Who is still glad we didn't end up with McCain?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I did not endorse McCain, but at least he had the balls to call waterboarding torture. Other than that he's pretty much a low brow ahem "war hero".


New Member
Of course the economy will correct, but the damage being done now will last and last......and last. Totally uncalled for and noobishly irresponsible OR heinous....take ur pick.


Well-Known Member
It really wouldnt have mattered other than we would have had a tough guy instead of what we have now.

We would of at least had a halfway hot vice prez to look at and listen too. You betcha!!

Biden is a freakin idiot.

Ditto......................Although I wouldnt mind seeing a little more Megan McCain too ;)


Well-Known Member
If you look at what Harding did you will notice a few things. He cut spending all around, didn't bail out shit, cut taxes, cut gubbermint spending....all conservative leaning ideas, and the economy bounced back within a year...fuckin wow thats the way its done. Now that the economy is shitty anyone out there taking out Jumbo loans? buying a new car every year? spending lots of money eating out at all the hottest restaraunts? Fuck no, we all have cut spending, made do with less, cook our own meals, grow our own food just so we can SAVE! Why can't the Gubbermint do that?


Well-Known Member
If you look at what Harding did you will notice a few things. He cut spending all around, didn't bail out shit, cut taxes, cut gubbermint spending....all conservative leaning ideas, and the economy bounced back within a year...fuckin wow thats the way its done. Now that the economy is shitty anyone out there taking out Jumbo loans? buying a new car every year? spending lots of money eating out at all the hottest restaraunts? Fuck no, we all have cut spending, made do with less, cook our own meals, grow our own food just so we can SAVE! Why can't the Gubbermint do that?
Because everyone has been brainwashed into thinking that "do something" means "fuck with something," when the "do something" usually means make sure you are in a position not to get wiped out.

Me, despite the negative effects it would have on the United States, I really would pay to see the look on any president's face if the bankers called him and told him that they were calling in their debts, or that the Chinese were dumping their treasury notes.


Well-Known Member
sorry i didnt catch up on this whole thread..but as the title states..I am glad as all hell i didnt get some rambling old man with shakey hands, and a female vp with little to no political experience, who spend ungodly amounts of campaign dollars on clothes. Just my nickle


New Member
No, detraction comes from Obama mishandling the entire affair. No experience and it shows.... a very very very expensive lesson is at hand. Pay attention and learn the cold truth of noobishness.