalitarianism. That includes but is not limited to you, affirmative action.


These are my happy places.

Im just in it for the lulz......:peace:


Well-Known Member
I am neither a conservative or liberal..I have no compassion for John McCain nor would I want someone on the verge of health problems running our country with Sarah Palin on the backburner. I look out for my family, myself, and a few select friends that have stuck by over the years. There isnt an once of compasion outside of that network. and how does this amaze you so. Can you comprehend that.

The man was tortured brutally for years. The compassion of liberals never ceases to amaze me.


New Member
Actually Tilemasters loyalties are hard wired into the human brain and quite normal. One of the very core reasons capitalism works and socialism doesn't.


Well-Known Member
Thanks you..im still in awe that people think we owe others compassion...
Just want to tweak your phrase. I'm not in awe that there are people that think we owe others compassion. I'm in awe that there are people that think we owe other people we do not personally know compassion.


Well-Known Member
exactly brutal...maybe i shouldve voted for him because it was so sad he was tortured....
I agreed with more of his policies than of Obama's. I didn't care that he was a vet, or had been tortured, or enjoyed the luxurious suites at the Hanoi Hilton. I cared that it seemed that he had a vision of the United States that was better than Obama's.

Of course that all changed when he and Obama both voted to support using the graft they forcefully collect from the country at large to support private corporations.

The United States would very likely have not been better off under McCain, because both he and Obama were tools of the Corporations.

$4 Trillion...

Actually does some one have the new total on how much our bankrupt federal government has shelled out to the private corporations?

And can some one please explain to me where an entity like the United States which should have a Below Investment Grade (D) Credit Rating can get Trillions to borrow?

I need to hit them up for a loan...


New Member
Look some sayings last because they are ultimately true.

I'd rather have a devil I know than have a devil I don't know.

They are both devils, but McCain was the known one. America DOES make mistakes.

what... huh?

Active Member
I am neither a conservative or liberal..I have no compassion for John McCain nor would I want someone on the verge of health problems running our country with Sarah Palin on the backburner. I look out for my family, myself, and a few select friends that have stuck by over the years. There isnt an once of compasion outside of that network. and how does this amaze you so. Can you comprehend that.
I don't think you comprehend the breadth of my post. I think you saw the part that annoyed you.

Yes I comprehend it, as I made the same decision, for the same reason. The point is the man was captured and tortured in the line of duty, and to trivialize that sacrifice is inappropriate in my view. I am offended at the decision. Obama at least chose to compliment his weaknesses with his choice... being experience. Palin was a gimmick... and yes, it was offensive considering his condition. That does not give license to belittle what he did endure. Not that you require any ones license... but I will point it out as a classless move.

what... huh?

Active Member
I feel the same way about Obama and Bush.

The United States will endure a shot of socialism. If it is weak it will correct itself with private industry to fill the gaps as supply and demand mandate in a free market economy. To have, for instance, a government medical program by its very existence does not remove the ability of the industry to compete. If medicine became socialized, the cost of private medicine would plummet to the point of affordability in order to survive. It all comes at a price, no doubt... I am just saying... something has to give, and in contrast to having a dingy milf with a BA in Journalism (with credits from 4 schools) it is a survivable condition. I mean... it does seem to work pretty well for every other modern country. It is also policy, and is reversible.

The United States cannot endure incompetence in leadership. Say what you want about the proclaimed ideology... the man is educated enough to MAKE a decision given intelligence and does not become a puppet of any writhing, speaking in tongues, protecting from witches nonsense to guide them. I see American politics today like a game of D&D where the opposing forces are all pawns of two ancient dragons named Soros and Murdoch, while the victorious in this fruitless battle of ideologues loots the other side. All it does is distract us from real enemies.

"A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within"


Well-Known Member
Mcains sacrifices were made on his behalf....this post was designed for those "'who are still glad McCain is not in office" Yes read it over..With that in mind i posted what exactly? That i am still glad, and that I didnt want a shakey old man in office, that leaves Palin next in line. Sounds like your agenda is all fucked up my friend, assuming im a liberal...saying I have no compassion for torture and blah blah blah. I stated how i felt and you decided to chime in ...about irrelevent matters with John McCains service history. I never mentioned it, and it didnt factor into my choice to dislike him and his entire campaign. Although, 1 point you are right on is that I dont have compassion for him. He does not represent my ideals, and Im sure he isnt looking for yours or my compassion or sympathy. welcome to RUI choose your arguments .. im not in a Do you like McCain thread bashing him..

