Who is still glad we didn't end up with McCain?


Well-Known Member
old man? LOL would this be an old mans daily driver??

hahaha, you call that hunk of shit a motorcylce? A ninja. hahahahahaha, yeah really nice...My dad is 60 and has one too and its way nicer than that green eyesore. im proud you still have the ability old man, you must be going through a late life crisis ;) it also looks like a pic from ebay motors


New Member
hahaha, you call that hunk of shit a motorcylce? A ninja. hahahahahaha, yeah really nice...My dad is 60 and has one too and its way nicer than that green eyesore. im proud you still have the ability old man, you must be going through a late life crisis ;) it also looks like a pic from ebay motors
and he bases that on.....completely nothing.


New Member
old man? LOL would this be an old mans daily driver??
I seriously doubt it, Most that ride those things don't live long enough to get old. In my youth, I rode the ninja of the day, a 650 Triumph. I realize it was a slug compared to the ninja, but it would easily do 100 MPH+. I did have a bit of a learning curve after an old lady pulled directly in front of me while I was going about 50, barely had time to slap it down and jump, went over the car and luckily landed in the iceplant, got some bruises, but no broken bones, it was about that time that I had an epiphany, riding motorcycles in the land of idiots could be dangerous.


Well-Known Member
hahaha, yep. you should be so proud of yourself.

What are you basing your assumptions on? You hanging out with your little buddy in your spare time? You know as much as me so you have no room to speak either. This dipshit with his neon green motorcycle thinks he is all wise and all knowing and might has well called me a young whippersnapper because im so 'young and inexperienced' in this world


New Member
And yet you think your assumption is correct without any validation.

Here's HOPING you are a young whippersnapper.

At least then there is a chance your foibles are temporary.


Well-Known Member
Make a sensible comment next time. Try and think things through before you post.

Did I say I was even right? Do I even really give a shit? Nope.

If you really have to 'win' this argument, be my guest and have it. There is no value of anything you are saying.

Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 5,905

lol, and thats exactly why it means nothing


Well-Known Member
hey cracker hope u know i wuz just messn with u yesterday..no evil intentions..i appreciate having the diverse views on here..conspiricy theories or not..so to not have ur posts around would be a loss to all...TM


New Member
hey cracker hope u know i wuz just messn with u yesterday..no evil intentions..i appreciate having the diverse views on here..conspiricy theories or not..so to not have ur posts around would be a loss to all...TM
hey bud, it's all good. If you carefully check out my posts you will find me on the OPPOSITE side of most conspiracy stories. I can't imagine anyone wasting all that time to read my past posts tho. :mrgreen: My book will be out next year.


Well-Known Member
heh, you can't hide your youth with those kind of posts. So there is hope for you yet....someday.

Maybe you should think about growing up yourself and doing something constructive with your life....Maybe 'young' but at least im not a loser. personally, im done with this shit cuz i need to get to my class ;) good luck


New Member
Or perhaps I have retired at the age of 45 and traveled most of the world already, try to read a book a week and enjoy posting about one of my fav hobbies!? Gosh....


Well-Known Member
be sure to start a thread indicating where we can get or view the book ohh and i take back the conspiricy thing..if u dont fucks with my spelings:):peace:
hey bud, it's all good. If you carefully check out my posts you will find me on the OPPOSITE side of most conspiracy stories. I can't imagine anyone wasting all that time to read my past posts tho. :mrgreen: My book will be out next year.