I don't think you comprehend the breadth of my post. I think you saw the part that annoyed you.

Yes I comprehend it, as I made the same decision, for the same reason. The point is the man was captured and tortured in the line of duty, and to trivialize that sacrifice is inappropriate in my view. I am offended at the decision. Obama at least chose to compliment his weaknesses with his choice... being experience. Palin was a gimmick... and yes, it was offensive considering his condition. That does not give license to belittle what he did endure. Not that you require any ones license... but I will point it out as a classless move.


Well-Known Member
I feel the same way about Obama and Bush.

The United States will endure a shot of socialism. If it is weak it will correct itself with private industry to fill the gaps as supply and demand mandate in a free market economy. To have, for instance, a government medical program by its very existence does not remove the ability of the industry to compete. If medicine became socialized, the cost of private medicine would plummet to the point of affordability in order to survive. It all comes at a price, no doubt... I am just saying... something has to give, and in contrast to having a dingy milf with a BA in Journalism (with credits from 4 schools) it is a survivable condition. I mean... it does seem to work pretty well for every other modern country. It is also policy, and is reversible.

The United States cannot endure incompetence in leadership. Say what you want about the proclaimed ideology... the man is educated enough to MAKE a decision given intelligence and does not become a puppet of any writhing, speaking in tongues, protecting from witches nonsense to guide them. I see American politics today like a game of D&D where the opposing forces are all pawns of two ancient dragons named Soros and Murdoch, while the victorious in this fruitless battle of ideologues loots the other side. All it does is distract us from real enemies.

"A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within"
You're wrong about the entire medical field thing.

If the government socializes medicine quality will fall, the high tech goodies that mark American Medicine and make it so expensive will end up in junk heaps not being used.

Instead of being employed for their own benefit doctors will become slaves to the government, and to the insurance companies, who will of course be the ones reaping the benefit, as they will be the ones that capture the lucrative contracts to manage the expanded Socialist Medical Care Program.

The only losers will be Doctors (who already get shafted by both the government and the insurance companies) and Patients (who also get shafted by the government and the insurance companies).

The winner of course is the Insurance Companies, especially the big ones, Aetna, Anthem, United HealthCare, and maybe another twenty, in a field of thousands of private corporations.

Socialized Medicine will destroy the United States by destroying the Medical Insurance Industry and leading to the outright socialization of the entire nation as unemployment surges to over 20% (30% real.)

Not to mention your failure to explain how doctors could compete with Socialized Medicine (unless there is an opt out.)

The problem is that Socialized Medicine would be paid for with taxes, and would ostensibly cover everyone.

How can that (a service that is forced upon you that you have already paid for, and should might as well get.)
compete with the free market (a service that you have yet to pay for, but would have to pay for if you got it.)

One is already paid for (albeit through coercion, fraud and force)
and another is not already paid for.

If the government socialized medicine only a liberal would think that paying for medical care would make any logical sense...

what... huh?

Active Member
You're wrong about the entire medical field thing.

If the government socializes medicine quality will fall, the high tech goodies that mark American Medicine and make it so expensive will end up in junk heaps not being used.
On the subject of high tech goodies... why do 3 hospitals within 10 blocks each need their own duplicates of the multimillion dollar machinery? Because they are competing. It is a waste of resources that YOU pay for. The cost of health care is so incredibly falsely inflated by so many inefficient practices that would be eliminated practically overnight.

Instead of being employed for their own benefit doctors will become slaves to the government, and to the insurance companies, who will of course be the ones reaping the benefit, as they will be the ones that capture the lucrative contracts to manage the expanded Socialist Medical Care Program.
Yes... I notice in every single other country in the world that the doctors constantly complain about their indenture.

The only losers will be Doctors (who already get shafted by both the government and the insurance companies) and Patients (who also get shafted by the government and the insurance companies).
Yes... those poor abused doctors. Almost brings a tear to your eye thinking about how hard their lives are made in this country... and how much harder their lives would be if an overnight stay at the hotel get well didn't cost 10,000. Poor poor bastards.

The winner of course is the Insurance Companies, especially the big ones, Aetna, Anthem, United HealthCare, and maybe another twenty, in a field of thousands of private corporations.
You do understand that as a federally run system, there would be no insurance companies involved. The government is not paying the insurance companies to cover everyone in America, THEY are covering everyone in America. The LOSER here is without a doubt the insurance industry, which should be figuratively be burned to the ground anyway.

Socialized Medicine will destroy the United States by destroying the Medical Insurance Industry and leading to the outright socialization of the entire nation as unemployment surges to over 20% (30% real.)
Wow. Did you know that 73% of statistics are completely contrived?

Ok... so you do realize the insurance industry would be destroyed... then how would they would be the winners again? Either I do not understand your earlier line or it is contradictory to this one. I will assume I do not get your meaning and ask for clarification.

Not to mention your failure to explain how doctors could compete with Socialized Medicine (unless there is an opt out.)
I didn't fail to explain it, you failed to see that which is self-evident. It would work just like any other socialized system in the US with private competition. Some examples would include: The post office. Fed ex is still making money, with better results. The school system. Private schools still make money, with better results. Public buses. Car companies still make money (well... not American ones). People pay for a few things... their health is one of them.

The problem is that Socialized Medicine would be paid for with taxes, and would ostensibly cover everyone.

How can that (a service that is forced upon you that you have already paid for, and should might as well get.)
compete with the free market (a service that you have yet to pay for, but would have to pay for if you got it.)
Forced? That is the second time you have used that word. Nobody suggested forcing your coverage. It would be very wise to allow opt outs to reduce the overall burden on the tax payer if private insurance is opted for.

One is already paid for (albeit through coercion, fraud and force)
and another is not already paid for.

If the government socialized medicine only a liberal would think that paying for medical care would make any logical sense...
You cannot use liberal and logical in the same sentence.


Well-Known Member
I think most Doctors could use an economic wake up call BT.It would only be temporary though.I Wrote in my vote.Cant wait til we get better choice's 3 years and some "Change" I hope.:peace:BT


New Member
Doctors and hospitals are not the problem...never were. It's the insurance and the lawyers and the govt. All three are the driving forces of upward pricing, nothing else.

True, the govt. will not force you to switch but a squeeze play is still going to happen and then your choices will vaporize. Then the real trouble begins.....

One need only look at operations per capita between the US and Europe. You want to get that kidney transplant? You had better be in the US. Guess where the wealthy of Europe go for medical procedures? Uh huh.....

what... huh?

Active Member
Doctors and hospitals are not the problem...never were. It's the insurance and the lawyers and the govt. All three are the driving forces of upward pricing, nothing else.

True, the govt. will not force you to switch but a squeeze play is still going to happen and then your choices will vaporize. Then the real trouble begins.....

One need only look at operations per capita between the US and Europe. You want to get that kidney transplant? You had better be in the US. Guess where the wealthy of Europe go for medical procedures? Uh huh.....
Typically you would be correct. The US Health care industry as it is now makes the situation atypical. There is no private insurance enterprise in the socialized nations. You don't want to wait for your free healthcare? Pay out of pocket, or, better yet, hold your own insurance.

Health care costs are obscenely inflated. Nationalizing health care would pull the bottom out of the bucket and costs would plummit.


New Member
Holding your own insurance will be an option only for the very wealthy.

The govt. will undercut the private insurance companies. They can't operate on air so they will fold. Only govt. health care will be left in the end, as is their end game plan. Baby steps they are taking, but the goal is within reach.


New Member
They can't operate on air so they will fold. Only govt. health care will be left in the end, as is their end game plan. Baby steps they are taking, but the goal is within reach.
You speak assumptions as if they are truth...

Besides insurance companies are terrible. I know im not the only one here that has had serious medical issues and my HMO did not want to send me to a specialist. Then the specialist did not want to order the surgery!!?!?!?!? I swear these doctors are paid to only let a certain number of people get to a specialist.

After I have my surgery my doctor is like, " yea something is wrong in there, we took some stuff out. Not sure what exactly what is wrong tho.." wtf...

No pitty for the insurance companies....